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09-Oct-2007, 02:19 AM

though im way biased cus im a lordi fan but still, thats just bitchin'.;)

09-Oct-2007, 11:03 AM
I match your Lordi and raise you a Reboot! :sneaky:


09-Oct-2007, 07:30 PM
Bloody Hell! Reboot..wow that makes me feel really old but awesome

10-Oct-2007, 09:56 AM
Bloody Hell! Reboot..wow that makes me feel really old but awesome
Makes me feel the same way. I remember thinking that episode was awesome back then, way before I'd seen Evil Dead 2, then it was a while after seeing ED2 that it finally twigged in my brain about the reference. :)

15-Oct-2007, 03:26 AM
that was a pretty revealing outfit for a character in a kids show....

no wonder i'm so screwed up.

15-Oct-2007, 10:10 AM
that was a pretty revealing outfit for a character in a kids show....

no wonder i'm so screwed up.
Back in the day when kids shows were non-PC, like "Round the Bend" was ... now it's all so bloody PC, ug. :rolleyes:

15-Oct-2007, 02:32 PM
hey, i'm not complainnig, she does look fineeeeeee

omg..shes a cartoon character what am i saying...

15-Oct-2007, 08:11 PM
[QUOTEMinionZombie]Back in the day when kids shows were non-PC, like "Round the Bend" was ... now it's all so bloody PC, ug. :rolleyes:[QUOTE]

You mean round the twist? Ozzie kids living in a lighthouse with their dad? O.o Now I come to think of it that was quite weird..bah but nothing can hold a candle to the Moomins!

15-Oct-2007, 09:29 PM
[QUOTEMinionZombie]Back in the day when kids shows were non-PC, like "Round the Bend" was ... now it's all so bloody PC, ug. :rolleyes:[QUOTE]

You mean round the twist? Ozzie kids living in a lighthouse with their dad? O.o Now I come to think of it that was quite weird..bah but nothing can hold a candle to the Moomins!


the soup dragon sprayed "soup" out his nose for the calngers to eat.

check adn mate:lol:

15-Oct-2007, 09:48 PM
Touche,Sir. Touche.

I dont know why but there was always something ungodly about the klangers..I can take watching people choke on their own intenstines and even incest ( old boy o.o ) but the klangers? Everyone thinks theyre just so sweet...The Day of the Clanger Approaches! Jk

Ill Raise you a Sam and Max,Hellsing.

15-Oct-2007, 10:15 PM
No, I really do mean "Round the Bend", how have you not heard of that awesome show?! Get your ass on YouTube now, bitch! :eek:


Bloody awesome it is, or rather was.

It raised the ire of Mary Whitehouse, media-complainer, and was taken off the air after she bitched and moaned about it long enough. Ran for three series in the late 1980's.

The humour was mainly to do with toilets, pants, farting and so on. Puns throughout, absolutely superb, slapstick violence and a cockney crocodile pronouncing his "h's" ever so harshly.

Brilliant show, they'd never get away with it today, no way.

15-Oct-2007, 10:35 PM
Lol Eff You and Ive never seen this I thought you meant the ozzie programme..To Youtube!

16-Oct-2007, 09:30 AM
Mind you, you're 5 years younger than me, so it's likely you missed the boat on the whole thing ... which is a damn shame, because that means your culturally stunted. :lol::p:D


*sigh* j/k ... (rowling :lol:)


I'm in a goofy mood this morning, what-what...tally-ho!! CHARRRRRGE!!!!

No, I haven't been toking all night. :rolleyes:

16-Oct-2007, 09:34 PM
Just shut up and pass it :shifty:

Culturally stunted? Hey Hey Hey! My generation has alot of culture to put forward for itself! Sadly 98 percent of it is bullplop but hey I can look down on those younger than me and laugh with their 99 percent.

So oh wise elder any other golden relics?

16-Oct-2007, 10:18 PM
Oh calm down, dear. :D

16-Oct-2007, 10:41 PM
:: Sarcastic Retort::

Seriously, some of the weirdest shizzle and most intresting shizzle Ive ever seen is from the past..HST..Moomins..Akira..Enough bothering of you for one night :D

17-Oct-2007, 09:45 AM

There was a show on back in the day about a sea-front hotel, if memory serves, and it was a mix of human and puppets, and there was a family (I think called the Gribbles - ma, pa and son)...it was good from what I remember, which admittedly is barely anything, but I do remember the mother Gribble (or whatever the family name was) going on a diet or something - and it was either the diet, or a binge of sugary stuff, that made her go absolutely mental and all bug-eyed. It was all filmed like a horror film, and everybody in the hotel was terrified, barricading themselves in the dining area...as a kid watching it, it was bloody scary.

For the life of me I can't remember the name of it though. :(

Ug, the Moomins did my nut in, duno why, just annoyed me.

"Bertha" was brilliant, although never in a million years could it be shown today. It was a true reflection of a factory working situation in the 1980s. An Asian chap operating the forklift, two working class girls on the assembly line, a woman as a secretary to the big boss, who was white and middle class. The race politics of 'today-versus-yesteryear' would just come in and read a load of sh*t into/out of it, that weren't even there before.

Nutters ended up calling it racist or something, but it flat out wasn't, it was just a true reflection of how the social/work scale was during the 1980s for many people - what's wrong with reflecting reality? It's not like the boss was throwing around sexist and racist terms and feeling up his secretary while the blue collar folk went on strike or something - it was a bloody kid's show...about a machine with eyes and arms! :eek:


In fact looking back at it, how on earth could it be considered offensive?! Bah, political correctness nutters running amok! :rolleyes:

Bertha, what a lovely machine. :)

Wait a minute, this is an Evil Dead thread, lol ... quick, er...


There we go...ahhhh...:)

That's actually a pretty cool pic.

17-Oct-2007, 09:52 AM
theres my new psp wallpaper:lol: