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View Full Version : Karl Hardman has passed away

23-Sep-2007, 03:29 PM
A sad day for NOTLD fans. Rest in peace Mr. Hardman.


23-Sep-2007, 04:06 PM
I got a call from George's manager Saturday night with the news I can't believe it. I know he hasn't been feeling well all year but he was hanging in there and was in great spirits when I saw him in April.

RIP Karl

23-Sep-2007, 07:09 PM
****. When I was in town in August he was apparently in a bad way and Kyra feared the worst. I believe he was eventually diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Very sad, indeed.

23-Sep-2007, 08:17 PM
****. When I was in town in August he was apparently in a bad way and Kyra feared the worst. I believe he was eventually diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Very sad, indeed.

And the interviewed he gave the day before we were there is the last one to have been done with him so that will be hard to watch when it comes out.

23-Sep-2007, 09:11 PM
I'm gonna watch Night '68 tonight in honor of dear old Mr. Cooper.

major jay
23-Sep-2007, 10:29 PM
Farewell to the great antagonist.

23-Sep-2007, 11:03 PM
That is very, very sad news.

Not only was he was a on screen contributor but his work behind the scenes with Marilyn Eastman helped make NOTLD what it became. Both of whom are the nicest people you could ever hope to meet in person.

A very sad day indeed.

Thoughts and prayers with his family.

23-Sep-2007, 11:04 PM
RIP Karl. :(

24-Sep-2007, 02:36 AM
I just read that Karl Hardman, the actor who portrayed Harry Cooper in the original NOTLD has died. More info can be found at the following link:



24-Sep-2007, 03:06 AM
And the interviewed he gave the day before we were there is the last one to have been done with him so that will be hard to watch when it comes out.

I believe they said they had interviewed Karl and Marilyn in June - before Karl's health problems had become evident.

24-Sep-2007, 04:33 AM
I talked to him for a brief moment in 2003 at the Pittsburgh Comicon, he was a cool guy.

R.I.P. Karl

24-Sep-2007, 05:36 AM
Kyra has made a post on her site regarding the sad news.


24-Sep-2007, 03:55 PM
I gotta say, I'm really gutted about this. He was definitely one of the most fun loving people that contibuted to the Dead series. Every interview or appearance he made in a documentary, he is larking about and generally acting silly. Quite strange that a movie bad guy should turn out to be so sweet really. His cheeky face wont be forgotten and I can only imagine how much of an empty gap his passing has left, especially for Marilyn.

R.I.P Karl.

"Look, you can do whatever you like. I'm going back down to the cellar, and you'd better decide. 'Cause I'm gonna board up that door, and I'm not going to unlock it again no matter what happens!"

24-Sep-2007, 04:19 PM
RIP Karl.
You made helped NOTLD what it is:)


24-Sep-2007, 04:33 PM
This is incredibly sad. My deepest condolences go out to Kyra Schon and all of Karl Hardman's family.

I had always admired Karl Hardman, and his portrayal of Cooper in NOLD was outstanding, especially considering he was not a professional actor at the time of shooting. As a previous poster has already pointed out, he was seminal to the production of NOLD and I cannot imagine what the film would have been like without him on screen and behind the scenes. I wish that I had met Mr. Hardman and had the honor of shaking his hand before he passed.

Rest in Peace, Karl Hardman. You will be remembered and missed.

24-Sep-2007, 04:43 PM
Link to guestbook:


i'm sure they'll appreciate it.

24-Sep-2007, 08:28 PM
Sad, sad news. What a vibrant soul.

24-Sep-2007, 09:46 PM
Majorly bummed. Death comes to us all in the end, & we know none of the NOTLD cast (nor any of the rest of us for that matter...) are getting any younger, yet somehow it's still a shock, especially since I hadn't heard he was sick.

Like others mentioned, his was one of the best performances in NOTLD, & considrering he WASN'T a professional actor makes it even more impressive.

RIP Karl, you will be missed.

24-Sep-2007, 10:53 PM
This guy was fantastic in NotLD.

Rest in peace Mr Hardman.

25-Sep-2007, 03:13 AM
He really broke ground by portraying the first ever prick on the big screen!

R.I.P Mr. Hardman which by the way im sure that name was well deserved back in his day with the ladies "HARD-MAN"!;)

25-Sep-2007, 03:09 PM
R.I.P Karl, you are now truly a man among the dead.

25-Sep-2007, 03:09 PM
oh man, i'm so dumbfounded right now. you guys couldnt have said it better. he was so mean in the movie yet sooo awesome in real life. i only spoke to him at the last pittsburgh comicon briefly but he was awesome. i walked by his table, and he was standing in between 2 tables actually. i looked up very suprised as i realized who it was, and he looked me right in the eyes and said "Are you enjoying the show?" then smiled. i smiled and said "oh yes". it was a special moment for me. he will be sorely missed.

01-Oct-2007, 11:03 PM
Brothers, this thread deserves a bump because Karl Hardman still rules.
May he rest in peace.

02-Oct-2007, 01:50 AM
Brothers, this thread deserves a bump because Karl Hardman still rules.
Yeah, I was about to say. This thread should be 20 pages long, man. WTF? :eek:

02-Oct-2007, 02:05 AM

I enjoyed meeting him at the Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary back in 1993. He was very receptive to all the fans and clowned around the whole weekend. He seemed to enjoy seeing people who were still so enthused about the movie.


02-Oct-2007, 04:36 AM
*takes the torch*

you know, i've been meaning to make a post lately about this, but didn't want to sound too sentimental or anything. as the days following mr. hardman's death passed, it became more of a personal thing to me...

i realized that if was ever going to get the choice to meet any of the cast members of any of the dead films, it would have to be karl hardman. then i realized that with his passing, i'd missed out on a golden opportunity to meet an amazing icon.

sadly, though, i live several hours away and haven't had the free time to make the pilgrimage to pa. i guess that with mr. hardman's death, i've been reminded of the ticking clock and will keep that in mind, so that i can set aside some time on a future weekend to visit a place that is sacred to me and forget about my stupid job, hobbies, etc, and finally get up there, which is something i've been meaning to do for years.

so once again, thanks, karl.

02-Oct-2007, 04:52 AM
He was a good fellow. Kyra introduced me to him at one of the Monster Bashes. We didn't really have a chance to speak much as he was already mobbed with fans, but it was really, REALLY an honor to have his daughter lead me to the head of the pack and say: "Dad, this is a friend of mine."

Rest in Peace, Mr. Cooper.


02-Oct-2007, 05:18 AM
It's good to see how many people are posting their respects to the guestbook. A lot of fond remembrances their.

03-Oct-2007, 12:33 AM
Y'know, it hit me when I was telling my wife about it that 1/2 of the NOTLD lead cast (& ALL of the male leads) are gone now. Now I'm even more bummed out.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

04-Oct-2007, 09:14 PM
Yeah, I was about to say. This thread should be 20 pages long, man. WTF? :eek:

I agree with Cap. This man was a legend in his own right. Though I never knew him personally, I still feel as a friend of mine has passed away. Hence, once again I say that this man deserves a bump to the front of the thread list.

Those of you who haven't yet signed his guestbook on the Gazette should take a moment to visit, pay your respects, and view the other postings, some of which are from the NOLD original cast, people like Russ Streiner, Judith O'Dey, etc. Visit the following link. http://www.legacy.com/postgazette/GB...sonId=94900074

Karl Hardman RIP. The cellar was and always will be the safest place!

04-Oct-2007, 09:59 PM
I've pretty impressed with outpouring in that Guestbook, thus far...but it should be a bit larger.

08-Oct-2007, 04:44 PM
I've pretty impressed with outpouring in that Guestbook, thus far...but it should be a bit larger.

Yes, it should be larger there...AND HERE!!!!

05-Nov-2007, 02:26 PM
I don't know if any of you who posted your sympathies on the guest book chose the option to be notified every time new entries were added, but I did and it's nice to see entries still stumbling in.
