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20-Sep-2007, 01:25 AM
I see a lot of "zombieproof fortress" and "how would you prepare" threads.

What I don't see, are threads about how useful any of us would be to a group of survivors! Wanting to get into the neighbor's bomb shelter is all well and fine, but he won't let you in if you're useless.:D

So, I figured this would be a fun little diversion. Here, post up your "Dead Dossier", if you please. What skills do you have that would be useful to our group? What drawbacks?

I'll go first:

Name: SRP76

Main Useful Skills:
Marksmanship/Weaponry. Prior active duty military, qualified in small arms. With a rifle or pistol, I can handle myself when it comes to head-popping. You won't have to hold my hand and "protect" me if we're attacked.
Construction Occupation. Before realizing a university education is the only way to make a good living, I toiled in the construction fields (amongst other jobs). Concrete blockwork, or wood frame...no matter. I can handle the building needs. I'm not Bob Vila, but I can get the job done. Useful in any kind of building/fortification we need doing.
Coxswain. Qualified in small boat operation (US Navy). Meaning, if we find our way to a boatyard, I can pilot us to where we need to go.

Potential Drawbacks:
Triage. Only very little basic CPR training. That's the extent of my skill in the medical field. If you get wounded, youre SOL. There's nothing I can do to help you.
Mechanical/Engines. I can build a house; I can barely change the oil in my car, though. So, if we need auto repair, I am worthless.
Heavy Driving. "Heavy" meaning "big trucks" (like Roger in Dawn). Put me behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler, and watch me do nothing useful. Couldn't drive one to save my life.

There's my "Zombie Bio".:D

Next applicant...

20-Sep-2007, 01:49 PM
8 years in the military, always certified expert marksman..

Oh, and i can grow killa bud!

20-Sep-2007, 05:48 PM
8 years in the military, always certified expert marksman..

Oh, and i can grow killa bud!

dmb can hang with me anytime!

On my side: No millitary training, but I grew up hunting and fishing and backpacking with my uncles and friends, so field survival (gutting and butchering, tanning hides, improvising tools and shelter and wild food foraging and prep) is no problem. Sure, a deer is a big target, but it is elusive so I can track and stalk. On marksmanship, if you can take out a squirrel or a jackrabbit at 75 yards then popping a ghoul's braincase with a FMJ 5.56 is no problem.

20-Sep-2007, 06:02 PM
4 years in the marines, so all the usual wilderness training, survival skills, marksmanship skills (expert with m4, m16, pretty good with most other small-arms)1 tour of duty in iraq, so i'm not exactly sqeemish and can handle little amounts of sleep, lots of stress, etc). got out as a sgt, so i have some decent leadership ability. minor electrical skills, some roofing experience, some construction experience, minor automotive skills, fairly educated...and i'm in pretty damn good shape, if i do say so myself.

can't think of much else, i'll add more later if i think of anything significant.

20-Sep-2007, 06:14 PM
1 tour of duty in iraq

ProfessorChaos, welcome home!

I cannot speak for everyone, but as far as I am concerned you should be acknowledged as an American Hero for your service to your country.

I have friends (Army) who are in Iraq and Kuwait. Like you, they volunteered to serve and I believe that they, like you, are heroes and should be commended.

Thank you for sacrificing your time and risking your life to defend our homeland.

20-Sep-2007, 08:17 PM
thanks, man...i've been home for a bit, but it still feels good to be welcomed back.:)

and don't worry about thanking me, as long as you participate in the political process (by voting) and pay your taxes (which helps to take care of my gi bill benefits, plus all the pay for military members) you have done your part.

20-Sep-2007, 10:13 PM
Strenghts I've got good leadership skills. I've got a tactical mind and whenever I lead a group, we usually end up from fairly good to really good. I'm also an adequate marksman, but probably not nearly as good as some people around here.

Weaknesses Can't drive for ****. I'm useless with engines. Low patience threshold. I'm often bold, bordering on stupidity. Not so much for being brave, but more of a "Well, this is the shortest route and I'm low on time" kinda guy. In those situations I don't think twice, I just go. Often turns out alright, but with zombies around I'd end up like Roger I imagine.

20-Sep-2007, 10:58 PM
I'm the guy that would make sure the humans don't internally argue. I can throw down, but am more of a diplomat in high risk situations. I'm decent with a hand gun, and own two of them. I'm good at troubleshooting on the fly, and can be "MacGuyver" like if I need to be. I work in television and own my own equipment, so I could record our journey ala Diary. However, I won't keep shooting while a friend is mauled. I'd leave the camera on a tri-pod!

