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View Full Version : Wanna read some new Brian Keene?

12-Sep-2007, 07:25 AM
Hey, all. Early next year, I'll be publishing a new novella from Brian Keene, bestselling author of The Rising, City of the Dead, and Dead Sea. Jack's Magic Beans isn't a zombie tale, per se, but it definitely branches from that particular sub-genre. It's also just about the most violent thing Brian has ever written.

You can read the opening scene right here. (http://www.fearzone.com/blog/jacks-magic-beans-exclusive-fiction-preview)

You can learn more right here (http://www.creepinghemlock.com).


In the blink of an eye, the world goes mad. Brian Keene, bestselling author of The Rising, Ghoul, and Dead Sea, brings you the shocking chronicle of a common day, a common place, a common psychosis consuming everything in its path. Working against time and terror, the survivors must uncover the truth behind their own immunity.

The secret lies in Jack's Magic Beans...

Pre-orders throughout this month only will determine the print run. In short: it's gonna ship sold out. You won't be able to order it after the end of September!


12-Sep-2007, 11:38 AM
If you have not read most of this authors work, please do not read below... I do not want to spol any of your reading experiences.

(And yes, this is a bit of a rant)

My problem with Mr. Keene's work is that most of it has ended in a very futile way.

I know that not every story has a happy endeding ... But how many times can you read "everyone dies in the end" type story and keep coming back for more?

Now I know that is an oversimplification of his story endings... and not ever one is like that (just most) but it is a bone I have to pick with him.

Being with characters through a strugle only to have them fail as if they had not put up any fight at all is not very satisfying.

Where is the hope? Where is the sacrifice for a purpose?

Keep in mind I have not read the above book and I will most likely get around to it.

When all is said and done I think he is a tallented writer ... he just slaps his readers around a bit to much for my taste...

15-Sep-2007, 07:09 AM
meh, kinda like another 28 days later novel by the sounds of it, and unforunatley for keene others like moody have allready been there and done that.

18-Sep-2007, 05:01 AM
It doesn't have much in common with 28 DAYS LATER, but whatever -- different folks, different tastes.

Who's Moody? Is he a Stoker Award winner who has sold tens of thosands of copies of his novels published by real publishing houses, or is he a guy who self-publishes and gives his stuff away online?