View Full Version : OJ Simpson in trouble again?

15-Sep-2007, 07:24 AM
Sounds very odd!


15-Sep-2007, 10:53 AM
Whoa, trouble follows this fella like a dark cloud! First he was involved in a hoaxed televised Mars landing :rolleyes:, then (allegedly) murders his missus and now this. Is there no end to the man's criminal activity? He was a pretty talented sportsman once upon a time...

15-Sep-2007, 12:15 PM
Whoa, trouble follows this fella like a dark cloud! First he was involved in a hoaxed televised Mars landing :rolleyes:, then (allegedly) murders his missus and now this. Is there no end to the man's criminal activity? He was a pretty talented sportsman once upon a time...

I heard he was involved with the moving an iceburg or something in 1912...

15-Sep-2007, 04:54 PM
fine job by the "local law enforcement" of naming OJ as a suspect by TRYING TO RECOVER ITEMS THAT ARE HIS. morons i tell u.

15-Sep-2007, 08:56 PM
Im sick of his name!!

17-Sep-2007, 02:48 AM
supposedly the juice was arrested earlier today, according to nbc.

17-Sep-2007, 07:02 AM

I heard he took on the entire WWF at once, in a cage match, in 1988... and won.

17-Sep-2007, 09:24 AM
What on earth has he been upto!? Seems madness!

17-Sep-2007, 06:56 PM
I heard he took on the entire WWF at once, in a cage match, in 1988... and won.

Probably stabbed them all :D

17-Sep-2007, 07:59 PM
I'm suprised Vince McMahon hasn't done a cross promotion with OJ yet. Give it time I guess.

17-Sep-2007, 11:33 PM
get arrested for retrieving your stolen property.

only in america,only in america

18-Sep-2007, 12:39 AM
get arrested for retrieving your stolen property.
only in america,only in america

With thugs and guns......


18-Sep-2007, 02:18 AM
Its the authorities conspiring to frame him for something again :p

18-Sep-2007, 07:27 AM
i remember the murder trial of oj pretty vividly, from the evening (midwest time) of the bronco chase, when i was standing in a hardee's with my cousin waiting on a couple of burgers all the way up till the verdict, which they actually cut into my english class over the pa system to announce in the middle of a school day...was that more important than our education?

i wonder if this one will be as widely publicized....but i'm pretty sure it will be even worse:bored:

another thing they ought to pin on mr simpson is america's obsession with celebrities and their personal lives. as far back as i can recall, i'd never heard about anyone famous doing criminal, and the press seemed to stay out of their private affairs. then a former football player is tried for a murder (in my opinon, a crime which is clearly guilty of), gets acquitted...the media goes nuts, people eat it up.

flash forward to the present day, and now we've gotta hear all about britney spears' love of cheetos, her failure to be a good mother, inability to properly housebreak her dogs, etc, which leads to the rise of pop-culture obsessed deranged transvestites (:barf::barf::barf:chris crocker:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:) into the public eye, making national news!!! i mean, really who gives a flyin' fudgepop about this fudgepacker!?!?!?or any of these celebrities?!?!?!

i say convict oj (and the media) for the downfall of society!!!! (that was a joke, but does anyone else see where i'm coming from? anyone agree?)

18-Sep-2007, 06:00 PM
i remember the murder trial of oj pretty vividly, from the evening (midwest time) of the bronco chase, when i was standing in a hardee's with my cousin waiting on a couple of burgers all the way up till the verdict, which they actually cut into my english class over the pa system to announce in the middle of a school day...was that more important than our education?

i wonder if this one will be as widely publicized....but i'm pretty sure it will be even worse:bored:

another thing they ought to pin on mr simpson is america's obsession with celebrities and their personal lives. as far back as i can recall, i'd never heard about anyone famous doing criminal, and the press seemed to stay out of their private affairs. then a former football player is tried for a murder (in my opinon, a crime which is clearly guilty of), gets acquitted...the media goes nuts, people eat it up.

flash forward to the present day, and now we've gotta hear all about britney spears' love of cheetos, her failure to be a good mother, housebreak her dogs, etc, which leads to the rise of pop-culture obsessed deranged transvestites (:barf::barf::barf:chris crocker:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:) into the public eye, making national news!!! i mean, really who gives a flyin' fudgepop about this fudgepacker!?!?!?or any of these celebrities?!?!?!

i say convict oj (and the media) for the downfall of society!!!! (that was a joke, but does anyone else see where i'm coming from? anyone agree?)

Amen to that,i also refuse to use the word "celebrity" to describe any of these freaks,leeches & weirdos :barf:
Think yourselves lucky that you dont have to endure big brother & all those other "i want to be a celeb" programmes that we get over here,absolute wastes of skin & oxygen theives the people who go on them!

18-Sep-2007, 07:29 PM
well, dude, we gotta put up with american idol, the singing bee, so you think you can dance, america's next top model, and let's not forget the orignal sin, mtv's the real world.

seriously, it's like they'll put any moron who doesn't mind being exploited on the tube these days....

but yeah, back to subject, i really think that the oj trial began the modern-day media frenzy/reality tv craze/"celebrity" obsession phenomenon.

it'd be nice if all came full circle and this was the straw that broke the camel's back, but i seriously doubt that's likely to happen, it'll probably be a whole new dimension of hell on earth after this fiasco.

i think oj is the antichrist:lol:

18-Sep-2007, 09:22 PM
i think oj is the antichrist:lol:

Nope. Just a murderer. ;)

19-Sep-2007, 08:23 AM
Nope. Just a murderer. ;)

Still recon it was his son...

20-Sep-2007, 11:17 PM
I couldn't believe they actually interrupted school to show the verdict of the OJ trial... they did it in my school I was in 8th grade or 7th... I'm sure it was more for the teachers but still... during the time I dont think it was because he was a celebrity though... I think it was more of a racial thing that brought the murder to the front lines...