20-Sep-2007, 11:07 PM
I'm the guy that would make sure the humans don't internally argue. I can throw down, but am more of a diplomat in high risk situations. I'm decent with a hand gun, and own two of them. I'm good at troubleshooting on the fly, and can be "MacGuyver" like if I need to be. I work in television and own my own equipment, so I could record our journey ala Diary. However, I won't keep shooting while a friend is mauled. I'd leave the camera on a tri-pod!

Don't know about needing a cameraman.

But the equipment skills could come in handy for things like, say, setting up some kind of surveillance/alarm system when/if our little group manages to find a "stronghold".

Also, if those skills carry over into different kinds of electronics, they could be a huge help in setting up some kind of communications system, to try to contact other survivors.

.....we still need someone who can repair vehicles...and a medic!

20-Sep-2007, 11:51 PM

I do a lot of hunting and target shooting. I used to drive an 18 wheeler and I'm a good mechanic. Only a fair handyman, but I learn fast and work hard. I'm a large man and I can carry a lot. Pretty good at first aid and I've had a lot of first responder training but I'm not an EMT. I spent a breif period as a PI so I'm pretty familar with communications/camera equipment.


Sustained a leg injury in a car wreck a couple of years back. I limp when I walk and I'm no speed demon. Impatient with dense people. Smoker.

21-Sep-2007, 09:20 PM
I can use most small arms and have pretty good reaction and aim with a shotgun.
I can hunt and fish.
I am poor carpenter, but a solid one. What I build wont be pretty but it will keep the zombies out.
I am pretty strong and like to work hard.
I am a light sleeper.
I know first aid and basic firefighting.
I can get along with anybody and I want what is best for everybody.
I gladly sacrifice myself for the team or kids or whatever.
I am one of those people who can be isolated for a long time withouth going insane.
I can drive.
I can take care of annimals.
I can take care of children.
I can dig. :)

I am boring.
I am not very social person.
I have bad eyesight and my shooting skills with anything other than shotgun are under average.
I would insist on helping the helpless and treating the zombies with some respect.

21-Sep-2007, 11:30 PM
a neverending supply of wit and snappy comments.

Which probably means id be the first to be shot when the cliche' "cold dead hands" gun nut goes postal.:lol:

21-Sep-2007, 11:44 PM
I would insist on ... treating the zombies with some respect.

:| Huh?

What are you talking about? The only thing that can be done with them is shoot their heads, then burn the remains.

22-Sep-2007, 01:02 AM
I can use most small arms and have pretty good reaction and aim with a shotgun.
I can hunt and fish.
I am poor carpenter, but a solid one. What I build wont be pretty but it will keep the zombies out.
I am pretty strong and like to work hard.
I am a light sleeper.
I know first aid and basic firefighting.
I can get along with anybody and I want what is best for everybody.
I gladly sacrifice myself for the team or kids or whatever.
I am one of those people who can be isolated for a long time withouth going insane.
I can drive.
I can take care of annimals.
I can take care of children.
I can dig. :)

I am boring.
I am not very social person.
I have bad eyesight and my shooting skills with anything other than shotgun are under average.
I would insist on helping the helpless and treating the zombies with some respect.

Respect? You mean respectully shooting them in the head? Perhaps you mean no unnecesary risks like throwing pies or spraying water in their faces?

To contribute to this post, I worked for Uncle Sam as well. Not sure how my skills outside the basics would transfer, have to think about it.

22-Sep-2007, 02:02 AM
On this issue of respect for zombies, I can kind of grok this in the sense that while it might be necessary to kill a zombie for our own self preservation, there would be no need to desecrate their bodies. So shoot them in the head, beat them, burn them, what have you- but don't throw pies in their face, squirt them with seltzer, tie them up and paint moustaces on thier faces, use them for target practice, taunt them and make them smell your farts, etc.

OK, maybe I am being funny, but on a serious note there is a certain amount of respect for the dead that a society must have. (It is one thing, for example, to be a soldier and have to shoot the enemy, but another thing all together to then mutilate and desecrate the enemy's remains) There was a quote, from who I cannot remember, but it said something to the effect of "show me how you care for your dead and I will know how you live as a society"

So maybe treating the zombies with whatever respect that they are due would be the only thing that would separate us on a moral level from savages.

thanks, man...i've been home for a bit, but it still feels good to be welcomed back.:)

and don't worry about thanking me, as long as you participate in the political process (by voting) and pay your taxes (which helps to take care of my gi bill benefits, plus all the pay for military members) you have done your part.

Graciously spoken like a true gentleman and member of the Corp.

Your patriotism humbles me. Thanks again!

22-Sep-2007, 02:22 AM
We would have to be "savages".

There would be no time for doing anything other than burning the bodies where they lie. Any - any - lingering around destroyed zombies is suicidal. Where there's one, more are sure to follow.

By the same token, the aforementioned "desecration/humiliation" of zombies would also be suicidal. These things are deadly. They have to be terminated, then have as much distance put between us and them as possible.

I don't think anyone here would be dumb enough to risk their life for a chance to hit a zombie with a pie.

22-Sep-2007, 02:28 AM
On this issue of respect for zombies, I can kind of grok this in the sense that while it might be necessary to kill a zombie for our own self preservation, there would be no need to desecrate their bodies. So shoot them in the head, beat them, burn them, what have you- but don't throw pies in their face, squirt them with seltzer, tie them up and paint moustaces on thier faces, use them for target practice, taunt them and make them smell your farts, etc.

OK, maybe I am being funny, but on a serious note there is a certain amount of respect for the dead that a society must have. (It is one thing, for example, to be a soldier and have to shoot the enemy, but another thing all together to then mutilate and desecrate the enemy's remains) There was a quote, from who I cannot remember, but it said something to the effect of "show me how you care for your dead and I will know how you live as a society"

So maybe treating the zombies with whatever respect that they are due would be the only thing that would separate us on a moral level from savages.

Graciously spoken like a true gentleman and member of the Corp.

Your patriotism humbles me. Thanks again!

Ha, make a zombie smell your farts, funny sh*t!

We would have to be "savages".

There would be no time for doing anything other than burning the bodies where they lie. Any - any - lingering around destroyed zombies is suicidal. Where there's one, more are sure to follow.

By the same token, the aforementioned "desecration/humiliation" of zombies would also be suicidal. These things are deadly. They have to be terminated, then have as much distance put between us and them as possible.

I don't think anyone here would be dumb enough to risk their life for a chance to hit a zombie with a pie.

While no one here would be dumb enough, I have no doubt that some people would risk their lives in order to do whatever came to mind. Rape the undead, stick firecrackers up their ass, bum fighting, etc. Anything your mind can come up with, some sick bastard some where in the world would try it just for sh*ts and giggles.

22-Sep-2007, 03:53 PM
I think we all are on the same page about respect for the dead.
Land of the dead and Shaun of the dead showed how some could treat the dead in a less than respectfull fasion.
"Kaufman voice" Humans man... Freaks me out.

23-Sep-2007, 12:19 AM
The will to survive at all costs, and a ruthless streak that would come in handy from time to time. :)

23-Sep-2007, 06:50 PM
Don't know about needing a cameraman.

But the equipment skills could come in handy for things like, say, setting up some kind of surveillance/alarm system when/if our little group manages to find a "stronghold".

Also, if those skills carry over into different kinds of electronics, they could be a huge help in setting up some kind of communications system, to try to contact other survivors.

.....we still need someone who can repair vehicles...and a medic!

And they do. I pride myself on electronic skills in general. Whether it's cameras, audio, transmission, hard-lined systems, etc.

26-Sep-2007, 09:12 PM
New to the Forum...but I have been lurking.

I am an avid hunter both bow and gun...I own several firearms, from 1911 to S&W460 in handgun, and from 17hmr to 308 Win in Rifle. Several Shot guns (4) and a muzzle loader...a little slow in a large attacks. I live on acreage in SO IL and my property is fenced all the way around with 6 foot chain and barbwire on top. There is a tower in my home that gives visibility to the whole property. So I bring the weapons, the place and some ability. However I hope it never comes to this. ;)

27-Sep-2007, 04:57 AM
However I hope it never comes to this. ;)

dude, are you kiddin? most of us are praying for this:elol:

27-Sep-2007, 06:34 AM
I would be good for a few things.

I am good at fixing mechanical things. Even if I don't know how something mechanical works, I can usually look at it, figure it out and fix it. I can not, however, fix electronics.

I have the ability to make people laugh. By far I am no comedian, but I can make people laugh and laughing reduces stress, so that would be handy in a prolonged outbreak situation.

I am a decent shot.

I can handle a bladed weapon pretty well.

I am fast and very good at moving through things quiet. I would be a good scout.

My downfalls:

If I don't get enough sleep over a couple of days I become a bear, I snap at people for no reason and can be very mean. This could become a problem if on the run from zeds for a while, but I think I would be able to alleviate some of this anger while taking out some zombies.

I am near sighted so if my glasses were to break or get lost I wouldn't be good for guard duty or as a lookout.

So I am sure there are more things that I am good or bad at, but its 2:30 am and I am really tired so thats all you get for now.

