View Full Version : Now that...was a long-arse Friday...

08-Sep-2007, 06:19 PM

I tell you, if it wasn't for the pro-plus I popped a couple of hours ago, I'd be asleep again already, even after the good 9-to-10 hours I had last night! Hey, I need my beauty sleep. :D

08-Sep-2007, 07:03 PM
I need my beauthy sleep too I got like 11 hours

08-Sep-2007, 08:09 PM
Apparently people who get too much sleep are more likely to get some sort of disease or something, possibly dementia, but then people who don't get enough sleep are more likely to have a heart attack ... you can't do anything! :lol:

I heard 8 hours and something like 11 minutes was the amount of average sleep to get, then some plonker recently said it was something like 6 and something hours...erm, SIX?! pfft, says I!

Different strokes for different folks, I guess it all depends on metabolism. Perhaps slower metabolisms need more sleep to recover, whereas those with faster metabolisms recover much quicker...I certainly know I feel like sh*t all day if I don't get at least 7 good hours.

So getting 4 sh*t hours and then doing a 21 hour day just sucks it outta me...I need Union representation! :lol: :D

08-Sep-2007, 11:41 PM
Minon, being married and a worker and a caregiver all at once, I never get enough sleep either. One of the things that I was turned on to recently is Melatonin, which is available over the counter. That stuff has allowed me to go into a much deeper sleep state than I had before, so although I still get the same amount of hours, I wake up a little less tired. It's herbal (not that that means anything, since Pot and Peyote, one could argue, are herbal) and safe. The only thing is it can give you a quasi-hangover if you take too many. Anything beyond Melatonin you'd probably need a perscription for, but I warn everyone: I knew this dude in college who started taking prescibed sleeping pills and then quickly found that without them he could not get to sleep for the life of him. Whether his additiction was mental or physical made no difference, I guess.

triste realtà
09-Sep-2007, 01:18 AM
Yeah, Melatonin is the chemical your body produces to become sleepy, but those pills they make are a lot more than you need. I bite a corner of the pill off and that's plenty. You might feel really groggy when you wake up and it makes you want to sleep more than 8 hours if you take half or more. It doesn't even feel like a drug, though.

09-Sep-2007, 01:27 AM
actaully mz on QI the other week it said that we only need about 4 or 5 and if you sleep longer it actually shortens your lifespan, and i can sleep for like 14 hours, once even 26 when i was ill so im screwed.:eek:

09-Sep-2007, 01:43 AM
you slept for over a whole day once? how drunk were you lol

09-Sep-2007, 02:22 AM
like i said, i was ill. i dont drink. ever.

So becuase of that and my character my freinds dont drink when i am near , with marker pens.;)

09-Sep-2007, 10:24 AM
like i said, i was ill. i dont drink. ever.

So becuase of that and my character my freinds dont drink when i am near , with marker pens.;)
Don't understand that sentence at all...I'm well confused.

Anyway, well I think you can get away with sleeping a lot when you're ill, because it's providing time for your body to heal.

But meh, people live really long these days, advances in medical science and ra ra ra. Besides, I bet there's tons of positives to sleeping longer.

I duno what sort of people only need 4 or 5 hours, but they're not me that's for sure. Anytime I get that little sleep I feel incredibly tired, my eyes hurt and I just feel sh*t all day.

Perhaps they mean, 4 or 5 awesome hours of kip? I guess I get 8 hours of average kip, I occasionally have a really good night's kip where I don't wake up at all, but usually I've gotta empty the tank mid-way through, so it's like two sessions of sleep.

I may get up late, but I go to bed late as well...so yeah, I average 8 hours or average sleep, which is probably like 6 hours of awesome sleep.

Anyway, "they" keep telling us we can't do anything or our hearts will explode and our organs will shrivel up with every cancer under the sun, which we're not allowed to stand under anyway...so pfft...I think listening to too much of that just makes you more stressed and worried, thus leading to a shorter lifespan! :D

Oooh, feel the sick burn you "they" people! :p

10-Sep-2007, 02:43 AM
Don't understand that sentence at all...I'm well confused.

We-ell, its like this, i dont drink, my friends do, they pass out ,i dont, add into the equasion that i am an assehole. Ergo they usually wake up after a party with not just a hangover but usually missing an eyebrow ,or profanity on foreheads, or both.

Case in point, last week im round lon gtime pals fora birthday get together, one freind said something very offensive to me, so i get him bck by using a nearby spray paint to paint his left shoe silver and write "LOLZORZ" on the back of his head with a sharpie.

good times all round really.;)

10-Sep-2007, 01:57 PM

Ah, so to stay sober around you is a good plan in other words, lest ye get effed with. :sneaky:

10-Sep-2007, 05:22 PM

11-Sep-2007, 01:22 AM
The older you get, the less sleep your body needs. That's why old folk are waking up before the sun even thinks about rolling out of bed. Or before I go to bed for that matter.

11-Sep-2007, 01:37 AM
All just to get to the country kitchen buffee.:lol:

11-Sep-2007, 02:07 AM
Or the earlybird special at Shoney's!! :lol:

11-Sep-2007, 09:54 AM
Or perhaps it's with current old folk they're still from around the WW2 time, and they did "proper jobs" and didn't have the frills of living that we have, so they "got on with it" and got up earlier as a matter of course. Heck, in their day sleeping in was probably a proper sin.

Today's it's all different.

I don't think I've gotten to the stage yet where I need less sleep, haha, although perhaps I have knocked a couple of hours off my usual since my uni days ... as in, I do actually get up before noon, often before 11am. :D All depends on when I finally turn in...which is definitely never before midnight, and very rarely before 1am.

11-Sep-2007, 02:16 PM
i read one thing were it said the reason teenagers get grouchy in the morning and stay up late is becuase, regarless of societys "up at 8 till late, but not too" attitude, its still in the nature of teenaged homo sapiens to have a different sleeping bpattern in those years that means sleeping later and staying up later. Its the reason why you get people who might be like only 25 and still going "i cant believe i used to stay up so late", well its becuase after your teenage yaers your internal clock goes through one of 3 or 4 changes in your lifetime to fit the way you are. So it stands to reason there has to be another deal like that with the elderly right?

11-Sep-2007, 05:50 PM
Or maybe the elderly are just doing it so they have another reason to bitch at the "yoof". :D

I do find it harder to stay up late, but then again I get up a bit earlier. At uni I'd be up till past 3am a lot, but get up routinely (no lessons permitting) at least after noon, usually after 1am.

I couldn't imagine lying in till past 1am now. I feel guilty for sleeping till half eleven for pete's sake! *sigh* My student self from a couple of years ago would bitch slap me for saying that...

12-Sep-2007, 03:30 PM
i whent to sleep at 6am and just got up at 4pm:p

12-Sep-2007, 06:21 PM
i whent to sleep at 6am and just got up at 4pm:p
You young people and your wacky sleeping arrangements...:rolleyes:

13-Sep-2007, 02:36 AM
3:35am, still awake.;)

13-Sep-2007, 10:26 AM
Ahhhh...had a right long kip last night, off to bed just before midnight (a rarity for me) and up at 10:30am. :D

18-Sep-2007, 03:39 AM
I work until midnight, so I like to get my "me" time in after work. I usually stay up till 4 or 5 am, and get up around 12-1 pm. And I'm as old a Jesus!! . . . . . . . Well the age he was when he died anyways. Just a weird body clock I have, even on morning shift jobs, I have a tendancy to stay up too late. Wonder when it will stop?