View Full Version : Creepshow Special Edition (region 2) Details

06-Sep-2007, 02:39 PM
Sounds like it is finally getting the treatment it deserves on DVD.


06-Sep-2007, 04:05 PM
Great news!

"I can hold my breath for a loooooooong time"

06-Sep-2007, 04:37 PM
Sounds great and all....but why is it alway R2 when I want something?!?!?

Screw this region sh*t....just make the same disc for everyone...

06-Sep-2007, 05:12 PM
Sounds great and all....but why is it alway R2 when I want something?!?!?

Are you kidding? all the best stuff is normally R1 only.. its about we got something you yanks dont :p

06-Sep-2007, 05:26 PM
Yeah, I know. I'm just pissed because there's no "Spaced" and now this....

07-Sep-2007, 01:21 AM
you cna still get it. buy a multi region dvd player thats all ;)

07-Sep-2007, 03:33 AM
whats shaking with the remake? i'm hoping for more creepshow movies like new ones... or new tales from the crypt

triste realtà
07-Sep-2007, 05:51 AM
Are you kidding? all the best stuff is normally R1 only.. its about we got something you yanks dont :p

I thought that's the way it was, then I had doubts, but this confirms it. There's the pal to ntsc or vice-versa issue also and I'm new to it. My player will convert but there's no hack to remove the region 1 restriction, unless there's a firmware hack I haven't found after hours of searching. :mad:

Anybody want to comment on the state of player based conversion quality?
England seems to have good things I want for cheap. I found a House by the Cemetery/Manhattan Baby oop Blackest Heart Media CD from there, paid around $6, thought it was used, it got here and it was sealed. At the time, it was going for $20 used on ebay. Eyeing up a $20 boxset now.

Edit: Yes! The deleted scenes will be there.

07-Sep-2007, 06:57 PM
Grab the disc, rip it to your computer using DVDDecrypter and then reburn it to a DL disc. It'll strip the region encoding in the process and give you a 1:1 copy. Then all you gotta do is make sure you're tv can handle PAL...

triste realtà
23-Sep-2007, 09:56 PM
DL blanks are expensive although I did flash the firmware and can burn them. I want to know how you limey bawstids deal with the 4% speed up. It drove me crazy and is damn near unwatchable. My player does pal to ntsc beautifully though. :yay:

23-Sep-2007, 10:59 PM
DL blanks are expensive although I did flash the firmware and can burn them. I want to know how you limey bawstids deal with the 4% speed up. It drove me crazy and is damn near unwatchable. My player does pal to ntsc beautifully though. :yay:

The speed up isn't a problem providing they pitch correct the audio. If they don't - yeah, its a bastard, but you adjust after a while.

Now, how do you yank bastards put up with shuddering pans and stuff from the 24fps->30fps conversion?

Thank god for 1080p24fps...

triste realtà
23-Sep-2007, 11:17 PM
Blurry contacts/regular 32inch NTSC TV and often blurry mind from drinking. But I'm talking about Phantasm II here, that movie is burned into my memory and it's not pitch corrected and I can even see the action happening faster.:eek: I hate it and I'm searching the net for an easy way to play back at 24fps but keep it PAL. I need progressive scan, my player is.:(

23-Sep-2007, 11:27 PM
i saw creepshow 3 on dvd last night at best buy. anyone seen this? worth viewing? i'd never even heard of it before.

23-Sep-2007, 11:41 PM
Mike Felsher formerly of Anchor Bay has been telling me about this for sometime. Apparently he got everyone but King, Leslie Nielson and Ted Danson for the 90 minute documentary. He even got Ed Harris, bad ass if you ask me. He says he got Ed to talk about that funky dance he does in Father's Day.

I can't wait for this I have it on preorder from Amazon.uk this should be released in the states but WB turned their nose to it

24-Sep-2007, 01:13 AM
Shyte!I was reading this momentarily , forgot its region 2 and *poop*...
Guess I have to live with the 'bare bones' dvd I have.My pc might play it , it plays blu-ray, and I have Nero 7 & Cyberlink Power dvd.Does anybody know about this?
Crud, I need to check my control panel options or what ever.
Never heard of Creepshow 3.
I am so cynical, unless the people that made the original are involved with the production, post & art.
Very seldom (as I think about 80% agree), are you lucky as in 28 Weeks Later; with a sequel or three-quel being good.
Did I just make up a catch phrase, 3-quel?

24-Sep-2007, 03:13 AM
Shyte!I was reading this momentarily , forgot its region 2 and *poop*...
Guess I have to live with the 'bare bones' dvd I have.My pc might play it , it plays blu-ray, and I have Nero 7 & Cyberlink Power dvd.Does anybody know about this?

Depends on whether your DVD-ROM drive is region locked or not (though there's usually a way around this, do a google search on the model number and "region free").

Alternatively, use DVD Decrypter to rip the DVD to your harddrive (it'll strip the region encoding in the process) and then play from there using PowerDVD.

24-Sep-2007, 12:05 PM
Thanks Griff.
Good info.:skull:

24-Sep-2007, 12:43 PM
Most DVD players today can handle Multi Region. My SAMSUNG HD-960 can do it right out of the box. I just watched The Zombie DIaries on that player. You can buy one for $100 off Best Buy online or Circuit City online (also Check eBay as they have a lot of the units as well.

Best DVD player for the money considering it does all regions.

Of course HD-DVD rules because none of the DVD's are region locked. :D

25-Sep-2007, 12:03 AM
It may be very likely that this new version of Creepshow will be released in the US similar to the Anchor Bay version of Phantasm released initially in the UK and then stateside.

25-Sep-2007, 08:27 PM
Are you kidding? all the best stuff is normally R1 only.. its about we got something you yanks dont :p

Somebody's never tried buying Battle Royale in the States. :mad:

26-Sep-2007, 12:09 AM
Somebody's never tried buying Battle Royale in the States. :mad:
Now that's saying something 'cos I know about 5 places closeby that have the limited edition tin of Battle Royale. Damn, that's bad man. :eek: