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08-Sep-2007, 06:11 PM
Just saw this recently (I'd seen Grindhouse in it's proper form a while back, downloaded it as such as soon as I heard we were getting f*cked over by the Weinsteins).

Anyway, I dug it then, although after the rather fast paced and violent Planet Terror, it's a real gear change, and probably should have gone first in the double-bill line up.

Anyway, saw the extended cut and I really dug it, more than last time. The new footage doesn't add much more Stuntman Mike, but it does add more - and that's the point, both of Mike but also the girls (mainly the girls I guess). Anyway, the dialogue isn't as superb as Tarantino is known for, but I duno, I think that's become a "buzz argument" over the film, but watching it again I appreciated it more and it did feel like classic Tarantino, and what's more, it pulled me in and I actually got into the vibe of the two sets of girls' stories - night out on the town, and in search of a thrill ride.

One annoying thing though, the first half has a lot of the grindhouse scratches and glitches and reel changes and splices and such - but then this almost completely vanishes in the second half, which is really, really, really odd. Is this just an oversight? Is this to suggest it's two movies about the same psycho-tagonist spliced together? Notice that at the beginning the "original" title for the film is shown before it cuts to white text on black renaming it "Death Proof".

Anyway, aside from that one annoyance, I totally dig the film. Out of it and Planet Terror, it's the one which feels the most like a true grindhouse film. It's fairly simple things that would be do-able on a lower budget (mainly talking, "normal" car stunts and some gore), whereas Planet Terror has a lot of stars (more than Death Proof I'd say) and has loads of gore, lots of big action set pieces and so on - basically, Planet Terror wouldn't be do-able on a grindhouse budget, but Death Proof feels as if it could be (aside from the odd crane or dolly shot which take it beyond the usual grindhouse constraints).

Basically, take a film like "Don't Look in the Basement", it's mainly talking with little action, but it's entirely advertised around the action...so when you kind of look at the grindhouse flicks of the era, and then look at Death Proof, it really does feel like that sort of experience...whereas Rodriguez took certain ideas and then modernised them, while Tarantino tried to emulate low budget exploitation flicks of 30 years ago.

As for the film itself, brilliantly edited by Sally Menke, it really completes Tarantino's vision (I don't think his flicks would be as good without her on board, and similarly his films are probably the best she's worked on...or at least I could imagine her saying that in an interview). The choice of music is typically Tarantino and really works well within the movie.

It could do with the odd improvement, and more Mike...but considering the sorts of films he's emulating, it makes a lot of sense in how it was put together, almost to nerd-riffic proportions, like a checklist of genre themes, styles, do's and don'ts.

All in all, I really dig it.

All said and done though, I ain't buying squat of either DP or PT until they pimp out a proper DVD, with the film as-it-should-be, including the extended stuff allowing you to view 'as-you-want' (a bit like they did with Sin City) and more extras than the separate discs are offering. I'm not ditching cash only for it to be wasted in favour of a better edition a few months later, and I'm sure other Grindhouse fans think the same thing.

08-Sep-2007, 06:24 PM
Grindhouse was the best theater experience I've ever had, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on the DVD. I watched the extended cut last night, and I agree, its excellent. Its paced perfectly. Quinten Tarantino knew that all that girl talk would be grating to ANYONE after half an hour, no matter how well the dialogue was put together. It becomes obvious, as the movie comes to its climax, that it was all a buildup to the last 20 minutes. I also noticed the grainy film filter was gone about halfway through, becoming most obvious when it switches from black and white to color.

Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike was brilliant, and his 180 degree change from hunter to hunted near the end was utterly hilarious! I just wish he had more screen time in the second half. Also, the winks to the audience from Quentin were great (Abernathy's ring tone, the girl calling Stuntman Mike "Zatoichi", Big Kahuna Burger, etc.)

09-Sep-2007, 01:14 AM
i havent seen it and because its not going to be released the same way here i dont plan on watching it a way the directors did not intend. I think thats definatley gonna efect more sales than they thought it would worldwide.

09-Sep-2007, 10:31 AM
Although apparently neither Rodriguez or especially Tarantino mind that they're split up...as for Death Proof, it's extended. So it's not the same flick as in Grindhouse. It's totally worth seeing on it's own, it's just a shame we got shafted.

