View Full Version : Screw up.

03-Oct-2007, 09:04 AM
Personally, I think they are gonna screw Diary of the Dead's Release all up. There is a vibe and a following right now. Instead of capitilizing on that, they are gonna f-up the release entirely. They should have a release date and a trailer out there. By the time we see these thing, general enthusiasm for the film will have fallen off. I would like to see some GAR directed, or produced, fake newscasts and clips showing on youtube. Seems like it should be the perfect medium for promoting this film. Instead we have some fat dork's MySpace page. (by the way. . I am a fat dork, so I can say it. Kinda like how only gay people can use the word fag. . .ya know?) Anyways. . I hope I'm wrong about this. what are your thoughts?

03-Oct-2007, 10:03 AM
While I agree with your sentiment, the film *just* gained its US distributors, so I think time is needed to implement a roll out for the film. However, I wonder if anyone more knowledgeable could give us an idea on how long that should/ could take?

But I know what you mean...I hate to see them miss a Fall window for release.

03-Oct-2007, 12:08 PM
I'm banking on early 2008....

03-Oct-2007, 03:52 PM
Yeah, I'm going with a Spring 08 release. I would say that's a 99.9% certainty.

Edit: Just noticed Bloody Disgusting have Diary down for a TBA 08 release.

03-Oct-2007, 06:27 PM
if i were goerge id have gone for releaseing it this halloween, cus spring time isnt exactly great horror veiwing time is it?

03-Oct-2007, 06:33 PM
I don't think Spring is too bad, but it gets pesky with the first wave of blockbuster releases and the like providing competition. If they wait too late in the Spring, it would be at risk of really getting lost amongst the noise of larger releases.

03-Oct-2007, 08:01 PM
yeah, I know time is needed and all that. . .but they need to do something to keep the ball rolling and keep interest up. A teaser trailer. . more stills. . something. I just dont want the film to get hurt in the general market. WE are going to see it regardless. . . but. . what about everyone else?

03-Oct-2007, 11:16 PM
I think we'll get a teaser trailer very soon, demand is high for it. Maybe in time for Halloween even...

04-Oct-2007, 05:12 AM
What about my idea of a viral campaign on YouTube and such sites. Little clips from the movie. . and perhaps some extra bits made just for YouTube. I think it would be great. Could even let some lesser known directors take a stab at it, just for the experience. Hell a contest would be cool. Just an idea, probably already in the works somewhere else.:)

04-Oct-2007, 05:44 AM
i liked the marketing for land, with bits taken from the broadcasts in night, shame it had to end the trailer with "METTUL!" like most horror trailers nowadays, it should do something origional, like no sound just people running from a chaotic zombie onslaught to 'jules mad world, thats what id do, no slogans or crap just the "OMFG" factor selling it.

05-Oct-2007, 11:52 AM
Isn't that the island from Zombie Flesh Eaters? :rolleyes::D

06-Oct-2007, 04:36 AM
March is fine. Dawn of the Dead 2K4 took in $26mil in it's opening weekend in March. The key is to get a proper ad push. DOTD2K4's best move was the opening 10 mins on USA uncut. Diary needs a similar sort of push.

Trying to release it this Halloween would have been a bad idea worse than Land opening in June.

07-Oct-2007, 09:50 AM
Fingers are crossed. Personally I would like a closer release date. But that is just me being selfish. :shifty:

07-Oct-2007, 05:50 PM
that aint selfish dude, i reckon everyones got the same frame 'o thinking on this forum:)