View Full Version : Watching FIDO

15-Sep-2007, 02:40 AM
Too bad this film had so much Hype behind it because it is really not that great. I am 30 minutes into it and I have maybe laughed once or twice. I will say Carrie Anne Moss looks hot, Billy Connelly puts in a great BUB like performance as FIDO, and Tim Blake Nelson as the perverted ex employee of Zombcon does steal the show, but the overall campy nature really distracts from the film. The 50's vibe and setting does give great visual eye candy, but the film suffers from poor pacing and too much reliance on the Lassie style of story telling.

Tis a shame.

15-Sep-2007, 03:03 PM
I liked it. It was something different. Good but not great.

With this and SHAUN, it looks like the zombie sub-genre has reached those saturation levels it did in the 80's when they started doing the zombie comedy thing. Let's hope they are few and far between this time because that's likely what did them in.

There's too much zombie action, too much zombie comedy and not enough zombie horror nowadays.

15-Sep-2007, 04:45 PM
You're reviewing a movie only thirty minutes into it?:rockbrow:

15-Sep-2007, 05:46 PM
i liked it as well, a nice change to all the serious zed films...

16-Sep-2007, 09:42 AM
You're reviewing a movie only thirty minutes into it?:rockbrow:

Yep, because I was bored while watching it. I finally did finish it and it slightly improved but not enough to warrant me buying it. Too much camp, I mean ROTLD2 was campy but at least you can sit through ROTLD2, this was very hard to finish, and a lot of the zombie violence is done in a very campy fashion which kind of makes you roll your eyes at it.

I was surprised this film got an R rating because honestly I have seen PG-13 films that have pushed the boundaries further.

Overall a 5 out of 10

18-Sep-2007, 12:43 AM
Wow man, I though I was critical of movies. I guess not. Not compared to you anyways. I loved Fido. It was amusing, funny, and I thought it had an interesting social commentary. It WAS lighthearted, but I thought that was great. Never seen a lighthearted Zombie movie before. It was a welcome change, not a spoof, or even an homage. Just a heartwarming, funny story built around the zombie mythos. Good stuff

18-Sep-2007, 02:08 AM
I usually agree with DJ, and while I do concede to the overabundance of cuteness and agree that the gore could have been ramped up to the R level, overall I enjoyed FIDO. That same retro feel of Pleasantville, minus the smugness that dominated that vehicle. Or at least not as much smugness.

18-Sep-2007, 02:19 AM
I was surprised by the R rating as well. Seemed pretty pg-13 to me. Nary a curse word. A little gore, and a few sexual allusions. What I liked about the movie was the turn in morals. Usually the zombie is the scary one, he represents the mindless masses that want to suck away your individuality. In Fido, The zombies had more REAL personality than many people in the town. Everyone was so obsessed by keeping up with the Jones's that THEY became the mindless masses. It also has some great comments on the laziness caused by technology, and of course. . the obvious statement was the whole slavery/racism thing. I liked it.