I wanna see it again, but this time in the cinema-plex-building-emporium. :D

09-Sep-2007, 01:29 PM
The only thing thats different from the theatrical version of Death Proof (as far as I know) is the lapdance scene got cut out, replaced with a "missing reel" frame for about 5 seconds. Same goes for Planet Terror, except the missing reel was a big bloody gunfight with zombies.

09-Sep-2007, 03:58 PM
Erm, I think there's a bunch of new stuff in Death Proof actually...

*runs off to t'internet*

Tarantino has said:

There is half-an-hour's difference between my Death Proof and what is playing in Grindhouse.

I certainly remember seeing a bunch of new stuff that I hadn't seen in the Grindhouse version.


Yep, it's 27 minutes longer than the Grindhouse cut. :cool:

09-Sep-2007, 06:41 PM
No ****?? I'll have to go back and check that out.

11-Sep-2007, 12:35 AM
just whent on the cineworld site to see if king of kong was getting a uk release (it aint:dead:) and yeah, theres deathproof, but not only is it seperated form planet terror without the grind house things like missing reel and trailers and whathave you theres no mention of planet terror in any way, so if it gets released there not even coming out in the same month then.

This officially blows.

11-Sep-2007, 01:40 AM
just whent on the cineworld site to see if king of kong was getting a uk release (it aint:dead:) and yeah, theres deathproof, but not only is it seperated form planet terror without the grind house things like missing reel and trailers and whathave you theres no mention of planet terror in any way, so if it gets released there not even coming out in the same month then.

This officially blows.

I don't know about where you guys are, but that's how it is here. We get "Death Proof" in about 2 weeks and then won't get "Planet Terror" for another month or two. Neither dvd comes with the faux trailers, either...

I'm hoping for a future release with both films as seen in the theater(US) and also the films seperated.

11-Sep-2007, 01:46 AM
no, dude im on about the uk cinema releases, no dvd, they arent actually out in engladn at all yet, death proofs coming soon to theaters, but planet terrors not even mentioned, so its pretty much nothing like the origional product the filmmakers had in mind.

ive been holding off bootleggin' a copy of the proper grindhouse but i think im gonna have to now.

11-Sep-2007, 10:03 AM
This is old news folks, the Weinstein's confirmed us lot were getting them split up months ago - hence why I downloaded a proper version of it off t'internet. Pic and sound wasn't sh*t hot, but I got to see it "as intended" pretty much.

Death Proof comes out on the 21st September, Planet Terror will follow a month or two later in our cinemas, as confirmed by Total Film. I see QT is appearing on "friday night with johnathon ross", so that'll be to pimp it a week before it's released.

Planet Terror will follow a while afterwards, kinda like how the DVDs are getting pimped in America.

And hell yes, give us a proper full-on monster DVD of Grindhouse already! So we can watch it however we want, separated-and-extended or as-intended-with-trailers-and-such. Then a shedload more extras than what is gonna be on offer on the two separate discs.

That's why I'm not buying the two releases, I'm waiting for the proper release, hopefully they don't drag their asses on it, because I wanna see it, but I'll be damned if I'm paying over £30 for two films that should be in the same set as it is.

17-Sep-2007, 03:52 AM
The only thing thats different from the theatrical version of Death Proof (as far as I know) is the lapdance scene got cut out, replaced with a "missing reel" frame for about 5 seconds. Same goes for Planet Terror, except the missing reel was a big bloody gunfight with zombies.

I don't know which theatrical release you saw, but the missing reel frame was in the theatrical release in both films and in each at sexual scenes. The missing reel part is still in the dvd release. The extended cut of Death Proof has a new beginning and also the beginning of the second half is much different plus there was a lot of added dialogue.

Overall, I feel the extended cut is not as good as the theatrical release, it seems like it is much too long even though its only about 30 minutes added. I still like it, but like others have said, I am not buying it until the special edition comes out with both movies together like they should have been released originally.

17-Sep-2007, 06:09 AM
i imagine the reason that they're doing the dvd release(s) the way they are is so that they can get everyone to fork up the bucks for each movie on its own, then after those hits the $5 bargain bin, they'll give us the proper balls-out 5 disc special edition, and everyone will line up to buy those too. if i remember correctly, grindhouse didn't fare as well in theaters as they'd predicted, so if that's true, they're gonna try to recover their losses any way they can...:|

17-Sep-2007, 07:46 AM
Tarantino can pad out Death Proof all he likes. I was promised a double bill and I WONT be viewing until said double bill is released.