27-Sep-2007, 12:24 PM

CPR Certified First Aid and AED Responder (So if you have a heart attack I am the guy you need)

Computer Savy... In case we are able to re-establish communitcation I can build PC's from the ground up with the required parts.

Weaponry - I am an OK shot, not the greatest, but I would do my best.

Med Man - I have a nice supply of Pain Killers and Muscle Relaxers.... making those nights of isolation that much more easier to get through.

Driving Ability - I know how to handle Stick Shift cars and am able to drive aggressively without error when called for.


I am short tempered - Piss me off and I may blow your f**king head off out of spite or when you're not expecting it... push you off the roof into the arms of 100 zombies waiting for breakfast. :evil:

Have strong convictions and Opinions - I don't just go with the flow. Some people do things half assed... I am more the type who wants to make sure my ass is safe.

01-Oct-2007, 03:37 AM
Proficient in use and maintenance of pistols, rifles and shotguns.
Brown belt in ****o-Ryu (useful for settling internal quarrels non-fatally or getting a zombie off of someone without being bitten myself. They can feel no pain fine, but leverage is still leverage)

Basic to moderate Hunting/Fishing skills. Including knowledge of basic snares and how to improvise fishing gear.

Hobbyist level knowledge of traps and simple homemade explosives and chemical weapons of the "whatever you have under the sink variety" Ie: I know how pungee (sp?) sticks work and can improve on the design.

(Sounds silly) Longtime tabletop wargamer, hobbyist/amateur level knowledge of tactics/strategy. Classical and contemporary.

Utterly ruthless. Not something I'm proud of but I've been in the tough situation of leaving someone behind to be harmed when I couldn't help them by staying. I didn't hesitate either time. Also as positive as I can be without being thrust into the situation that I could murder an infected group member and still sleep soundly. Could steal supplies from those who needed them for myself and those I've made a commitment to and sleep soundly. Again, not something I'd brag about but in a survival situation I suppose you could call it a "strength".

Can operate most small boats (think bass-boat size), as well as an airboat.

Excellent, (to the point my optometrist classifies it as a minor mutation) nightvision. Corresponding photosensitivity to extremely bright glare. (Give you an idea, I could do headshots on a night with a crescent moon and no artificial light sources at 30-40 yards)

Nocturnal by nature. I get a second wind of energy a little after sunset. Working with others I'd make an excellent "night watchman"

Astigmatic vision (moderate). My shooting past 10 yards would go to **** without my glasses, but I'm in the habit of keeping all my old sets. Unlikely I'd be without a pair, even if it was a pair that gave me eyestrain headaches (if I had to resort to a pair from 3-4 scrip changes ago)

Serious back trouble. Doesn't really impair my mobility per se, but I cant run ten miles at one go, nor remain in a cramped position motionless a long time then burst into full-speed motion. Seriously limited amount of carrying-capacity, unless I had access to a high quality pack which distributed the weight very well. Suffer from severe chronic pain.

Can't drive stick or large diesel vehicles.

Can be very abrasive when under serious stress & in more than usual amount of pain (for me).

Can't sustain constant shooting with a heavy recoil rifle/shotgun for very long periods of time. (Fine for your average firefight, but couldnt stand on a roof popping 200 zombies at a time then be in a condition to fight if there was a breach)

Deep sleeper.

01-Oct-2007, 09:38 PM
i work in a garage and have ten years mechanical experience, so i can get pretty much anything with an engine to purr like a pussycat.... so am i in ?

01-Oct-2007, 10:51 PM
i work in a garage and have ten years mechanical experience, so i can get pretty much anything with an engine to purr like a pussycat.... so am i in ?

Mechanical experience, especially with automobiles, is always a benefit in a survival situation, it would seem to me. Being able to hotwire a car, for example, or salvaging parts off of breakdowns to keep your own team moving should come in quite handy. Mechanics also tend to be problem solvers, so they would have the potential to repair things that are outside the realm of the auto service center as well as improvising solutions to whatever issue may come up.

Then again, I have known mechanics that are so wired up on crank, or so incredibly uncooperative or foolhardy that in spite of their valuable knowledge and skills they still wouldn't be of much use to anyone else in a survival scenario and may in fact turn out to be a liability. This, of course, goes without saying for anyone and everyone, not just mechanics.

As long as you are a cooperative team player and not a psycho, your background and skills would surely be a great asset to any team lucky enough to have had you join.

05-Oct-2007, 01:01 AM
I bring my utter paranoia and stunning willpower to NOT EVER become a zombie! I am not the kind of person to leave someone for dead but I won't risk peoples lives for one person either. I am loyal and understand full well that TEAMWORK IS A MUST FOR SURVIVAL!
Also, my rugged good looks and boyish charm.

