View Full Version : Oh Trevor McDonald...*rolls eyes*

12-Sep-2007, 10:18 AM

Firstly - that show is crap, it's a poor man's Have I Got News For You/Mock The Week, and secondly, McDonald is completely the wrong sort of person to be cracking jokes on national TV.

Anyway, I did see the clip where he referred to Manning as 'just a fat, white bastard', and I did get the joke and wasn't that bothered.

Although indeed, if it was reversed there'd be utter outrage, especially if the host was white and saying the reverse of that statement...although much to my annoyance, that lumps me in with John Beyer of MediaWatchUK who suck...I hate that guy.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting - people complaining over an 'anti-white' joke for a change...but still, I can see the joke in the statement, but I guess the point is, if it was still the same sort of joke, but it said "black" instead of white and was said by a white presenter, then it'd be nationwide outrage and legal action left-right-and-centre.

Hmmm...*strokes chin*

Anyway, the joke was still a bit "derpity-derp". :lol: (South Park reference).

12-Sep-2007, 11:21 AM
i've not watched the show yet, but i agree that mcdonald is hardly a comic genius and shouldn't be making an attempt of being a funny man =/

12-Sep-2007, 03:25 PM
how is that anti white, all you can get from that is hes on about a fat white man, who is in fact a bastard. Thats just pc gone nuts again, you cant call a white guy white or a black guy black on tv cus thats racist, apparently,:rolleyes:

12-Sep-2007, 05:55 PM
pot calling kettle black :lol:

i suppose ol' trev is just getting his own back after being called a pint of guinness for years!but yeah if that had been reversed there would be outcry,was it a year or two ago when that high up police officer was sacked after using the term "black bastard" while arresting a suspect who was violently resisting arrest?

Chic Freak
13-Sep-2007, 09:02 AM
pot calling kettle black :lol:

i suppose ol' trev is just getting his own back after being called a pint of guinness for years!but yeah if that had been reversed there would be outcry,was it a year or two ago when that high up police officer was sacked after using the term "black bastard" while arresting a suspect who was violently resisting arrest?

That's because the fact that he was black should be irrelevant. Tbh, the policeman shouldn't have been calling him any sort of bastard, anyway, but black bastard is a hundred times worse.

Aaand the reason there isn't so much national outcry about calling someone a "fat white bloke" is because it doesn't attack a minority group.

Yes, I'm back :P And I have a new website. Not much different to the old one, but check it out anyway. It's the one the little blue guy is throwing up on.