17-Sep-2007, 02:23 PM
Death Proof is like in the top 160 films on IMDB! :eek:

17-Sep-2007, 03:29 PM
Death Proof is like in the top 160 films on IMDB! :eek:
Because it's awesome, that's why. :)

The more I read about it, the more I like it. The more I read about QT's intentions with and for the film, the more I appreciate it...and I've really only started reading up on the flick after having seen it twice.

Especially in terms of making a film that recreates the exploitation era, he succeeds in spades.

17-Sep-2007, 03:36 PM
Death Proof is like in the top 160 films on IMDB! :eek:

It is? Are we looking at the same IMDB page? "Grindhouse" as a whole is in the the top films list, not "Death Proof". Maybe i'm missing something....

17-Sep-2007, 03:43 PM
It is? Are we looking at the same IMDB page? "Grindhouse" as a whole is in the the top films list, not "Death Proof". Maybe i'm missing something....

Oops!:o I'm apparently going mad! Yes, you're right!

17-Sep-2007, 05:31 PM
Aye, Grindhouse is in the top 250, and well deserved too.

You must be going conkers, Neil...get a beer down ya. :)

Still, Death Proof rocks, as does Grindhouse. I read an interview with QT today and in it he said that Grindhouse WILL come to DVD...so it's just a matter of time then, my vote's on Christmas time (same thing with Sin City a couple of years ago).

17-Sep-2007, 05:37 PM
Aye, Grindhouse is in the top 250, and well deserved too.

You must be going conkers, Neil...get a beer down ya. :)

Still, Death Proof rocks, as does Grindhouse. I read an interview with QT today and in it he said that Grindhouse WILL come to DVD...so it's just a matter of time then, my vote's on Christmas time (same thing with Sin City a couple of years ago).

Yeah....and I probably won't have the strength to not purchase the single film dvds. So i'll probably buy Death Proof tomorrow, Planet Terror next month, and the big special edition whenever it's released:dead:....

17-Sep-2007, 05:46 PM
Out of it and Planet Terror, it's the one which feels the most like a true grindhouse film. It's fairly simple things that would be do-able on a lower budget..."

MZ - considering the amount of money spent to make Grindhouse, I couldn't help but giggle at this statement. :lol:

do-able on a lower budget? maybe.. but not done on a lower budget, which I think is just ironic and hilarious considering the title of the film and what they were trying to achive. lol

Now, that being said, I'd pay double the typical theater prices to see "Thanksgiving" made into a film! :lol:

17-Sep-2007, 07:00 PM
Yes, I get the irony behind the statement and behind Grindhouse itself, but what I meant is, that in a true grindhouse exploitation flick, you could manage to see:

A) A bunch of people talking
B) Some car chases

Yes, Death Proof has more flair, and more stars and some poncier camera work than real grindhouse, but that's what I was meaning.

Planet Terror, what with it's massive stunts, hoardes of zombies, tons of gore, CGI effects, helicopters and so on would be completely and utterly impossible for a real grindhouse flick - THAT was my point. :sneaky:

And I'd like to see all the films made into full features from the trailers...actually, there was some talk I read online somewhere (perhaps just rumour) that Eli Roth and Edgar Wright were wanting to team up to make their trailers into full features.

And of course, Rodriguez said at one point he wanted to make Machete as a straight-to-DVD film, which would be damn awesome. Trejo rocks!

17-Sep-2007, 07:07 PM
I just think it's hilarious that they made 2 films that were supposed to represent extremely low-budget horror films from "back in the day" yet spent how many millions making them!?

That, to me, is the very definition of irony. :lol:

I think Machete would make a kick-ass film, too. There was just something about Thanksgiving that made me wanna laugh and cringe at the same time. That looks like if it would've been made into a feature, would've been better than PT and DP! :D


17-Sep-2007, 08:49 PM
Well don't get too down on PT and DP. Actually the budget for the whole thing was $53 million ... which yes, is a big-arse amount of cash. Mind you, this isn't supposed to be doing the same thing as back then, you can't just go back in time. It's about making a flick that looks back fondly, that kinda takes something, re-bundles it together and such.

With true grindhouse they'd often try to punch way above their weight. With Grindhouse they were punching below their weight, hehe.

Anyway, two big films, a bunch of fake trailers, loads of stars and all for $53 million is pretty good for today's money landscape...anyway...

That's not really the point, it may be ironic, but they're not pretending to be actual exploitation films from the period made on tiny budgets. Grindhouse, as I've said before, is there to look lovingly back on a cinematic period, but do it with what they have at their disposal.

I think everyone involved had a blast, and what's wrong with that in the end of the day? I'd love to be in that position. :) Not bitchin' atcha, just sayin...

But you know me, I think everybody but me is jaded. :D Okay...only hellsing, considering my "jaaaaaaaaded" shouting track record, but you know. :lol:

18-Sep-2007, 02:02 AM
ok, stop being nit-picky and just enjoy the flicks, will ya?! :lol: :D

18-Sep-2007, 02:56 AM
getting it tommorow after school

18-Sep-2007, 10:41 AM
I am enjoying the flicks, probably more than you are! HAHAHAAAA! :D

You're the one bumming us out with your nit-picking over the budget and such. :p

lolzorz :)


What the hell?!?!?!


I bet these idiots haven't even seen the film, the fact that a group of strong women fight back against a nutter ... a pervert nutter even.

"Rapist doll"? What the f*ck? :confused:

*follows the source link*

Oh...it's those absolute f*cking psychopath man-hater freak-jobs. Yeah I can almost guarantee they didn't see the film, either that or they saw one completely different to what actually exists, because their brains are fried on man-hate.

Don't you just wish morons like that would just piss off already?

18-Sep-2007, 12:45 PM
Bumming you out over the budget?! wtf??

I think you may have taken what I said the wrong way. I was just merely pointing out the irony of the large budget of this film required to make a movie that, if it was made "back in the day" - which it was intended to look like - should've cost less than 1/20th of the budget used to make this film.

If people can't see that and just laugh, instead of vehemently defending the movie (when I wasn't saying anything bad about it to begin with), well, I don't know what else to say. It has nothing to do with putting down the film, it was fine, I was just merely pointing out that making a "grindhouse" film on 50mil is just... well... comical and ironic.

18-Sep-2007, 04:22 PM
I know and I already saw the irony, gol, a dude can't say nuffink on this forum! :lol::D:p

Ach I duno...I'm too lazy, Grindhouse rocks, end-of innit. :)

Which reminds me, sorta, I'm off out to see the new Simon Pegg film tonight (Run Fatboy Run)...hopefully it's good. :)

18-Sep-2007, 04:28 PM
Which reminds me, sorta, I'm off out to see the new Simon Pegg film tonight (Run Fatboy Run)...hopefully it's good. :)

A buddy of mine ummm....obtained that already and said it's pretty funny. That's the one with the guy from "Friends", right?

Anyway, about Death Proof.....anyone in the states got their mitts on it yet? Is it worth getting now or just wait god knows how long for the SE with both films?

18-Sep-2007, 04:43 PM
Aye, David Schwimmer directed, and Hank Azaria plays a role in the film.

Anyway, I'm hoping that the proper pimped-out version of a Grindhouse DVD comes around Xmas, hopefully it should, it's sitting roughly in the same time schedule as Sin City did, and with the separate releases already done the work is kinda half-done for the final awesome version already.

Plus, with Xmas being a key DVD buying season, it'd make sense to pimp it out in time for Xmas, or at least just after when everybody's minted from monetary gifts from relatives. :D

18-Sep-2007, 04:54 PM
Yeah, but if I remember correctly, wasn't the Special Edition of Sin City announced the same time as the bare bones release?

18-Sep-2007, 05:46 PM
I'm disappointed that Death Proof and Planet Terror are being released seperately. I wanted to see Grindhouse released as a single movie, just as it was shown in American theaters.

18-Sep-2007, 05:52 PM
I'm disappointed that Death Proof and Planet Terror are being released seperately. I wanted to see Grindhouse released as a single movie, just as it was shown in American theaters.

Look up the page just a bit. MinionZombie said that Tarantino stated in an interview that we will eventually get the full Grindhouse film. Just when that is, we don't know...

18-Sep-2007, 08:17 PM
I just picked up the steelbook case of Death Proof at Best Buy and I'll give it a watch tonight. Hopefully the new footage will make it worth watching the movie separately.

My money says they won't release the full Grindhouse movie on dvd until next year at the earliest. I know in November or December they are finally releasing the full, uncut version of Kill Bill (took Tarantino long enough on that one) and I don't think they will release Grindhouse around the same time.

18-Sep-2007, 10:30 PM
The budget was $67,000,000 for Grindhouse + $30,000,000 in marketing for a Grand Total of $97,000,000.00

18-Sep-2007, 10:50 PM
Well yeah that is true, but it was always intended from the start to show the extended versions, and with Grindhouse it was always intended to be split in foreign-language markets - but the UK ended up getting lumped in too because of the poor B/O result.

But of course, the original Sin City disc was naff, just the original film and nothing else. But with Grindhouse's separate releases, they would wanna keep their gobs shut about it more until those separate ones are out for a bit, especially as some effort has been expended on them (unlike the Sin City one).

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the proper one comes out sooner rather than later, not like having to wait to frickin' 2008 for the proper-ass Zodiac release! :eek:

19-Sep-2007, 02:16 AM
I just now finished watching the single release of "Death Proof" and regardless of whether or not it's included with the full "Grindhouse" feature next year, it was worth it.

All together, Tarantino made an interesting film with this one. There were several scenes that I didn't remember from the theatrical release(the ads say 25 mins worth), and the film felt more complete in it's own terms.

I still look forward to seeing the full "Grindhouse" again, but I just now had a blast watching Tarantino's "Death Proof" in it's Cannes cut.

I can't wait to see "Planet Terror" and it's 'missing reel' because I know the sh*t hits the fan in that one.

On a side note, I remember reading on this very website that the DVD releases of these films would not have the damaged footage, the scratched reels, and the missing frames......whoever said that was completely wrong. I just watched the "Death Proof" that I saw in cinemas, only with more scenes.

I say that this one is worth the purchase. ( it also comes with $5 off of "Planet Terror" ;))

19-Sep-2007, 03:13 AM
I have a feeling a friend will be bringing up downloaded copies of 28 Weeks Later and Grindhouse on the annual trip to the cabin by the lake that I do with friends. I can't wait to see both again :D

19-Sep-2007, 10:54 AM
Who on earth said it was being cleaned up for DVD?! :lol:

That's ludicrous, it's part of the movie. :)

Anyway, high five for Death Proof: Extended. I'm still holding out for the balls-out DVD though.

19-Sep-2007, 12:02 PM
Who on earth said it was being cleaned up for DVD?! :lol:

That's ludicrous, it's part of the movie. :)

I don't know, but I remember arguing with someone about that....

Anyway, if you have the opportunity to see this cut of "Death Proof".....I would say definitely check it out. It may or may not be with the "Grindhouse" DVD, so it's worth seeing now with it's extra 30 minutes.(I think theres also a change in music as well as the editing)

19-Sep-2007, 03:25 PM
Amazing Film! It works much better as a standalone film and the extra scenes were vital. I had a great time watching this last night. I will buy the complete Grindhouse DVD when it comes out but I know that the shorter versions will annoy me. I'd rather them combine the extended versions with the trailers (assuming the extended Planet Terror is worth a $hit).

19-Sep-2007, 03:29 PM
Amazing Film! It works much better as a standalone film and the extra scenes were vital. I had a great time watching this last night. I will buy the complete Grindhouse DVD when it comes out but I know that the shorter versions will annoy me. I'd rather them combine the extended versions with the trailers (assuming the extended Planet Terror is worth a $hit).

It would be great if the special edition dvd gives us the choice of what we want to watch. The whole "Grindhouse" film we saw in theaters, the seperate and longer films, or the seperate longer films also with the trailers.

It's not that far of a stretch considering that Rodriquez recut and seperated the segments of "Sin City" for the special edition.

But yeah, I agree with you. "Death Proof" is much better as it's own film. Being that you've seen it, I have a question.....

Why does the film go black and white during the new scenes at the gas station? Is that supposed to be adding to the grindhouse feel or is there some sort of significance being that Stuntman Mike is starting to prey on his next set of ladies?

19-Sep-2007, 04:45 PM
I kinda thought it might be another reel, but "printed in black and white", of course, the problem with that theory is that the transition comes in the middle of a shot, so it seems unlikely to be that...I duno, I guess it's like "part of the print was done wrong" or something. What always confuses me is why the gritty print quality almost vanishes entirely in the second half ... is it supposed to be like a never-finished sequel tacked on to a re-edit of the 'original' Stuntman Mike film? I duno...I kinda thought maybe that's part of the 'story behind Death Proof' within the Grindhouse universe, especially as the original title to DP is "Thunder Bolt" and it cuts to the white-on-black title card...hmmm...

