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View Full Version : March on Washington...9/15/07

20-Sep-2007, 12:39 AM
I went and participated in the March for Impeachment, or whatever they called it.I call it , "Get those criminal liars the f*ck out!"

Being a veteran myself, I was abit flustered at the veterans that were protesting us protesting.I left them alone, because I knew that it would be pointless.But its the good (or not) ol USA.
Things are changing in this country.
W called the Constitution 'a piece of paper' .
I put together this video of photos I took.Being careful with the memory on the camera, I could've got 3 minutes of video, or 125 photos.I opted for the photos.
I do not let my videos be embeddable, due to the fact that people love to take them and chop 'em up .
Take a look here ...


Please enjoy.
Or be annoyed; if you happen to believe the steaming pile that this war is based upon.:barf:
Everyone should read the Constitution.:skull:
Even if you arent in the U.S.:cool:

20-Sep-2007, 01:15 AM
my political views have changed over the past couple of years...i do agree that bush and cheney need to be thrown out on their asses, but i think that the iraq war is justifiable, maybe not from the start, but based upon what our long-term goals for the middle-east are, i fell that our being over there is worth the end we are seeking.

i'm a vet, too, and i did my time in the sandbox, and i'd go back if i had too. my unit lost some good dudes while i was over there a few years back, and i'd hate to think that their lives were lost in vain.

i think that we can still "win", but like they've been saying, this is gonna be a long fight, and it's not gonna be a victory like most would like, but instead, establishing a permanent duty station for our troops in the middle east. after all, we do still have troops in germany, japan, korea, etc, because our presence helps to keep things laced up tight in those areas, especially during the first few tumultuous years after the initial conflicts.

i'd also hate for my generation's war to carry the negative image in future americans' minds like vietnam does. things aren't too far gone over there that they can't be fixed.

20-Sep-2007, 05:22 AM
greenspan said it best "its a war over oil,do u see another side fighting us? typically a war is fought by two sides over something"


23-Sep-2007, 04:34 AM
Good luck with that. Clinton was impeached and found not guilty with loads (pun certainly intended) of physical evidence; if the Dems had ANY sort of real evidence linking Bush to crimes, I am 100% certain he would be in the midst of an impeachment as we speak.

24-Sep-2007, 12:23 PM
Good luck with that. Clinton was impeached and found not guilty with loads (pun certainly intended) of physical evidence; if the Dems had ANY sort of real evidence linking Bush to crimes, I am 100% certain he would be in the midst of an impeachment as we speak.


This is just a little vid... the fact that I have been in a sh!thole in 1993 to help starving Africans & had to resort to combat has little to do with free speech.
Its supposed to be funny in dark way. Again , my vids are not embeddable, due to people taking them and messing with 'em.

He lied about getting not getting a bj in th oval office .
When these 'leaders' lied, many, many are dying.
So lieing about not getting oral sex, is well lieing. Under oath too.
The proof about all the lies that we have found out these 'leaders' are full on war liars .
If a war is discovered to be based on lies, my God , that must be a very dis-heartening experience for service personell...I mean we are talking about lives that hang in the balance.Not a blow job.
I respect Proffessor Chaos view about what is happening.Chaos has been in the sh!t.The respect I have goes farther than words.
Chaos, when you were in the sandbox, did you have any run ins with sandspiders? They are huge spiders that latch onto camels bellies and feed on thier blood.Also called camel spiders.
I had few friends over there, in one letter, he said he nearly sh!t his pants when they came over a berm slowly, and a f*cker jumped at him.It was about as big as a cantelope.
Did you see /experience anything you are comfortable telling us about Chaos?
If not, I know why.
I have spilled out a few times here, was taking a little too much of my pain meds & well, when you recall some stuff and you are bussed, it flows out.
Then the next morning I would think ,"God, I didnt want to share that." At least thats the way it is for me.
I believe comparing 'Clit'tons lie to the many we have been told by W , Cheney, Condi, Wolfowitz ,is just absurd.

I would like to add, I disagree with Arcade with respect none the less.
Just a fact that we agree to not agree.
In the mideast.
(I had to add that):skull:
Hooah Chaos!:cool:

24-Sep-2007, 01:32 PM
I respect Proffessor Chaos view about what is happening.Chaos has been in the sh!t.The respect I have goes farther than words.
Chaos, when you were in the sandbox, did you have any run ins with sandspiders? They are huge spiders that latch onto camels bellies and feed on thier blood.Also called camel spiders.
I had few friends over there, in one letter, he said he nearly sh!t his pants when they came over a berm slowly, and a f*cker jumped at him.It was about as big as a cantelope.
Did you see /experience anything you are comfortable telling us about Chaos?
If not, I know why.
I have spilled out a few times here, was taking a little too much of my pain meds & well, when you recall some stuff and you are bussed, it flows out.
Then the next morning I would think ,"God, I didnt want to share that." At least thats the way it is for me.

Tip o' my hat back at ya, man.

Anyways, yeah I saw a camel spider or two over there...never had the pleasure of waking up with one in my sleeping bag, luckily. Not a morning went by though when I was outside the wire on patrol that I wouldn't shake the sh!t out of my boot, though, just to make sure that I didn't stick my foot in and find one the hard way. I heard they can make you sick as fu*k if they latch on to you.

Yeah, there's a thing or two that happened over there that really shook me up. I've discussed these things with a select few, such as my father, brothers, and a couple of buddies from high school, but it's rough, cuz most won't understand. More often than not, the only people I feel comfortable talking about that sort of stuff with is other vets who've been there.

One time I got really pissed and almost ended up whoopin' some dumbfu*k's ass over this sort of thing. I was at a party and he pulled me aside. He was all drunk and wanted to blaze and share war stories, and before you know it, he's got about ten people around and tellin' everyone all kinds of gory details, like he was tryin' to impress people. Then he tried to get me in on the act, and that's exactly what it was by then, just him acting like he was ten-feet tall cuz he made it out. And truthfully, it's just luck. Sh!t happens over there and both of us were lucky to make it back okay. That's pretty much what all I said, and then I pulled him aside and jumped his sh!t about coming home and playing war hero to try and impress a bunch of people who already had respect for him, told him he was unprofessional, and that if I ever ran across him pulling this sort of sh!t again, he'd be picking up teeth and making a visit to his dentist the next Monday morning. It really made me angry, cuz he was using his comrades horrific deaths like a badge of honor, which is pretty lame.

But to summarize briefly, yeah, we had a few guys die pretty nastily in roadside bombings, shot up a few people who might not have deserved it, but we were just following protocol, so it wasn't by choice, just following orders.

Gotta jet man, class starts in 30 mins and I'm sitting here in my skivvies, so I gotta fly to get ready. Perhaps I'll reply to this later if you got anymore questions. Later.


24-Sep-2007, 07:03 PM
Bravo for participating, man! In my opinion, if everyone takes some time here and there to not just be an educated voter, but to actively try and change the political landscape, we will all be better off (regardless of party affiliation).

major jay
24-Sep-2007, 09:46 PM
greenspan said it best "its a war over oil,do u see another side fighting us? typically a war is fought by two sides over something"


I understand that an oil shortage would throw our country into turmoil but securing oil under the guise of fighting terrorism is despicable. At least have the balls to tell the truth.

In the meantime al quida has gained it's strength back.

24-Sep-2007, 11:03 PM
While I realize that one of the core reasons for us to be in the middle east is "oil" I do not agree that this is the only reason why we entered into Iraq. Surely, I don't think that WMDs were the primary reason either, however it was a good enough excuse. Unlike some who feel that the WMDs were a fabrication of the US in order to justify the invasion, I think that the US actually believed that there were WMDs and used this belief as an excuse to invade and conquer.

Certainly, the fact is having a large force stationed in the middle east is convenient since Iran is becoming a major problem. I believe that this was also a factor in going to Iraq, since being in Iraq puts us within striking distance of Iran without having to first mobilize forces from overseas.

How does all this relate to oil in my opinion? Instability in the oil rich regions of the gulf, whether caused by economic hardship, war, or disease or zombies, or whatever other reason you would care to cite threatens the supply of oil which is of great value to the rest of the world and to the United States. Once again, however, this is not to say that oil is the only reason that we are there, just that it is a major reason among many reasons.

Is the value of ensuring the delivery of oil worth the price we have paid in lives lost? No goddamned way!

The contention that we went to Iraq to bring about democracy is a fairy tale like cover story. If the United States cared that much about human rights we would move on a lot of other countries for the same reason, and stop having amicable diplomatic relations with many. This is not to say that we are NOT bringing about democracy, for we certainly are. This is also not to say that we are not attempting to better the lives of the Iraqi people, as we most definitely are. Finally, this is not to say that the people were better off living under Saddam, as they most certainly were not.

So why remain in Iraq if there were no WMDs? We are now responsible to finish what we started in Iraq. To leave now would leave the region in a worse condition than it was under Saddam. Additionally, whether or not Saddam's regime had any ties with Al Kaeeda (or however you spell it) is a moot point as far as I am concerned, since we most certainly are now fighting a war against terrorists allied with forces that want to destroy us, and that war is being fought by terrorists against our troops in Iraq.

Let me close by saying, I do not know if the president is impeachable, but I support the efforts of fellow citizens to protest and make a case for whatever they feel is necessary.

28-Sep-2007, 01:30 AM
14 Bases being built there...
I cant say much else, Chaos (moment of reflection) good to have you home.

28-Sep-2007, 02:02 AM
14 Bases being built there...

Yeah, trust me...with all the money being pumped into there, we're settin up shop for a long time...I firmly believe that there will be a permanent duty station in the middle east, and thirty years from now you'll hear about it much in the same way you hear about Okinawa, Korea, Germany, etc.