View Full Version : the poe toaster...

13-Sep-2007, 05:33 PM
this is a very cool tradition.

for the last almost 60 years a man dressed in a black cape, black fedora and with a white scarf obscuring his face has entered the westminister hill cemetary in baltimore during the early morning hours of jan 19 (poe's b-day).

the man goes to poe's original gravesite and stands for a few moments then drinks a toast of martell cognac. he then leaves half a bottle of cognac, three red roses and sometimes a note on the grave before leaving the cemetary. the notes often say things like "edgar you have not been forgotten" and things along those lines.

it is believed that the present toaster is either the son or grandson of the original because a note was left in the early 90's saying "the torch will be passed."

anyone else know of anything like this surrounding the graves of other famous people?

13-Sep-2007, 05:48 PM
hmm, knowing how family works its pretty much given that most kids would not share aninterest with there parents or grandparents so if this is true, which im doubting since if its known enough to get poste dona fourm people would stake the palce out to see him in numbers being people are nuts, that if it were true the guy would propbably pass the tourch onto another poe enthusiast.

-though i came here expecting a thread about a toaste rthe instead of pinging when the toast was doen whent nevermore or some ****.:lol:

13-Sep-2007, 06:33 PM
Id like to visit there right after this guy finishes his tradition ....Hell its a free half a bottle of cognac :)

14-Sep-2007, 09:35 PM
If he's not the original, would he be an im-poe-ster?


15-Sep-2007, 02:17 AM
If he's not the original, would he be an im-poe-ster?



15-Sep-2007, 02:50 AM
it is very true-it is written up in the baltimore papers almost every year and people do stake the place out to watch but no one has ever tried to interfere with the guy.

the poe historical society usually takes the cognac and the flowers and puts them on display at the poe museum in baltimore.

here is a link for more info:

if you do a search on poe toaster on google there is even more info and there might even be a picture (don't hold me to that though).

15-Sep-2007, 02:57 AM
no picture though, shame, but yeah guess thats part of t'e myst-ry i guess:D

id love to see it though that d be bitchin', but at the same time itd suck if some random ock ran up and pulled his scraf away form his face or something.