Indeed - the DVD as you described is exactly what I want, I wanna choose how I watch it. Theatrical, or theatrical-extended, or separately.

Then more discs for all the extras. You could surely cram it all into 4 discs...oh yes that would be nice. :)

19-Sep-2007, 05:15 PM
Bassman, I have no idea but I thought it was cool as hell.

MZ, I think the reason that the grainyness ceases in the 2nd half is because the first reel(s) take the brunt of the damage, and the projector is warm and running smooth by the last reel(s). Just a guess.

19-Sep-2007, 05:43 PM
Bassman, I have no idea but I thought it was cool as hell.

MZ, I think the reason that the grainyness ceases in the 2nd half is because the first reel(s) take the brunt of the damage, and the projector is warm and running smooth by the last reel(s). Just a guess.
Mmm...no I wouldn't say that's the answer to be honest.

They did get it right in that near a reel change (on either side) the print gets worse, and there might be skips and so-on, but a print still has glitches and scratches and missing bits at any point. The second half seemed too clean in comparison to the first half, which was odd. That's my only grievance with the film, and it is most likely intentional - but I wanna know why. I haven't found any quotes from QT about that issue.

It reminds me of watching restored prints at uni on the film course, at the time I didn't appreciate it as much as I do now, but it was cool to get to see films on restored prints - the likes of The Maltese Falcon and suchlike.

There'd often be times when the print would break and burn up and have to be re-started, or there's be frames missing here and there, the sound would change completely with a reel change and then you re-adjust to it, the picture would also get more faded after a reel change and then work back to the original contrast, it might get a little out-of-synch at times too...it's actually a fun way to watch old movies. It's how I watched "The Pit and the Pendulum" at the Bloodbath Film Festival in Bristol, the print broke at least once, nay twice actually, it went out of synch occasionally, had missing frames and so on...took me right back to my uni days watching films on restored prints.

Anyway...ahhh memories. :)

19-Sep-2007, 07:02 PM
I thought that the reason for the quality change from the first to the second parts was that they were really two different movies in one. The first part shows Stuntman Mike as the killer who gets away with it, but in the second half you have all new characters and the hunter becomes the hunted. Plus I also think Tarantino wanted us to really pay attention to the car chase at the end, something I was still impressed with watching it last night.

19-Sep-2007, 07:19 PM
Mmm...I was thinking it was like two Stuntman Mike films put together, like the "second" one (with the second group of girls) never got completed in the Grindhouse universe of proceedings, so they took the "original" Stuntman Mike film and recut it with that, to now make "Death Proof" ... that seems more possible as the "original" film would have been called "Thunder Bolt" (as seen briefly at the start)...so it could be a case of the two films being a few years apart, or the "company" behind it got better equipment and processing available to them...still though, I think the clean up in the second half was a bit too much, especially when you look at the first half...it's my only niggle, my only minor grievance, as I've said before.

Still, I really dig Death Proof. I was a tad cold on it at first, just a smidge, but I really like it now.

19-Sep-2007, 07:54 PM
The first time I saw Grindhouse, I thought Planet Terror was the better movie and Death Proof was just a little too talkative. Then the second time I saw it I started to appreciate Death Proof more because Planet Terror was really just there to be a sort of parody of grindhouse flicks while Tarantino was actually trying to make a movie that could be passed off as a real one. And just for that I think Death Proof was the better movie. Although if they ever did another movie like these two than I'd hope they could have Michael Bein and Kurt Russell in a movie together.

19-Sep-2007, 08:23 PM
The two films are different and people will have different tastes on the matter (refer to previous thread on this for an example).

20-Sep-2007, 10:44 AM
Exactly, Planet Terror is more like a modern-day exploitation movie made by a studio, instead of independent financiers. Death Proof is more like a real exploitation flick from the era. It's in the story, how it was actually made, the advertising, it's throughout the entire film.

PT, while brilliant fun, takes the "loads of gore n sex" vibe and does it in a modern way...that's also probably more the case because RR had the idea for PT since The Faculty, so it's like fitting a sort-of-square into a round hole, kinda...but it's still awesome fun...

And hell yes - Biehn & Russell together would be superb. :) We need more Biehn on our screens anyway.

20-Sep-2007, 03:09 PM
I'm going to have to buy this along with Planet Terror and screen them in our mini-theatre. Should be a good night. Too bad none of you live around me!