05-Oct-2007, 01:24 AM
Ive never fired a gun.

I cant do anything Mechanical or construction/plumming/electrical.

I cant drive a stick.

I have a 3-year-old son to care for.

Ive never farmed, herded, fished or hunted.

I dont know any area outside of 15 miles from where I grew up. and most areas I know well are within walking distance.

I have no combat/martial arts training.

I get sea sick so I cant go on boats.

I am afraid of heights...panic if climing a ladder or just being up high.

I dont know much about computers (I took math courses behind algorythms but dont know much besides that)

I dont know any other language besides English and the spanish almost everyone else knows.

Im lazy.

So...anyone wanna pick me on thier team?

05-Oct-2007, 02:15 AM
How do you stay alive in the real world?:lol:

Everyone has some useful talent. Any hobbies? Like to look at maps every day, or something? Anything like that, no matter how worthless it might seem, can be very useful.

05-Oct-2007, 02:44 AM
Ive never fired a gun.

I cant do anything Mechanical or construction/plumming/electrical.

I cant drive a stick.

I have a 3-year-old son to care for.

Ive never farmed, herded, fished or hunted.

I dont know any area outside of 15 miles from where I grew up. and most areas I know well are within walking distance.

I have no combat/martial arts training.

I get sea sick so I cant go on boats.

I am afraid of heights...panic if climing a ladder or just being up high.

I dont know much about computers (I took math courses behind algorythms but dont know much besides that)

I dont know any other language besides English and the spanish almost everyone else knows.

Im lazy.

So...anyone wanna pick me on thier team?

it seems kids have much higher immune systems so they might survive a bite like the kid in 28 days later

05-Oct-2007, 04:56 AM
Ive never fired a gun.

I cant do anything Mechanical or construction/plumming/electrical.

I cant drive a stick.

I have a 3-year-old son to care for.

Ive never farmed, herded, fished or hunted.

I dont know any area outside of 15 miles from where I grew up. and most areas I know well are within walking distance.

I have no combat/martial arts training.

I get sea sick so I cant go on boats.

I am afraid of heights...panic if climing a ladder or just being up high.

I dont know much about computers (I took math courses behind algorythms but dont know much besides that)

I dont know any other language besides English and the spanish almost everyone else knows.

Im lazy.

So...anyone wanna pick me on thier team?

well, bro, at least you're honest!:)

05-Oct-2007, 02:53 PM
Ive never fired a gun.

I cant do anything Mechanical or construction/plumming/electrical.

I cant drive a stick.

I have a 3-year-old son to care for.

Ive never farmed, herded, fished or hunted.

I dont know any area outside of 15 miles from where I grew up. and most areas I know well are within walking distance.

I have no combat/martial arts training.

I get sea sick so I cant go on boats.

I am afraid of heights...panic if climing a ladder or just being up high.

I dont know much about computers (I took math courses behind algorythms but dont know much besides that)

I dont know any other language besides English and the spanish almost everyone else knows.

Im lazy.

So...anyone wanna pick me on thier team?

HA, I'll bet you live in the northeastern U.S.! Just kidding. How well do you know the area you're familiar with? Perhaps you could plot out the safest places to hide people and/or supplies. Knowing every nook and cranny in an area could be beneficial when people start flipping out and running for the obvious.

05-Oct-2007, 04:12 PM
20 years of being a Cavalry Scout. Active and Guard combined. Three tours of combat, so weapons, first aid and the custodial arts are not a problem.

I own a map company. Navigation is not a problem.

I have access to armored carriers:D and would take one and haul ass in a heartbeat. The M577 to be precise. If you need a lift just yell. We would take the APC shopping through Wal Mart. I would head to Fall Creek Falls State Park up in the mountains.

05-Oct-2007, 04:14 PM
I own a map company.

Now it all comes together! :D

05-Oct-2007, 04:19 PM
I was going to open a whore house...but I would have to run the place by hand until I hired some women, so I did the map thing instead.

05-Oct-2007, 11:55 PM
I was going to open a whore house...but I would have to run the place by hand until I hired some women, so I did the map thing instead.

"run the place by hand"

Too funny!

Dude, you could be the team comedian! Killing zombies, scavaging for food, fending off raiders-- we would need a laugh now and then!

06-Oct-2007, 04:49 AM
Have strong convictions and Opinions - I don't just go with the flow. Some people do things half assed... I am more the type who wants to make sure my ass is safe.
You sound like a cellar is the safest place kind of person.

Me... I'd scream like a little girl at the first ghoul sighting and then hide in the cellar, so you'd best make sure you're down there before I lock the door.