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09-Apr-2006, 01:02 AM
I'd have to say that mine is either the 3 dvd box set of dawn of the dead or an original Day of the Dead soundtrack LP.

09-Apr-2006, 01:52 AM

dunno i got a dawn of the dead shirt from the 80's, as seen in spaced.
ive got all four of david moodys autumn books, all signed.
and i got all 25 issues of the walking dead, dont have the cash for 26 yet.

09-Apr-2006, 03:44 AM
Probably the Dawn posterbook signed by everyone except Gaylen Ross. I got it waaaay back when--before a bunch of them surfaced. I got the first signatures on it at the 1993 Zombie Jamboree, and then just added to it whenever I could. I'll get Fran when I can. :)

09-Apr-2006, 04:57 AM
How bout one of the original castings for the Bub Facial appliance??
This was sent to me as a gift from one of Tom Savini's former instructors who made a latex casting of the original Bub life cast used in the film, then he hand painted it and filled the back with foam rubber to keep it firm. I mounted it on a stand.


I also have the official LAND OF THE DEAD movie poster signed by George Romero, Greg Nicotero, Howard Berger, Eugene Clark, and Pedro Arce, and some assorted images signed by Gary Klar, Joe Pilato, Laurie Cardille, Tim Dileo. Assorted cast autographs from each film etc...
I have other items as well ...recorded interviews I've done with a number of the actors for my DC.COM site...
but the facial appliance and LAND poster are by far the coolest in my collection.

ooops..almost forgot this :

09-Apr-2006, 11:43 AM
Well, I had sex with Asia Argento, does that count?.....

Just kidding, I wish! I guess the coolest thing I have is the Elite Laserdisc that I got autographed by Savini and GAR at the Comicon.

09-Apr-2006, 01:26 PM
It'd have to be my 2001 Dawn of the Dead official print signed by

George A. Romero
Gaylen Ross
Ken Foree
David Emge
Scott Reiniger
Lennie Lies
David Early
Marty Schiff
William "Butchie" George
Tony Buba
Nick Tallo
Joe Pilato
Joe Shelby
Tom Lafitte
Jim Krut
Taso Stavrakis
Tom Savini
David Crawford
Sharon Hill
Clayton Hill

09-Apr-2006, 02:10 PM
mwhahahahah i win this one i think

how about an actual piece of the film strip from the original night of the living dead complete with a certificate of authenticity.

its not some **** scene either. its where mr cooper gets shot :D.

i rock and win :D:D:D:D:D

09-Apr-2006, 07:33 PM
I dont know about that Dusky, I think you and I would be tied, the film strip or the facial appliance, both official pieces of Georges films ... both very worthy trophies....congrats on yours though , I'd like to see a pic if you could scan it ...that would be cool.

09-Apr-2006, 07:34 PM
The best thing I have is a mini Dawn poster signed by Savini, Foree, Emge, Reiniger, Ross and Romero.




09-Apr-2006, 08:52 PM
Somewhere between ...

My signed 25th Anniversary print ...

and my ARM. :rockbrow:


09-Apr-2006, 10:30 PM
mine would have to be a B/W Photo i took at the Evans city Cemetary, its from the opening scene (modern day not during shooting) at the grave stone were in the backround you can see Bill H shumbling around way down the lane, signed by everyone in the shot and GAR

09-Apr-2006, 10:56 PM
Cereval, that is too cool man !!!

09-Apr-2006, 11:19 PM
mwhahahahah i win this one i think

how about an actual piece of the film strip from the original night of the living dead complete with a certificate of authenticity.

its not some **** scene either. its where mr cooper gets shot :D.

i rock and win :D:D:D:D:D

They are like £0.01 on eBay :lol:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/25-NIGHT-OF-THE-LIVING-DEAD-35mm-film-cells-original_W0QQitemZ7608645872QQcategoryZ67896QQrdZ1 QQcmdZViewItem

Or a couple of pounds more for a swanky framed version

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NIGHT-OF-THE-LIVING-DEAD-1968-FILM-CELL-MONTAGE-CLASSIC_W0QQitemZ7607806621QQcategoryZ53594QQrdZ1Q QcmdZViewItem

09-Apr-2006, 11:41 PM
Probably the NOTLD comic adaptation mini series (complete w/ the Prolog & Aftermath issues), my copy of "The Zombies That Ate Pittsburgh" & an ORIGINAL MINT copy of the DOTD boardgame (got back in the days BEFORE the internet where you can now dl the dang thing for free)

To bad Cereval trumps us all w/ his GAR sig tat....:D

09-Apr-2006, 11:53 PM
an ORIGINAL MINT copy of the DOTD boardgame (got back in the days BEFORE the internet where you can now dl the dang thing for free)

Any chance of a link to where i can download this DOTD boardgame? :lol:

10-Apr-2006, 03:40 AM
Any chance of a link to where i can download this DOTD boardgame? :lol:

Hmmm...let me think.....:rolleyes:

10-Apr-2006, 11:32 AM
I guess I'd say my Dawn 78 Japanese double sided mini promo poster. It's actually not listed in the "memorabilia" part of this site... I should get a picture of it and send it to Neil.

I'm also proud of my original pressing ZOMBIE LP by Goblin.

10-Apr-2006, 11:41 AM
its true those film cells are a dime a dozen now if it was from the very first printed reel that was shown aka the origional now that would be something.

10-Apr-2006, 04:06 PM
i got the dawn novel, the dawn poster , the day press release book

all kinds of comics and magazines (including the wretched fangoria#1 with dawn in it)

some of it is signed by george but i missed out on getting his and kings autograph on my creepshow stuff when they both appeared to promote the film

that was the first time i met george and the only time i met stephen king
both were really cool but i was a dememted little kid and they kind
of goofed on that

10-Apr-2006, 04:42 PM
I've got nothing....just the films on DVD. I do have a couple different versions of Dawn(Ultimate, U.S. cut)....does that count?:rockbrow:

Hey cereval, having just seen those pictures of you and your tatoos, aren't you on the "mall tour" thing on the "Dawn" DVD? Seems like I've seen you somewhere before. Badass tattoos by the way..

10-Apr-2006, 07:59 PM
I've got nothing....just the films on DVD. I do have a couple different versions of Dawn(Ultimate, U.S. cut)....does that count?:rockbrow:

Hey cereval, having just seen those pictures of you and your tatoos, aren't you on the "mall tour" thing on the "Dawn" DVD? Seems like I've seen you somewhere before. Badass tattoos by the way..

Dude.... if you own'em and you're a fan ..that sure as hell counts in my book.the suff I've gathered up has simply been to luck and good timing nothing more..oh and good friends...lol.

10-Apr-2006, 08:16 PM
Cereval wins.

A) the tatoo.

B) he's on the fraking DotD DVD..... alot....


10-Apr-2006, 08:54 PM
I have my zombie teeth from my small zombie roll in LOTD

However, the coolest items I own, from the any dead film is my 2004 DAWN international poster with the signatures of Zack, Sarah, Ving, the producers, and supporting characters. My other fave is my DAWN ultimate DVD autographed by GAR.

10-Apr-2006, 09:29 PM
I just watched the mall tour again and realized that I'm in the background on the part where they show Cereval throw up the horns. I'm the big dude in the yellow t-shirt. I'm also in the pics on his site where Ken is saying his famous line in front of JCP, but the video doesn't show that part. It's not as exciting as Cereval's footage, but I'm there!

10-Apr-2006, 09:44 PM
well then technically you yourself are a peice of memorabilia,lol.

and a legend in your own zombie fanboy right.


10-Apr-2006, 10:24 PM
That's one big, ugly piece of memorabilia, but I'll take what I can get. :D

well then technically you yourself are a peice of memorabilia,lol.

and a legend in your own zombie fanboy right.


Zombie Dollie
10-Apr-2006, 11:44 PM
Ehhh I'm a younger fan so I've missed out on a lot, haha, really only have the dvds, comics, things like that, a t-shirt or two. Nothing to spaz out over but enough for my friends to look at me and say "You are too obsessed with that zombie stuff." But I just smile and nod. Haha. Cereval's Tatoo makes me all -Squeal- All of you who have met GAR I envy, I hope to God I meet him before I die, or he does...There's a better chance of that happening sadly, wait what am I talking about? He'll live forever..O_O -Denial- :( .

11-Apr-2006, 12:05 AM
You should get someone to get you a sig made out to you to tide you over until you get a chance to meet him in person. I'll be seeing him again in a few months, but others will see him sooner.

Ehhh I'm a younger fan so I've missed out on a lot, haha, really only have the dvds, comics, things like that, a t-shirt or two. Nothing to spaz out over but enough for my friends to look at me and say "You are too obsessed with that zombie stuff." But I just smile and nod. Haha. Cereval's Tatoo makes me all -Squeal- All of you who have met GAR I envy, I hope to God I meet him before I die, or he does...There's a better chance of that happening sadly, wait what am I talking about? He'll live forever..O_O -Denial- :( .

Zombie Dollie
11-Apr-2006, 12:18 AM
You should get someone to get you a sig made out to you to tide you over until you get a chance to meet him in person. I'll be seeing him again in a few months, but others will see him sooner.

That's a good idea, I know barely anyone though, and I'm not about to go crazy and beg online, ha, being new to the site and yeah. . . But next time you see him... -CoughcoughMyname'sHaleycoughcough- Oh man I think I'm getting a cold. . .^^

11-Apr-2006, 12:54 AM
Well, if you don't get one before I see him, I'll see what I can do about hooking you up if you want.

That's a good idea, I know barely anyone though, and I'm not about to go crazy and beg online, ha, being new to the site and yeah. . . But next time you see him... -CoughcoughMyname'sHaleycoughcough- Oh man I think I'm getting a cold. . .^^

11-Apr-2006, 02:16 PM
I own the origional and remake of dawn and I have land. I am going to buy day today i think

13-Apr-2006, 04:46 AM
I have a lot of dead related items like the entire first print run of The Walking Dead, my VHS case signed by a lot of the cast (didnt have the dvd at the time), various pictures and things. My favorite is the Ultimate Dawn release since I am also on the Mall tour. Ken is standing in front of me and you can see me when he moves. It is the same part were Cereval flashes the horns.

13-Apr-2006, 01:58 PM
Man, everyone is in that shot. :D

My favorite is the Ultimate Dawn release since I am also on the Mall tour. Ken is standing in front of me and you can see me when he moves. It is the same part were Cereval flashes the horns.

17-Apr-2006, 07:14 AM
I know, but it is still my favorite :)