View Full Version : RE3/Planet Terror/Rambo/TV memory lane/other stuff...

10-Oct-2007, 07:26 PM
Been blogging up a storm today...

Resident Evil 3 & Planet Terror:


Rambo Trilogy:


Televisual memory lane:


TV and other general stuff:



I've just drained my blog bags, chaps...*phew!*

11-Oct-2007, 07:37 AM
^ gross, anyway.:lol:

11-Oct-2007, 12:17 PM
Ehh....I don't know if "Death Proof" would have worked better as the first film in "Grindhouse". Most people would have walked out because of the excessive(and not really up to Tarantino's standards) dialogue. Plus, I love the fact that the films reference each other and in terms of story line, "Death Proof" is first but is shown last.

Anyway, what did you think of the added scenes in the extended "Planet Terror", MZ? I just watched it myself last night and there seemed to be a bunch of new scenes. I was also thrilled that they left the trailer for "Machete" on the single film. "Where are my wife and daughter?!?!?":lol:

11-Oct-2007, 01:10 PM
I was also thrilled that they left the trailer for "Machete" on the single film. "Where are my wife and daughter?!?!?":lol:

Man, I really hope that's still being made!!!

11-Oct-2007, 02:23 PM
Auuuugh!!! The rantyness! My eyes! MY EYES!!!


11-Oct-2007, 06:36 PM
Aces - indeed, I love a good rant. :D

Bassman - I nabbed a copy of PT, but it was still only 100 minutes (including Machete trailer, excluding end credits), and the missing reel was still missing - is that supposed to be the case?! :confused:

I have a feeling whoever put it up for nabbage, put up the wrong version, but the Grindhouse cut isn't being released separately, so...huh? :confused:

I think DP should have come first because it would be a slower first portion for "Grindhouse", and then the 'third act' mentality of "Grindhouse" would be the action-filled PT...so rather than a slow outro by comparison, you have a fast outro by comparison...that's where my thoughts are circling.

The PT I saw t'other day seemed the same as the one I saw in "Grindhouse"...hmmm...but why would there be the Grindhouse cut of PT being put out separately? *scratches chin ponderously*

11-Oct-2007, 06:50 PM
Aces - indeed, I love a good rant. :D

Bassman - I nabbed a copy of PT, but it was still only 100 minutes (including Machete trailer, excluding end credits), and the missing reel was still missing - is that supposed to be the case?! :confused:

I have a feeling whoever put it up for nabbage, put up the wrong version, but the Grindhouse cut isn't being released separately, so...huh? :confused:

I think DP should have come first because it would be a slower first portion for "Grindhouse", and then the 'third act' mentality of "Grindhouse" would be the action-filled PT...so rather than a slow outro by comparison, you have a fast outro by comparison...that's where my thoughts are circling.

The PT I saw t'other day seemed the same as the one I saw in "Grindhouse"...hmmm...but why would there be the Grindhouse cut of PT being put out separately? *scratches chin ponderously*

You must of had the wrong cut. Both DP and PT have the missing reels.

11-Oct-2007, 06:57 PM
Grrr...bloody nob'eds, wasn't even in the correct aspect ratio either - f*cking nob'eds!

12-Oct-2007, 06:45 PM
I'm starting to second guess myself, now. I can't remember if PT had the missing reel or not. Now i'm thinking it didn't and goes straight into Beihn telling El Wray "Thanks for telling me....ya know".:lol:

12-Oct-2007, 06:53 PM
The copy I nabbed is in 1.85:1 ... and it's supposed to be in 2.35:1 ... but I checked the DVD info on a website that flogs DVDs, and it said something like 1.77:1 or some crap. :confused:

On the copy I saw, it has Freddy R from Six Feet Under boinking that chick from Charmed and everything goes all wibbly-wobbly and it burns out and goes "missing reel", then it cuts to Biehn all f*cked up.

I.E. What the hell's going on?

12-Oct-2007, 07:05 PM
Yeah....that's how it was in "Grindhouse" and i'm thinking that's how it may be on PT. I'm cool with it if it is. ALOT of stuff happens in that reel, actually.

1. Savini(Tolo?) shoots the Sheriff in the neck
2. El Wray tells the Sheriff..."ya know"
3. The strip club owner somehow shows up
4. Doctor Block, Earl McGraw, The Babysitter Twins, plus other random people show up
5. The Bone Shack is somehow set on fire

Plus more stuff that I probably haven't noticed yet. Actually....I really hope I never see the missing reel if it does exist. It's too funny as it is now...

15-Oct-2007, 09:28 PM
now i saw resi 3 on saturday and loved it, my podacast coour mark however just didnt care for it one iota, he didnt even hate it, he just wasnt interested.

15-Oct-2007, 10:31 PM
When's the new blogcast out? :)

Resi3 was, as I've blogged about myself, forgettable & the least sh*t of all three.

I can barely remember most of it already.

16-Oct-2007, 06:22 PM
The only reason why Extinction is better than the other two is because Russell Mulcahy directed it. If any of you guys saw Razorback, he directed that too.

But yeah, I still thought Extinction was turd. :dead:

16-Oct-2007, 06:25 PM
guess im the only person that enjoyed it, sure its not a dvd buy but for a one off in the theatre i had a blast watching it adn over all it was bitchin', i prefer it to dawn 04 in fact *narrowly dodges dj throwing a newspaper at him*