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10-Sep-2007, 01:31 PM
Now this sounds more like it! (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/33974)

10-Sep-2007, 01:55 PM
Now this sounds more like it! (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/33974)

His 'last zombie movie'? This guy makes it sound like Romero is dying! I expect more movies before that happens! Although I'd pass on a political discussion with George, I think I'm going to give it a whirl in the theater.

Anyone have any idea when its coming out in the states? I haven't found s*hit on it.

10-Sep-2007, 02:23 PM
Anyone have any idea when its coming out in the states? I haven't found s*hit on it.

As far as I know, they haven't made a distribution deal for the States, yet. I wouldn't be surprised if it was their intention to have this play to an audience and gauge their reaction before betting all their chips.

Hopefully we'll hear something soon.

10-Sep-2007, 02:26 PM
Now this sounds more like it! (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/33974)

Now, that sounds damn damn positive!!!! :thumbsup:

10-Sep-2007, 05:24 PM
The hand held film work makes this movie down right terrifying at some points. The movie scared me.... movies don't scare me anymore!

Seems to be the recurring comment in the reviews i've seen so far. This version of Romero's zombie world seems right up my street.
I love the outbreak part of zombie movies and the ensuing confusion/panic.
Even though its not the same, Blair Witch scared the crap out of me.
Like most people on this forum, my everyday life is heavily influenced with mulitimedia and technology.
And, of course, i love zombie movies and not only is this a zombie movie, its a Romero zombie movie.

When's it out in the UK? Hopefully it'll do the rounds at the festivals.

10-Sep-2007, 07:31 PM
Seems to be the recurring comment in the reviews i've seen so far. This version of Romero's zombie world seems right up my street.
I love the outbreak part of zombie movies and the ensuing confusion/panic.
Even though its not the same, Blair Witch scared the crap out of me.
Like most people on this forum, my everyday life is heavily influenced with mulitimedia and technology.
And, of course, i love zombie movies and not only is this a zombie movie, its a Romero zombie movie.

When's it out in the UK? Hopefully it'll do the rounds at the festivals.

I've always been facinated by those first moments... Hell, the Fiction Section started with me doing my first little 'Encounters', then later I revisited it again with 'Options'...

I really do hope Romero hits the nail with this!!

10-Sep-2007, 07:49 PM
I've always been facinated by those first moments... Hell, the Fiction Section started with me doing my first little 'Encounters', then later I revisited it again with 'Options'...

I really do hope Romero hits the nail with this!!

More good news

If you’re ready for a first hand account of the zombie crisis unfolding in a realistic manner then you will find a film that is funny, intelligent and truly terrifying.


10-Sep-2007, 10:45 PM
"This is NOT Blair Witch with zombies!!! The movie plays out as a narrative film, what we are seeing is all the footage edited together by a surviving member of the crew."

I like the sound of that too.

10-Sep-2007, 10:47 PM
Can't wait, can't wait! Sh!t. I'll distribute the damn thing myself! I don't remember reactions like this when LAND came out.

10-Sep-2007, 11:24 PM
Can't wait, can't wait! Sh!t. I'll distribute the damn thing myself! I don't remember reactions like this when LAND came out.

That's because Land kinda blew;) But, really, I am so glad that this is being received well so far. I'd like to see Romero play this one right and actually make some money off of one his independent films. And I REALLY want to see this movie!!

Human Rain
11-Sep-2007, 12:04 AM
The crazy thing about Land was its reversal: Critics loved it, the fans hated it. Don't get that paradox at all.

I personally loved Land. I loved the way that Romero sets up our expectations with the rather typical, mindless zombie mayhem at the beginning, and then he completely undermines those expectations the second that Big Daddy picks up a gun and figures out how to shoot it. It contained all the elements for a good Romero zombie flick - social commentary, gore, clever dialogue ("In a world where the dead are returning to life, the word Trouble loses much of its meaning."), interesting characters. The initial setup for Kaufman, in his gigantic throneroom overlooking the entire city, made him seem like the Devil. The way he switches the champaign into the correct glass when he's talking to his good Cholo....classic Romero touch.

My only reservation with Land is that it was obviously made with a Hollywood gloss, and Romero best excels with smaller, intimate films with tiny budgets. Land lost some of that creative edge with its Hollywood-financed production values (however small in comparison to regular features), so it is nice to see that Diary returns to those roots. But the fan hate for Land truly baffles me for the most part.

11-Sep-2007, 12:23 AM
Not hate . . .I just found Way too many flaws in the movie to buy it completely. but let's not turn this into one of THOSE threads. ;)