View Full Version : Well, it was going to happen in the end... Total Recall gets remade...

10-Sep-2007, 08:37 AM
...didn't think it would be this soon though!


11-Sep-2007, 10:01 PM
:annoyed: WHY?!?!

12-Sep-2007, 03:38 AM
Did anyone ever see that episode of "South Park" on season 6, titled "Asspen"? It's got a funny little poke at Total Recall in the very end...very funny. In fact, that episode is one of the best ones of that season, which is saying something, cuz it's a damn good season. Go to allsp.com to check it out.

Back to subject though, I think it's waaaay to early to consider to do this film over. I don't think it really needs made over, and I imagine it'll be a steaming pile of dog sh!t.

12-Sep-2007, 10:22 AM

Guaranteed it'll never be as good, or as iconic as the original. It's too soon and it's yet another "reachy remake". They're really desperate now...hopefully this is chiming the death knell for the fad of remakes.

The odd, well chosen and hard-worked-on remake is perfectly fine, it's how we got "The Thing" in 1982 after all...I think the point being, society hasn't changed enough in 20 or 30 years to warrant these remakes, it's just a cash grab and talent drought...it's also a drought of studio balls, they need to get some friggin' cojones already.

12-Sep-2007, 11:15 AM
I just do not see how they could improve on the original...

Was it perfect? hell no ... But it was pure silly fun.

"What you been feeding this thing?"


Oh well, pigs may some day learn to fly ... it could happen...

22-Sep-2007, 02:20 AM

nothing will ever own the original

22-Sep-2007, 02:44 AM
Well, by the time it comes out, it will have been 20 years. How long is a movie "supposed" to wait before being remade?

I see no point in it, though. I don't even want to see the original; why would I want to see a remake?!

If I want an Arnold flick, I'll go with Conan the Barbarian, NOT Total Recall.

22-Sep-2007, 12:59 PM
"Now were using state of the art cgi technology to make that chicks 3rd boob ultra realistic!":lol:

22-Sep-2007, 06:52 PM
if eyem not me, den who da hell am i :confused:

23-Sep-2007, 07:57 AM
Next up: a remake of The Abyss

23-Sep-2007, 11:06 AM
Next up: a remake of The Abyss
Or next up, a remake of the remake of The Fog. :rolleyes:

Gawd I hope that "Thing" remake doesn't get made.

23-Sep-2007, 12:31 PM

23-Sep-2007, 07:44 PM
Why???just why??what do they think they will achieve by remaking yet another film that really doesnt need remaking?!i can only hope this disappears without a trace after an absolute mauling by critics & fans,then everyone just goes back to watching the original!

23-Sep-2007, 11:31 PM
at least 8 more remakes to my knowledge, including polterghiest and rumours of childs play and *bites knuckles*...the terminator.

24-Sep-2007, 08:01 AM
at least 8 more remakes to my knowledge, including polterghiest and rumours of childs play and *bites knuckles*...the terminator.

POLTERGEIST??!?!? No way!

24-Sep-2007, 10:30 AM
And Child's Play - WHY?! There have been two new sequels in recent years, why bother with a remake. These studios up for all these remakes are nob'eds, you can't do a second take of the same success you had before with the original - the success also being spread out over the intervening years - you will NEVER get that with a remake, certainly not within a year (cinemas then DVD)...n00bs.

The Terminator?! Why remake that?! They're already doing a fourth film, which will most likely suck, and there's that new TV show starting, so again - why bother?!

And Poltergeist - it's not even that old either! Plus it's in the public conscious as it is, which is good enough, it's referenced in all sorts like Family Guy, so clearly if it's good enough for the goose, it good enough for the gander.

I hope this is the death knells of the remake fad, it's just getting ridiculous now.

24-Sep-2007, 07:51 PM
POLTERGEIST??!?!? No way!

oh yes good sir, its officially official ,an '08 poltergiest remake, still i caught the amityville remake on UMD t'uther day and that wasnt too screwed up adn i hear the guy who did thats associated with this so it might not be too bad, still not needed though.

24-Sep-2007, 07:59 PM
i caught the amityville remake on UMD t'uther day and that wasnt too screwed up adn i hear the guy who did thats associated with this so it might not be too bad
The Amityville remake was a-f**king-palling! :dead:

24-Sep-2007, 08:01 PM
to be honest i cant remember the origional its been so long so that mighta played a part.
-Though i also saw the silent hill movei again, not as bad as i remember, allright game adaption, but much better as a stand alone movie.

24-Sep-2007, 08:02 PM
I hope this is the death knells of the remake fad, it's just getting ridiculous now.

i agree about the ridiculous comment...terminator remake...child's play remake...poltergeist remake...what the fu*k is next? remake of escape from alcatraz?! cool hand luke remake?! stand by me remake?! lets' just fu*k up all the classics!!!!:hurl:

24-Sep-2007, 08:05 PM
what the fu*k is next? remake of escape from alcatraz?! cool hand luke remake?! stand by me remake?! lets' just fu*k up all the classics!!!!:hurl:
Just wait until either a. The Sound of Music is remade, or b. The Exorcist is remade...

