View Full Version : Leave Britney Alone!....SHES A HUMAN!!!

13-Sep-2007, 07:39 PM

I dont know how many people have seen this...but its sooo funny....

LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!,,,,,*boo hoo boo hoo*

13-Sep-2007, 08:22 PM
That gender confused homosexual needs to get a grip on himself. And Brit needs to keep her doors and windows locked. He probably wants to be Brit. He is disturbingly obsessed over her, too. Seriously, why would anyone post themselves on youtube acting in such a manner is beyond me.

I have nothing against gays in general, but this type sickens me.

This is all over myspace, btw. He has an account there as well.

13-Sep-2007, 09:18 PM
So is this real, or a put on from the guy?

I'm guessing it was done in a tongue-in-cheek fashion, but I could be wrong.

13-Sep-2007, 10:24 PM
THAT'S A GUY???!!!


I saw this on ActionTrip this morning, but ... THAT'S A GUY???!!!

Plus - that's actually REAL?! Damn...what a f*cking nutter!


THAT'S A GUY???!!!

Ah sh*t...nobody better take me to Thailand...I'd be up sh*t creek in no time! :shifty::eek:

13-Sep-2007, 10:29 PM
Wow...what is wrong with some people? :rolleyes:

This dude must have no life, aside from doing the man-gina dance (like Buffalo Bill), waxing his legs (needs to do his face), and rolling pennies to help save up for his operation...if only he could quit spendin' all his $ on Britney Spears albums, posters, etc.

This dude puts forth a strong argument for enforcing the death penalty to rid our society of this sort of hysterical, pop-culture obsessed, sexually confused morons.

If I ever have children that turn out like this I will burn my house down after I lock them inside...bet this dude's parents are reaaaalllly proud of their little boy(george).

13-Sep-2007, 10:49 PM
This dude puts forth a strong argument for enforcing the death penalty to rid our society of this sort of hysterical, pop-culture obsessed, sexually confused morons.

If I ever have children that turn out like this I will burn my house down after I lock them inside...bet this dude's parents are reaaaalllly proud of their little boy(george).

Righto. :confused:

13-Sep-2007, 11:26 PM


13-Sep-2007, 11:31 PM
THAT'S A GUY???!!!


I saw this on ActionTrip this morning, but ... THAT'S A GUY???!!!

Plus - that's actually REAL?! Damn...what a f*cking nutter!


THAT'S A GUY???!!!

Ah sh*t...nobody better take me to Thailand...I'd be up sh*t creek in no time! :shifty::eek:

Did you find him attractive? You did. Didn't you? :elol:

14-Sep-2007, 12:24 AM


Looks like someone forgot there Prozac again. :lol::moon:

14-Sep-2007, 01:05 AM
So is this real, or a put on from the guy?
I've been trying to figure that one out too. That said, Britney Spears does have a huge gay following. Man, if that's real then that has to be one of the most terrifying videos I have ever seen. He clearly needs locking up.

EDIT: It's a put on.


14-Sep-2007, 02:29 AM
Ive seen a few of his clips. ones funny.

14-Sep-2007, 03:11 AM
HOLY ****.

if thats the real deal thats ****ing terrifying. i do believe "issues" is the word of the day here.

-oh and i caught the vma thing on i film that everyones on about and the gal was totaly lip synching like a bad kung fu film the the 1970's, in fact if you watch it on i film about 2 mins in it pans across the corwd and 50 cent is starring in disbelief and shaking his head, that my freinds is the definition of laugh out loud material right there:lol:

14-Sep-2007, 05:32 AM
That video, while funny, is a fake. It was talked about on a radio station here in Detroit yesterday or the day before and aparantly this guy fancies himself a comedian or something like that. They were trying to get an interview, but I turned it off before I heard if they had got one or not.

