View Full Version : Can you guys help me with my final Savini project?

25-Sep-2007, 03:20 PM
so i am going into 4th semester now. things are really hectic. i havnt been here much. anyway, we are doing animatronic heads for our final projects. i have decided to do the witch in the cellar from evil dead 2. i am having a hard time finding the exact photo's i need. i'm doing the mutated version, before its neck grows. i will post the 2 pics i found of it so you guys know what i'm refering to. any help would be greatly appreciated. :)



thnx guys! :thumbsup:

25-Sep-2007, 03:38 PM
I can't seem to find any others....

If you have it on DVD, couldn't you just get screen caps using your computer? I'm sure someone would be willing to do that for you....sadly I don't know how.

25-Sep-2007, 03:49 PM
yes i do have it on dvd. i have tried to take screenshots in the past though without much sucesses. and i know from talking with other people sometimes a special program is required, which i dont have. but anyway. hopefully someone does :)

25-Sep-2007, 05:45 PM
Use PowerDVD, that'll take screen shots.

Alternately, if you can play a DVD with VLC Media Player (not sure if you can), that too takes screen shots (CTRL+ALT+C I think, but you'd have to check in the options on it).

Every time I take screen shots from a DVD using PowerDVD though, the ratio it comes out in isn't always right, so it comes out a bit stretched, does that matter? Otherwise you'd have to manually change the ratio/size in some image editing software.

25-Sep-2007, 05:48 PM
yeah, thats no prb, i have photoshop. anyway thnx for the tips. i'll see what i can come up with.

25-Sep-2007, 09:38 PM
Try these


25-Sep-2007, 11:00 PM
sweet thnx man. anyone else got anything?

27-Sep-2007, 03:44 AM
I got nothing TLS sorry but I wish you the best of luck and know you'll do great. Don't forget to post the final product for all your fans here. :D

04-Oct-2007, 12:13 PM
Power DVD , the options you can change the capture ratio .
I did nearly the entire Dawn 78 in pictures only to find at full size the are too damned compressed to enjoy.
Make sure you get the best resolution possible.
Your work is the sh!t Trance.
Tell Mr. Savini the 'Dawn Hat guy' from Full Sail says, " AAAARGGJJH!" :lol: