View Full Version : Honestly... WTF is wrong with people?

12-Sep-2007, 12:56 PM

Reading this actually made me sick to my stomach. I mean how f**king depraved to you have to be to do this to someone.

13-Sep-2007, 01:48 PM
Indeed, what enables someone to switch off to such an extent they can do this... Yet alone find a number of other people with the same mind-set :eek:

13-Sep-2007, 04:13 PM
Reading this actually made me sick to my stomach. I mean how f**king depraved to you have to be to do this to someone.

c'mon, man! I'm not that depraved! They're blowing this all out of proportion and making me look bad..

Errr, I mean... yeah, what he said! people are sick! :D

13-Sep-2007, 05:53 PM
c'mon, man! I'm not that depraved! They're blowing this all out of proportion and making me look bad..

Errr, I mean... yeah, what he said! people are sick! :D
*shakes head at Lou in that sighing, semi-laugh, paw-away kinda thing* :D

Anyway, indeed, absolutely disgusting...sounds like something out of August Underground...only not...and no, I ain't saying that those little-seen indie flicks inspired it, because that sort of thing is stupid-talk...and those movies are f*cking gross. :barf:

Anyway, I guess these people just don't have the same cut-off point that normal people do, just uneducated mountain-folk with an extreme run of racism running through their heads. :(

13-Sep-2007, 10:51 PM
Sounds like she had a relationship with one of them. Perhaps Mama had issues with him dating outside the family.

Too bad they can apparently only get life at best. Removing them from the gene pool would be a benefit.


13-Sep-2007, 10:58 PM
What's weird is how similar this is to another case that happened this last year. Kidnapping (though it was a couple who was kidnapped) and torture, however in this other case the victims were murdered.

It's scary that such a large group of people could be capable of committing such an act. You'd think someone would have enough of a conscience to put a halt to it, just based on the number of people involved, but nope...

14-Sep-2007, 06:12 AM
I live in WV and was sickened by this. Racism in the southern part of the state were this happened is pretty bad, luckly i live in north central. But none the less i am disgusted with this states practices. I can't believe that there just "comsidering" charging these people with a hate crime when it plainly is. Maybe Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton should come down to WV and rattle there chains though im not a big fan of them either because i don't agree with all there views but in this case i believe WV deserves all the hell it can get.

14-Sep-2007, 07:24 AM
if i was the judge i wouldnt have to let it get to the hat ecrime bit after "kidnapped a woman ,tied her down and started cutting her-", id be "yeah, psycho. guilty, check please.

18-Sep-2007, 02:41 AM
To be honest and not entirely uncaring I can't say that I think its entirely a hate crime because the young lady had a sort of relationship with the one young man for some time so either he just pretended to be her friend or ??? Who knows... what paticularly bothers me is that she charged him previously with crimes against her and yet continued to somehow see him socially I'm guessing? WTF? But they should be charged with the crimes they committed against her they're disturbing to say the least...

As a woman the disturbing acts the group did together isn't suprising to me at all... from just walking around the street or in a bar or even working at my job its incredible the display of group bravado from some men you can see... often if a mans alone he doesn't have to be someone else but when his friends show up he can be an entirely different person together and if that happens they all turn into aholes where each has to show up the next... its not enough for one of them to do one thing t'ya the other has to do that and more... whats suprising to me is how you dont hear enough about group oriented crimes unless its gang related...

And since this involves family that's not too shocking either since a lot of parents raise their children to be just like them...

18-Sep-2007, 03:28 AM
I think I hear the faint rythems of "dueling banjos" off in the distance.

Chic Freak
18-Sep-2007, 01:12 PM
Indeed, what enables someone to switch off to such an extent they can do this... Yet alone find a number of other people with the same mind-set :eek:

I always think that when I hear about violent crimes committed by groups of friends. While I totally see MssJackson's point about a kind of mob mentality developing during the event, I always wonder how the conversation first starts off prior to the event!

If you are a sadistic thug, do you just ask lots of people to join you until you finally meet someone who says yes??

Sadistic Thug: "Do you fancy kidnapping a black woman, battering her, sexually assaulting her, and torturing her while calling her a nigger for a week?"

Sadistic Thug's Friend: :eek: "Wtf? No I don't!"

Sadistic Thug: "Erm, me neither, just making conversation" :shifty: *goes to ask someone else*