View Full Version : it started in the shout box (a thread on film prints)

17-Oct-2007, 07:44 PM
i started this on account of mz pondering if tarantino has a reel print of dawn and i saw a death proof show a week ago were he said part of what inspired grindhouse was the films he had that were real "frankensteins" like 15 mins in colour, then black and white, some with no sound only subs and whatever ,a real mishmash, as it was the only copy to be found.
Now reel prints are hard enough to find at an easy acess way from the out but it sucks that hollywoods phasing this medium out in favour of digital distribution, becuase i dont know about you guys but ive said before on here that part of the charm of the movie going experience is the grain of the quality and you guys knwo ive said many times i couldnt give a crap about "high definition" but it just sucks that , if i ever make it in the film industry that my chance ,and loads of others who are jsut trying to get into the film making deal have missed the chance to have there film actually on film in a big "**** off" projector and reel system, anyone else got a view on this?, sure digital distribution means there wont be cinemas without copys due toa shortage but at the cost of losing part of films charm, least thats what i think, discuss away folks.

oh and has anyone here ever seen or bought a dawn print, jsut out fo curiosity.

17-Oct-2007, 09:03 PM
I think the whole HD/Blu Ray thing is kind of in the same boat as Laserdisc was. Give it a few years and there will be something better and at a smaller price.

And yes, Hellsing....I do agree with you. Why do people want their films to be crystal clear to the point where you can see the actor's pores? In some cases I can understand it, but for the most part it's no good. Too bad companies are focusing more on junk like this rather than putting out better films...