View Full Version : How very nice..

11-Sep-2007, 06:18 PM
..of europe to 'allow' Britain to use imperial measurements again without risking fines & jail :rolleyes: they should never have had the right to tell us we cant in the first place!this whole europe thing really boils my slash!i wonder if the man who they hounded to death with trials & fines because he refused to stop using imperial weights & measures will get a pardon from brussels now?i very much doubt it...

11-Sep-2007, 09:20 PM
I know! I mean who gives a crap if we pick & choose our measurements?!

It's not about Brussels orders, it's about different cultures working the way they just work, call it kooky, but it's how things work here in the UK.

Like, for instance.

I measure distance in miles. Kilometres make absolutely no sense to me.

I measure milk in pints.

I measure my height in feet & inches, my weight in stones.

I measure up a new TV cabinet in centimetres.

11-Sep-2007, 11:27 PM
Nevertheless I still wish the world would completely convert to the metric system...It would take a generation before it was completely seamless but after that everything would be so much easier....

I wish someone would develop metric-like time!.... Ha!.....this however would be less intuitive when living on a planet because of the whole photoperiod thing and rotating around the sun thing........but in space it would make much more sense.... Hmm would need a good constant.... The current constant is better than any I suppose....

The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom at a temperature of 0 Kelvin.
I propose that we change the duration of a second to be 1,000,000,000 periods (Ill refer to this as seconds(B)). You would the change around the system and create a structure that makes relative sense to Earth's photoperiod.

So a minute would be 100 seconds(B). And hour would be 100 minutes(B). A day would be 10 hours(B). A Week would be 10 days(B). A year would be 1000 days(B). Unlike the old system you could have months that always have the same number of days in them... A month would have 100 days(B). So 10 Months(B) in a year(B).

To Compare:

Current system:
1 minute is 5.51 * 10^11 rotations
1 hour is 3.31 *10^13 rotations
1 day is 7.94 * 10^14 rotations
1 week is 5.56 * 10^15 rotations
1 year is 2.86 * 10^17 rotations

New System
1 minute(B) is 1.00 * 10^11 rotations
1 hour(B) is 1.00 *10^13 rotations
1 day(B) is 1.00 * 10^14 rotations
1 week(B) is 1.00 * 10^15 rotations
*bonus standardized month(B) = 1.00 * 10^16
1 year(B) is 1.00* 10^17 rotations

So it essentially stays in the same ball park as the old system....but no time zones, leap years, day lights savings, or any of the other annoying things associated with using such an arbitrary collection of units.....

Mmm....I swear every day Im a little bit crazier....

I measure distance in miles. Kilometres make absolutely no sense to me.

I measure milk in pints.

I measure my height in feet & inches, my weight in stones.

I measure up a new TV cabinet in centimetres.

For fun you should make your units even less unified and more difficult to interrelate to each other.... Instead of counting in base 10 start counting in base 6....

This is how you would count to 18 in base 6..... 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30.......

11-Sep-2007, 11:31 PM
I agree with Terran. Sure, you might be used to Imperial measurements and if you want to keep it, Go you!

But it's still a ****ing retarded system. It makes NO sense whatsoever. But of course the EU shouldn't have the right to tell anyone to adapt to their system. Heck, they even want to put a minimum weight on strawberrys. Wait! They already did.

12-Sep-2007, 12:46 AM
boils my slash? thats a new one!

12-Sep-2007, 10:08 AM
boils my slash? thats a new one!
And a funny one! :)

But it's not like people aren't converting the measurements for other countries anyway, it may add an extra fiddle, but that's easier than converting an entire country that doesn't want to change anyway.

I don't really remember at school being taught in either method more than the other, but I guess metric was used more in things like science and maths, but for some reason I still ended up using imperial quite a bit, unless I'm measuring an object - that I do by metric. But if it's anything to do with me, it's imperial, like finding jeans that fit. Those are all done in inches, who the hell wants metric jeans?! :eek:

12-Sep-2007, 01:07 PM
Mmm....I swear every day Im a little bit crazier....

If I recall my history right, the French tried the decimal system week thingy in the eighteenth century. For some reason it didn't work. I THINK it had to do with the days off at the end of the week, but don't quote me on that.


12-Sep-2007, 03:54 PM
If I recall my history right, the French tried the decimal system week thingy in the eighteenth century. For some reason it didn't work. I THINK it had to do with the days off at the end of the week, but don't quote me on that.


Hmmm when I get some time I am gong to look into that...Id like to see what they tried and its faults....

But I bet the French did standardize their seconds minutes and hours and implement them in base 10....:D

12-Sep-2007, 05:09 PM