View Full Version : MS patients out there??

06-Sep-2007, 01:34 PM
Some of you know me as DC over at Ken Foree.com or SidHaig.com ( officialTonytodd.com within the week) and this post is not about horror or zombies, but about another type of site I'm involved with, it's called LivingWithMyMS.com (http://livingwithmyms.com)...

This is a new venture for me because my wife suffers from MS. She wanted to give other people out there that have it as well a place to feel comfortable and discuss their affliction.

Neil if this is the wrong place for this just let me know & I will delete, but I know that on a few of my other sites I've run accross other fans that suffer from it and I'd like to raise awareness...

06-Sep-2007, 01:51 PM
rock on man, rock the **** on.;)

06-Sep-2007, 03:52 PM
I really dont know anyone who has it. Hope things turn out well for you

06-Sep-2007, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the info DC!
I do have MS and I will check your wife's site out! I hope she is doing ok?
It sure is a hard thing to deal with everyday isnt it?
It's Great to have a place where people understand what you go through everyday..tell her thanks!:D

06-Sep-2007, 11:48 PM
Gosh darnit. I thought the topic said "MS Painters".

07-Sep-2007, 02:06 AM
Thanks for the link man, my mom was recently diagnosed with MS ... preciate it man...e

07-Sep-2007, 03:42 AM
Sorry to hear that Miss J..I hope she is doing ok?

07-Sep-2007, 03:56 AM
Not really she has no regard for her own well being but its just one of many things she has ... she's got cancer and hypertension and she's a raging alcoholic who can't put the drink down and a host of other ailments... maybe its kharmic retribution for her past sins or just a bad luck thing... its just driving me crazy because if I live to be that old I get to look forward to alzheimers, cancer, alcoholism, possibly MS, and now because i'm left handed I have a greater chance at becoming schitzophrenic ... god help me but I understand people who cut and run away from loved ones once they become invalids... the toll it takes on anyone else in the family is like survivors guilt ten fold... everything is my responsibility and the pressure is so much I feel trapped in that feeling when you're drowning and your lungs are full of water and you're dying for air...

I'm sorry I know you're dealing with it yourself but I imagine you're at least dealing with it and not succumbing to it... there's no real cure for it but i'll be damned if i'm going to bend over for an illness and let it take me... and then blame everyone around me for having it...

07-Sep-2007, 05:14 AM
god help me but I understand people who cut and run away from loved ones once they become invalids... the toll it takes on anyone else in the family is like survivors guilt ten fold...
I dont. I think its scumbagish.
Until it's them that needs help then they wonder why no one cares about them.
Sure it's hard.
Life is hard.
If you love someone, you help them.
Im not talking about the alcoholic thing. Thats complicated.
Someone gets sick or hurt you help them unless your a selfish prick:mad:

I understand the wish to be free of all the trauma. I do. But to actually abandon someone to the cold harsh world is something I cant imagine.

My cousin has MS, a good bud of mine has it too. Hell, the Drs thought I had it or a brain tumor, but I didnt. AS f**ked up as I thought life could be in the last couple of years it has gotten way worse than I could imagine. And all the assholes you have to deal with dont help. The people supposed to "help" but have an agenda. but thats a whole'nother bag of crap.

07-Sep-2007, 11:21 AM
Coma... refer your buddies , theres no agenda on our site mon, just a way for folks who suffer with it to talk to others who deal with the same things.
Many MS patients are home alone during the day with no way of getting around or reaching out, thats why my wife asked me to put LivingWithMyMS.com (http://LivingWithMyMS.com) together...

07-Sep-2007, 11:59 AM
wait. being a leftie means your schizophrenic, were the hell'd you hear that?!?:eek:

07-Sep-2007, 04:21 PM
Hey I want to say I went to DC's wife's site and it is really really really nice!
It is a nice place to go where people understand where you are coming from, just remember its starting up and give it time, it will grow!
Send your loved ones and friends there...I will put the link in my signature DC to advert it for you guys!:)

07-Sep-2007, 04:31 PM
Hells... it was recently revealed that those who are left handed have a greater chance at becoming schitzophrenic though its a slim change its still a chance... it has something to do with the chromosomes or whatever that make you left handed though I dont entirely understand the whole rationale behind what makes a person a lefty because i'm more ambidexterous but it still freaks me out I had a friend kill himself after a bout with schitzophrenia who also happened to be a lefty... now that doctors are finding a link it doesn't suprise me much because of tendencies of left handed people but still... eerie none the less

07-Sep-2007, 04:39 PM
oh im calling bollox on that, left or right handeds just something you pick up in childhood like ambidexterity, your using the same area in your brain to move the nerves of the same nervous sytem, just the hand you prefer to write with more often than the other, yet i type with all the fingers on both hands, hence why my typing is terrible, does that mean im gonna suffer from memory loss?, it just sounds a bit too dodgy to me, im more a thinker that left or right handedness is more nurture rather than nature.

07-Sep-2007, 04:43 PM
Well its actually not the same for lefties or righties... when you write with your left hand you're using the right side of your brain (hence the expression left handed people are the only ones in their right minds) and vice versa... and each half of your brain is used for different things for instance one side is the creative side (which is why some believe if you look up and to the one side you're lying as you're talking) and the other half the more mathematical etc side... its possible the side of the brain that you use is what may well trigger this but hey... they're the doctors publishing medical reports in journals of medicine... not me

07-Sep-2007, 05:41 PM
There are some differences between lefty and righty that I have recently learned. The language center for a righty is on the right front of the brain. Leftys have it evenly distributed all over the brain making it more difficult for them to have a complete language deficit in the event of a brian injury. Why is that the case? I have no idea.

08-Sep-2007, 06:28 AM
I thought this thread was to talk about MS? Aren't we getting abit off topic?
MS is a very serious disease and it is very hard to live with everyday. I think it is Great that DC is kind enough to put this thread out for us and the link to his wife's site. Sorry if I sound harsh but, I want to see DC get the word out there!

08-Sep-2007, 08:53 PM
It's good this thread is here
to bring awareness and help
those with MS

08-Sep-2007, 11:23 PM
Not really she has no regard for her own well being but its just one of many things she has ... she's got cancer and hypertension and she's a raging alcoholic who can't put the drink down and a host of other ailments... maybe its kharmic retribution for her past sins or just a bad luck thing... its just driving me crazy because if I live to be that old I get to look forward to alzheimers, cancer, alcoholism, possibly MS, and now because i'm left handed I have a greater chance at becoming schitzophrenic ... god help me but I understand people who cut and run away from loved ones once they become invalids... the toll it takes on anyone else in the family is like survivors guilt ten fold... everything is my responsibility and the pressure is so much I feel trapped in that feeling when you're drowning and your lungs are full of water and you're dying for air...

I'm sorry I know you're dealing with it yourself but I imagine you're at least dealing with it and not succumbing to it... there's no real cure for it but i'll be damned if i'm going to bend over for an illness and let it take me... and then blame everyone around me for having it...

Sorry about your Mom, MJ, and very sorry about the toll these sorts of situations inevitably takes on the family members like yourself. If it's any consolation, there is no guarantee that those things will happen to you and, who the hell knows, maybe when we hit our senior years medical science may have advanced to the point of eliminating a lot of these diseases.

DeadCentral, thanks for the link. I will check the site out shortly.

09-Sep-2007, 12:34 PM
No problem...just get yer butt over there and become a member !! LOL
Support for this diseae is very minimal and the wife wanted to do something about that... I give her major kudo's for it... I'm just a grunt who runs the site on the back end , everything about what happens there is her doing...