View Full Version : Monrovile Mall question(s) for those who have been there.

12-Sep-2007, 10:51 PM
In the end of October (hopefully it works out that it'll actually be on Halloween), i'll FINALLY be making the pilgrimage to "The Mall", and of course i've been all gidddy about it since I planned this. I was wondering if it was true that the security can be sorta strict about picture taking. Not like i'll be taking a zillion pictures. Just a couple here and there. Hopefully I won't have any problems doing that.

Also, besides the esculator, the elevator, the Pennys.... what other points of interest should I check out in/out the mall?



13-Sep-2007, 12:05 AM
Don't plan on going to the ice rink ;)

13-Sep-2007, 06:42 PM
Be discrete with your photos, and turn the flash off.

major jay
13-Sep-2007, 08:11 PM
If you show up on Oct. 28th at around 9:00 am you can get made up like a zombie and shuffle through the mall with hopefully a 1000 other zombie wannabees. It's good mindless fun and it's also a charity event for the Pittsburgh Food Bank. That weekend is when The It's Alive Show is having it's Zombiefest.
Here's a link with all the info. http://www.theitsaliveshow.com/Zombiefest2007.htm

13-Sep-2007, 11:43 PM
Also, besides the esculator, the elevator, the Pennys.... what other points of interest should I check out in/out the mall?

There's the corridor, which is virtually unrecognizable, but if you stick your head through a set of doors there, you'll see the narrow walkway with the brown/white paintjob that Roger and Peter run along with their backs to the wall. Enter at your own risk, however.

Oh, and if you're thinking of sliding down the escalator, don't be wearing denim jeans - they don't slide so well.

14-Sep-2007, 02:26 AM
now why is it that you cant take photos? just because of a damn movie being filmed? bring alot of girls with you and pretend yout aking photos ofyourselfs for myspace.

Dr. Pus
14-Sep-2007, 05:35 AM
Most of the outside of the Mall is the same. In some of the parking areas there are still the same pole lights shown in DotD. Most of the inside of the Mall has changed dramatically. But it still cool as hell driving up the entry ramp and BAM, there she is.

Go to the Zombie Fest 2007 on October 27th and 28th. Here's the link:


14-Sep-2007, 01:40 PM
I took tons o' pics there on a few separate occasions & nobody said a word to me, so I wouldn't really worry about it. Anyways, the fountains are kind of cool to check out, most of them look about the same as they did back in the day, especially the one with the little wooden bridge over it. Those bastards just recently replaced all those cool funky curved railings with some modern plexiglas pieces of ****, so you won't be able to check those out. I can't think of too much to check out that really looks anything like it did back then without trespassing in places you shouldn't be. Obviously Evans City is not far from there so if you haven't been there yet you should go there too.

14-Sep-2007, 02:04 PM
Thanks for the tips everyone. Especially you John. I hadn't thought of checking out the cemetery. How close is it miles-wise?

Also, is there any cool stores in Pittsburgh that might sell some cool Romero/Dead stuff? I'd be surprised if there wasn't.

14-Sep-2007, 06:59 PM
Thanks for the tips everyone. Especially you John. I hadn't thought of checking out the cemetery. How close is it miles-wise?

Also, is there any cool stores in Pittsburgh that might sell some cool Romero/Dead stuff? I'd be surprised if there wasn't.

No problem, I'm not sure how far it is miles-wise, but it's a short travel. It's been a couple years since I went to either of them & I'm horrible with directions. I just used a map to travel to Evans City & stopped at the first store i saw & asked where the cemetary was. You might also think about going to the airport that was in Dawn too. I haven't actually been there yet but I'm sure many people around here could tell you how to get there. You should consider emailing the guy that goes by Phillyswat on these boards, he has a bunch of pics on his profile from visiting all these places.

22-Sep-2007, 11:54 PM
Evans City is around 25 miles or so North of the city of Pittsburgh right up Interstate 79. Just Google Monroeville to Evans city should take you about a half hour to get there once you get into the town its really easy to get to since Evans city is not big at all.

28-Sep-2007, 02:59 AM
I was wondering if it was true that the security can be sorta strict about picture taking. Not like i'll be taking a zillion pictures. Just a couple here and there. Hopefully I won't have any problems doing that.

I went there in July and took my camcorder. I walked around filming in the mall for a couple of days. But on my last day there, a security guy (he was wearing a suit and had an earpiece...like he thought he was the secret service or something) came up to me and told me that no one is allowed to film or take pictures of the mall. But at least I got 2 days worth of filming.

I think if you are just taking still pictures you will be fine though, they probably won't even notice.

28-Sep-2007, 05:17 AM
just convinced my girlfriend to take a trip up to pa with me sometime soon. doubt we'll make the zombie-fest thingamajig this year, but i may just hold my trip off until next fall so i can make it then....they do have 'em every year, don't they?

28-Sep-2007, 07:55 AM
Evans City is around 25 miles or so North of the city of Pittsburgh right up Interstate 79. Just Google Monroeville to Evans city should take you about a half hour to get there once you get into the town its really easy to get to since Evans city is not big at all.

It's easy to find.

Here's an aerial shot of evans city.
The cemetery is at the very bottom of the screen in the middle (under the word Terra Server)


Once at the link above you can move the image down and then zoom in for a closer look!
You can even see the caretaker house.