View Full Version : Just saw Eastern Promises (no spoilers)(not a review though)

22-Sep-2007, 08:39 PM
Cronenbergs latest movie...similar in style to A History of Violence.....

It was pretty awesome....

My favorite part was the audience and how appalled some of them were at some of the violence...Very early in the movie after the gasps and ewws and grumbles this one guy said to his lady friend "you sure you want to stay for this".....and then after this one scene this one lady left the theater never to return (different group of people)..... It was awesome....

But I would like to say this....the violence was not gratuitous...it was just very realistic when those parts happened....

23-Sep-2007, 09:16 PM
I CAN'T wait to see this flick! Al I read was: "It was pretty awesome....", Terran and that's all I needed confirmation on.

Will be back to this thread when I have more to add after seeing it this week.

25-Sep-2007, 02:20 AM
I saw it and have to say that I liked it. It was well acted and the pace and resolution very different than what I expected. It was not what I was hoping for when I went into the theater, but still managed to be a good film.

Terran, I agree with you on the violence. It was well done and put a lot of things in context.