14-Sep-2007, 09:59 AM
No, I did not find he/she/it/that attractive, but I was completely convinced from the Britney video that it was a chick...but it's a freakin' DUDE...DUDE! :eek:

Anyway, what a surprise - a fake.

Besides, even if it was a chick, I'd not find it attractive because ewww, who finds some chick balling their eyes out screaming like a nutter attractive? Well...different strokes for different folks I guess...but not for me...

I still can't get over the fact it's a freakin' DUDE! I mean, from the other video posted in here, it's obvious, but the Britney one...I was convinced it was a chick...damn...and no, for the second time, didn't find it attractive. Just goes to show though, that I'd be up sh*t creek in Thailand! :eek:

14-Sep-2007, 10:08 AM
Holy fuggin' excrement dudes,i could only stand a minute of that! :eek: modern society is full of people like that though,gay or otherwise,its a sad state of affairs!

19-Sep-2007, 06:05 PM
this weirdo is supposedly getting ready for his own show:



what in the FU*K is wrong with the world these days?!?!?!?!

hopefully this mystery meteorite in peru (check the threads under dead discussion if you haven't already) will be the ray of light, turn back the clock a few hundred years or so on civilization...cuz i am NOT ready to live in world where people like this get their own tv shows.

19-Sep-2007, 06:10 PM
Meh, even if it gets to screen, it won't last long. They'll no doubt do a test, if they even get that far, discover they can't make a season out of it, and then drop it...if public boredom with it doesn't run out first, which it most likely will. Heck, it's being spoofed already, by the time they got anything to the screen it'd be over and done with already.

19-Sep-2007, 07:20 PM
I don't know. I rather like the cut of this he-she's jib. The stunt was brilliant and played to people's fears of the different. It's not original by any means, but it's interesting (and yes, scary) to see the reactionary hate crawl forth from people's hearts.

19-Sep-2007, 08:16 PM
I don't know. I rather like the cut of this he-she's jib. The stunt was brilliant and played to people's fears of the different. It's not original by any means, but it's interesting (and yes, scary) to see the reactionary hate crawl forth from people's hearts.
Have you seen any of the guys other vids...? They're equally as strange, plus he has Britney Spears plastered all over his walls. I don't think this was a 'stunt'.

19-Sep-2007, 08:20 PM
No, I must admit to not being that interested. But I suppose s/he's a danger. Hide your women and children...just don't let Professor C near his (he may lock them in a house and burn them down :eek:).

19-Sep-2007, 08:45 PM
c'mon, ace, that was a joke...

but seriously, i would be sooooo ashamed if one my children were to turn out like this...i'd probably not burn my house down, but i'd most likely throw he/she out on the street, and then question where the hell i went wrong as a parent.

this person seriously is a detriment to society, and i'd never in a million years want any of my children turning out like that, or befriending anyone like that, and i sure as hell wouldn't sit by idly while they watched a circus freak like chris crocker on his tv show.

people who argue that homosexuality isn't a choice are totally wrong, cuz i don't imagine there's any sort of drugs, chemical imbalances, etc, that could make a child be born that fu*ked up.

19-Sep-2007, 09:58 PM
c'mon, ace, that was a joke...

but seriously, i would be sooooo ashamed if one my children were to turn out like this...i'd probably not burn my house down, but i'd most likely throw he/she out on the street, and then question where the hell i went wrong as a parent.

Least he's honest folks:lol:

19-Sep-2007, 10:15 PM
Least he's honest folks:lol:

totally, man. i don't support people who live this sort of lifestyle (transsexuals, cross-dressers, drag queens, whatever you wanna call 'em) at all, and i never will, not even if they were my own children.

i mean if someone is gay, that's fine, whatever, that's their own thing, as long as they keep that sh!t in their private lives. but this dude, and many like him, take it to a whole other level, which is where i draw the line.

19-Sep-2007, 10:21 PM
I'm more the do what makes you happy (as long as your not a peodophile/rapist/serialkiller) mindset, as long as noones trying to force me to think a certain way there free to do what they want, just like i wouldnt try to force anyone to think the way i do, since if i ever did i wouldnt be surprised at being seen as a dick, but dude, i was at a comics ,games, movies and anime con last saturday and you wouldnt believe some of the **** i saw there, case in point an 8 foot tall fat guy (no joke ladies and gents) dressed in a pink frilly maids outfit, fishnets and all :hurl: more power to him for having the confidence to do so, but daaaaamn, did not need to see that.

19-Sep-2007, 10:29 PM
i'm just disgusted at the aspect of this dude getting his own show, because television is a huge influence in people's lives these days, especially kids, and some unfit parents think that the tv set is practically a baby-sitter.

they just plop the kids down on the couch and leave em to bask in the glow of all sorts of garbage television, and i know they are parental control settings, but most people don't utilize them, and even if they do, networks like vh1 and mtv (which are the ones who openly promote alternative homo lifestyles)aren't usually blocked out...

so then their kids get to watch fruit-cakes like this, which warps their impressionable young minds into thinking that this sort of behavior is acceptable, and it's not...i guess that's just my opinion, but whatever.

19-Sep-2007, 10:46 PM
thing is i dont know anyone who would watch this, just like that andy milonakis crap, but then youve got **** like "my super sweet 16" which is just a sick notion of "entertainement":bored:

20-Sep-2007, 12:33 AM
Great actor. This kid's hilarious!

20-Sep-2007, 07:39 AM
i'm just disgusted at the aspect of this dude getting his own show, because television is a huge influence in people's lives these days, especially kids, and some unfit parents think that the tv set is practically a baby-sitter.

they just plop the kids down on the couch and leave em to bask in the glow of all sorts of garbage television, and i know they are parental control settings, but most people don't utilize them, and even if they do, networks like vh1 and mtv (which are the ones who openly promote alternative homo lifestyles)aren't usually blocked out...

so then their kids get to watch fruit-cakes like this, which warps their impressionable young minds into thinking that this sort of behavior is acceptable, and it's not...i guess that's just my opinion, but whatever.

I have to disagree with you. People being homosexual is acceptable, there is nothing wrong with it. Most people bring relgious reasons to the table, but one must realize that homosexuality existed long before religion. It is a natural occurance in every animal on the planet including the human animal. To deny this is to deny nature itself.

As a straight man, I don't care if another man is gay, it effects my life in no way nor should it. Why should I let somebody elses way of life bother me when it harms absolutely nobody. And to those who use religion to justify their hatered towards homosexuals I will say this; Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.

20-Sep-2007, 01:13 PM
I have to disagree with you. People being homosexual is acceptable, there is nothing wrong with it. Most people bring relgious reasons to the table, but one must realize that homosexuality existed long before religion. It is a natural occurance in every animal on the planet including the human animal. To deny this is to deny nature itself.

As a straight man, I don't care if another man is gay, it effects my life in no way nor should it. Why should I let somebody elses way of life bother me when it harms absolutely nobody. And to those who use religion to justify their hatered towards homosexuals I will say this; Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.

I agree with where you're coming from, Jonas, but I think ProfChaos didn't mean "fruit cake" in that sense. I think he was referring to the kid as a wack job.

20-Sep-2007, 05:51 PM
that's exactly what i meant mike, that kid is nuckin' futs

20-Sep-2007, 06:34 PM
Too damn funny!

This has got to be a joke, people, though it is pretty scary if it's for real. Could be real, as in Los Angeles there are plenty of weirdos who present themselves in this fashion (and I don't mean "gay" because, let's ace it, gay or straight a weirdo is a weirdo)

What is a trip, though, is how these days with YouTube and it's variants a freaky weirdo can post a homemade video and get the level of attention from the outside media and viewers that this particular freak is getting, real or not.

22-Sep-2007, 09:00 PM
He's quite a character actually :)


Now this is f***ing funny :)
