View Full Version : One for the Fire: Night of the Living Dead 40th Anniversary Documentary (2008)

24-Sep-2007, 06:08 AM
While I was looking at Karl Hardman's page on IMDB, I came across this:


Has anyone heard anything about this yet? I'm wondering if this is gonna be a television program or straight-to-DVD... Either way, can't wait to check it out!

24-Sep-2007, 06:18 AM
what new stuff could anothr documentary bring do you suppose?, if it was stuff it hs influenced, then dawn day and land all work in equal measure, so what new must see stuff could be on there?

24-Sep-2007, 06:30 AM
yeah, i imagine it'd have a retrospective by the remaining cast members, maybe some new footage (like that chilly billy home footage that was posted here a few weeks back, maybe a few local news reports that came out, maybe they could even dig up a few alternate takes/deleted scenes...that'd be amazing to see), brief discussion of the remake, sequels, etc. can't really imagine what else they could put in, but i'm sure it'll be worthwhile.

i thought the millennium edition was about as good as it got, but then i picked up a copy of the complete night of the living dead filmbook and learned a few new tidbits. who knows what else is out there?

i still haven't seen any of the other documentaries that are out. are they worth hunting down?

24-Sep-2007, 06:33 AM
itd be kinda cool to see the origional casts thoughts on zombie films nowadays but im not a big documentary buyer, in fact the only ones i own are supersize me ,bowling for columbine (a bizaare birthday gift indeed) and ...well this is spinal tap dont really count so thats it i suppose.

24-Sep-2007, 04:01 PM
i imagine it'd have a retrospective by the remaining cast members, maybe some new footage (like that chilly billy home footage that was posted here a few weeks back, maybe a few local news reports that came out, maybe they could even dig up a few alternate takes/deleted scenes...that'd be amazing to see), brief discussion of the remake, sequels, etc.
Well, I think we're getting a bit hopeful here but I imagine the Chilly Billy stuff and some other tidbits will go in there. As well as the last ever Karl Hardman interview.

i still haven't seen any of the other documentaries that are out. are they worth hunting down?
The 25 anniversary documentary of Night is awesome.

24-Sep-2007, 04:13 PM
The 25 anniversary documentary of Night is awesome.

can't find it on ebay, and the only way to get it on amazon is to pay about 40 bucks for vhs, or buy it in region 2 format with the original trilogy, and i own all three of those already, so that'd be a waste of $...if it'd even work on my dvd player.:(

anyone able to make a vhs clone for me? willing to buy, for a reasonable price...;)

24-Sep-2007, 04:14 PM
I don't know about that one, but i'm really wanting to see THIS ONE (http://imdb.com/title/tt0852951/)

24-Sep-2007, 04:23 PM
good find, bassman. i'll have to scope that one out too. i'm a total sucker for documentaries, behind the scenes, deleted scenes, etc.

24-Sep-2007, 04:26 PM
I know that they reunited some cast and crew members, some of who hadn't seen each other in 40 years - and took them out to the original shooting locations.

Should be interesting.

24-Sep-2007, 04:28 PM
anyone able to make a vhs clone for me? willing to buy, for a reasonable price...;)
I can do it but don't you fellas in America use a different VHS format to Europe? Same as DVD.

24-Sep-2007, 04:47 PM
don't know...it'd be worth a shot. i know my dvd player will play region 3 dvd's, cuz my copy of spider-man 3 is from japan. never heard anything bout vhs regions, although i'm sure that such a thing exists. who know....maybe it'll work....

24-Sep-2007, 05:43 PM
Well, it's not regions so to speak it's format. In Europe we use a PAL format VHS, where you guys use NTSC. For example.

Frame rate, the number of still pictures per unit of time of video, ranges from six or eight frames per second (fps) for old mechanical cameras to 120 or more frames per second for new professional cameras. PAL (Europe, Asia, Australia, etc.) and SECAM (France, Russia, parts of Africa etc.) standards specify 25 fps, while NTSC (USA, Canada, Japan, etc.) specifies 29.97 fps. Film is shot at the slower frame rate of 24fps, which complicates slightly the process of transferring a cinematic motion picture to video. To achieve the illusion of a moving image, the minimum frame rate is about fifteen frames per second.

Maybe check your VCR for a PAL logo anywhere, could be on the front or back, even in small print. If you think you can play it, no problem, I'd be happy to send you a copy. PM me with details.

26-Sep-2007, 02:56 PM
Professorchaos, here is an auction for the VHS set that includes the Night documentary...

http://cgi.ebay.com/NIGHT-OF-THE-LIVING-DEAD-25TH-ANNIVERSARY-EDITION-VHS_W0QQitemZ280156806334QQihZ018QQcategoryZ309QQs sPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

26-Sep-2007, 06:16 PM
thanks axlish, but capn helped me find one already.:)