View Full Version : 28 weeks later question (spoiler)

23-Sep-2007, 09:43 PM
what do you think you would have done in Dons situation at the beginning of the film?do you think he was a coward or just scared witless?would you have gone back or kept on running?i dont think he was an evil character or anything like that for the way he acted,it just seemed like a hopeless situation & he acted in a very human way

23-Sep-2007, 09:55 PM
In the opening scene?

I don't know what I would have done. I doubt many people can accurately say that they would and that's why it's such a good scene.

24-Sep-2007, 02:09 AM
Don (Robert Carlyle) was fearful .He was a good husband & father.
He made a choice that made me ( and please dont rag on me) cry.
Like Aces&eights said, it hard to project what one would do it that incredible horror.
First scene , they were talikng (by darkly lit candlelight) about the kids.How they were lucky to be in college in the states.Preparing food that seemed, well, stretched to dry staples, canned beans & the like.
It was a short scene , but the acting , the subtext of love between the actors was real.
That made his choice shocking.
The other people in the house were speaking about surviving.The girl going on & on about her husband or boyfriend still being alive.
The old man, "Shades of autumn." as he sniffed the wine.
The boy that was let in , I knew that because people want to help eachother, was thier undoing of thier little rufuge.
He was saying that his mum & dad were trying to kill him, and he was being chased by a bunch of others.
When Don opened the door, I was sure it was night, the sunlight was shocking.
Thats great subconcious film making.I assumed that before that door was opened, it was night.
Anyway, the very propagation of the infection relies on the fact that people feel the need to help eachother.It was their undoing that ended their sanctuary.
As they escaped to the upper floors , more infected entered the house.
One of them had gone up to what looked like a hayloft and was trying to pull the old man up , but he got infected and so on.
Don broke that chain, he (I think) saw this flaw, that in helping each other the infected have the upper hand.It puts the helper in close proximity to the infected, making for a great opportunity for the infections propagation.
The only thing that is conflicting for me, is well...
My wife saw the begining on Youtube, someone posted the first 6 minutes of it.
She asked me ,"Would you leave me?"
God damn no. I would die saving her.
But part of me would want to live.
Did anybody notice the placement of the non-infected , the 2 or 3 that were coming through the door?Where she was at the closet door, he at the window.
I couldnt bear to see her looking out the window at him running away.
Then through the window panes, seeing her pulled into the black ...
I have a bit of an over-reactive mind.
If that were me, I would like to have my 410, that would change the equation.
I would die saving her.
Nah, let her die! NOT! :mad:

24-Sep-2007, 08:02 AM
I would tell her to smash the window and jump.

24-Sep-2007, 08:19 AM
The first 10-15 mins of that film were great... The last third (a bit like the original) got a bit tired...

24-Sep-2007, 10:47 AM
The first 10-15 mins of that film were great... The last third (a bit like the original) got a bit tired...
I knew you'd feel that way when I saw the film, Neil. :)

Anyway, aye, I think it was complete and utter blind panic, plus it was an impossible situation. She went down the wrong path, he just got away with his life, incredibly lucky. You can't really think and make many executive decisions while being chased by blood-puking rage-infected nutters.

Good film though, that opening scene was indeed superb...did anyone else find the sound levels a bit annoying though? Like quiet dialogue and then the loudest bloody screams and banging about? God I hate that, argh!


24-Sep-2007, 01:30 PM
I knew you'd feel that way when I saw the film, Neil. :)

Anyway, aye, I think it was complete and utter blind panic, plus it was an impossible situation. She went down the wrong path, he just got away with his life, incredibly lucky. You can't really think and make many executive decisions while being chased by blood-puking rage-infected nutters.

Good film though, that opening scene was indeed superb...did anyone else find the sound levels a bit annoying though? Like quiet dialogue and then the loudest bloody screams and banging about? God I hate that, argh!


Yes, realism in the theoretical science of the film, is attacking our senses.
It illustrates the dynamic difference between calm, secluded safety;Horrid shrieking bloodspattering yawning howl begging for help.
It was effective.
These ''28" films are in my top 10.
Uh oh, highjacking.
I concur with you MZ, but in a fashion of interpretation that the film maker was auditorily illustrating the difference between the calm & the insane.

24-Sep-2007, 04:11 PM
It's a situation that might seem cowardly but until any of us go through it firsthand (highly doubtful) then you will never know whether he was right or wrong. I think the scene when he visits her is the answer to this.

28-Sep-2007, 01:35 AM
It's a situation that might seem cowardly but until any of us go through it firsthand (highly doubtful) then you will never know whether he was right or wrong. I think the scene when he visits her is the answer to this.

Wow, thats a good way to put it Captn!
I knew when she said , " I love you too."It was her revenge, and ...
I wont say for those that havent seen it.
I want that to be a suprise.:elol:

28-Sep-2007, 03:52 AM
Yes they are zombies :D

Just wanted to inject that into the discussion in case anyone questioned it. :D:p

28-Sep-2007, 05:31 AM
wow, dj, you're really campaigning for the "they're zombies" argument, aren't ya?

anywho, as for dudemar's unfortunate situation, i'd like to think that i'd stick around and defend my wife. but in all honesty, it's really hard to say. i don't think most of us could imagine a terror like that.