24-Sep-2007, 09:04 PM
dude wasnt the exorcist remade like 3 or 4 years ago?:rockbrow:

24-Sep-2007, 09:13 PM
Nah, thems was sequels.

24-Sep-2007, 09:23 PM
was on wiki earlier, which isn't always 100% reliable, but anywho, i was checking out "remakes" and found a list of movies that have been/will be remade. some of them really brought my p!ss to a boil:

The Birds
Conan the Barbarian
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Evil Dead
Escape From New York
The Fly
Revenge of the Nerds

some are just "in-production" at this point, but from the looks of things, this is far from over...

24-Sep-2007, 09:37 PM
Soon theyll remake the breakfast club and the world will literally implode.:dead:

24-Sep-2007, 09:43 PM
The Birds
Conan the Barbarian
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Evil Dead
Escape From New York
The Fly
Revenge of the Nerds
You forgot Back to the Future.

Soon theyll remake the breakfast club and the world will literally implode.:dead:
Can you imagine the cast? They might as well rename it 'Dude, Where's My Breakfast Club?' :dead:

24-Sep-2007, 09:59 PM
You forgot Back to the Future.

WHAT THE EFF YOU SEE KAY!?!?!? (f-u-c-k)

Smells like....manure.:hurl:

"I hate manure!"

Honestly, though, I can understand in cases when a movie is super-dated and technological advancements will capture scenes only dreamed off 60 years ago, and they honestly do the original story/script justice. A remake isn't always a bad thing. Peter Jackson's King Kong was is a good example. Overall, it really didn't hurt the original, except for throwing in the gay love story of Jimmy and Hayes, along with a little too much character development in other areas. The CGI was entertaining and it was a graphically pleasing film, and PJ stayed very true to Cooper's 1933 classic. The characters were filled in a little too much, but the creatures and monsters rocked the fu*kin house.

But this garbage about remaking movies that have less than 25 years of aging really sickens me. What's next? Doing remakes of movies that are less than 10 years old? I know, how about remaking Fight Club? Don't be surprised if it's out by 2015.

Give me a fu*kin' break, Hollywood.

"Go eat a hamburger and choke on a cow dick!"

24-Sep-2007, 11:12 PM
But this garbage about remaking movies that have less than 25 years of aging really sickens me. What's next? Doing remakes of movies that are less than 10 years old? I know, how about remaking Fight Club? Don't be surprised if it's out by 2015.
Actually funny you should say that I hear that Uwe Boll is all set to remake Fight Club in 09... :lol:

Actually, that's not true but unfortunately, the Back to the Future remake was. Apparently Michael Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) was set to direct it at some point last year but it fell through. One can only hope that they will lay it to rest but I doubt it.

You know what sickens me? The fact that Hollywood were gonna give the role of Ash from the upcoming Evil Dead remake to the f**king Stiffler. I dunno who told me that (it was someone here for sure) but damn, I'm sending death threats if that's the case.

24-Sep-2007, 11:21 PM
was on wiki earlier, which isn't always 100% reliable, but anywho, i was checking out "remakes" and found a list of movies that have been/will be remade. some of them really brought my p!ss to a boil:

The Birds
Conan the Barbarian
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Evil Dead
Escape From New York
The Fly
Revenge of the Nerds

some are just "in-production" at this point, but from the looks of things, this is far from over...

Jesus. Conan is perfect as it is, so is Escape From New York....what is wrong with these people??? :mad:

25-Sep-2007, 10:24 AM
Meh, the original Amityville was alright (although I preferred the original sequel), mind you, whats'ername prancing around with her norks and undercrackers out was fine by me, hahaha.

Anyway, I actually liked the Amityville remake, because I didn't care for the original, so for me personally there was no love lost, and that's not me saying the remake is better than the original, just that I preferred the remake...even though it was a bit daft in places, still, nice to see that Van Wilder guy not playing a Van Wilder...instead a "psycho dad" with an axe. :p

So from the same people eh? First TCM, then Amityville, now Poltergeist...I thought it was a low budget horror division, not a remake division...I bet it's the same nob'ed writing it as well, all he ever writes is remakes.

I'm sh*t with names this morning...so...nyah.

How on earth can you remake 1984 in two-thousand-and-freaking-eight?! :barf::rolleyes:

Hollywood needs to find it's dick quick, and start jacking it, it's been flopping around for years now whilst television has discovered Viagra.

25-Sep-2007, 11:17 AM
Meh, the original Amityville was alright (although I preferred the original sequel), mind you, whats'ername prancing around with her norks and undercrackers out was fine by me, hahaha.
Mmm, so MZ's into a little bit o' brother 'n sister action, eh?

You dirty git. :sneaky:

25-Sep-2007, 05:28 PM
I meant the woman who played the matriarch in the original Amityville thing...whats'ername, the one who went crazy or something in later life and was parodied on Family Guy as such...anyway, she was fit in the original Amityville. :p

I'd forgotten about the dodgy shenanigans in the original sequel until you said just now though, so I say to you Sir, you dirty git! :sneaky:sneaky: