View Full Version : Roger's ring...in creepshow 2?

07-Oct-2007, 09:23 AM
I swear Roger's ring (possibly a university ring or something? - can be best seen in the scene where they're tapping the safety glass in JC Penny's to attract the zombies) is the same ring worn by the beefy blonde diude in the second story The Raft in Creepshow 2 - best seen when he gets sucked through the raft and his fingers are the last things to pass through the gaps.

What do you think? Is it just a generic ring that a lot of people have?

08-Oct-2007, 04:40 PM
I swear Roger's ring (possibly a university ring or something? - can be best seen in the scene where they're tapping the safety glass in JC Penny's to attract the zombies) is the same ring worn by the beefy blonde diude in the second story The Raft in Creepshow 2 - best seen when he gets sucked through the raft and his fingers are the last things to pass through the gaps.

What do you think? Is it just a generic ring that a lot of people have?

I always thought this ring was a Marine Corp ring. Either that, or one of those horribly gaudy Josten commerative rings, like for graduations.

11-Oct-2007, 02:39 PM
yeah, a grad ring....still the guy in Creepshow 2 is wearing something identical!