View Full Version : donuts are a bad influence

08-Oct-2007, 04:38 PM

I think its funny but a lesson for the kiddies out there as well. Funny that a clerk would try to stop a donut theif instead of just calling the cops on him and funny that he's facing serious jail time for an alleged assault turning this into a strong armed donut robbery.

08-Oct-2007, 07:44 PM
Yeah, I can see it now, he is sitting in a cell with other inmates, talking about what they are in for. One guy says, murder, another guy says dealing drugs, another guy says assault on a police officer and they get to him he says "Stealing a donut"

Off Topic: I asked on another thread, but I will ask here as well. I heard that and entire San Diego Neighborhood had to be evacuated due to a sink hole. Is this your old neighborhood? If so, hope your family is OK and unharmed.

08-Oct-2007, 08:32 PM
Jokes regarding the local constabulary incoming in...t-minus: however long it takes for Hellsing to notice this topic. :D

08-Oct-2007, 08:45 PM
We talked about kharma before... my family all have bad kharma coming at them but it has a bad sense of direction...

This is also a wee off topic but I recently heard about Californias three strikes law and how their prisons are so horribly overcrowded that they're possibly releasing nearly 10,000 inmates just to free up room for new criminals... I mean imagine if someone committed three donut thefts? Or take this guy... since he has a criminal record if he faced the three strike law he could easily get life for a bloody donut.

I'm just wondering... was he so hungry he had to steal? If that's the case we need to focus our efforts on a local food bank to provide food and donuts even to the needy. I was reading on my money and finance board about people who had it rough growing up and going to bed hungry and my first thought was that happened to people who today are in their 50s and that the worlds a different place... but no they're my age. And its still going on.

Of course perhaps he was just passing a donut shop and smelled the sweet scent of out from the oven donut goodness that is hard to pass up. . .

09-Oct-2007, 12:47 AM
Jokes regarding the local constabulary incoming in...t-minus: however long it takes for Hellsing to notice this topic. :D

* walks past a whistlin' with a spring in his step, notices thread up on imaginary wall, leans clsoe reads to himsefl out loud, t minus -LIFTOFF!*

*looks left. looks right. sniffs, leans forward*

i hope you enjoy that ****ing donut.:lol: