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17-Oct-2007, 08:43 PM
The truth is out there... (http://www.syfyportal.com/news424308.html) You're welcome for sharing...

17-Oct-2007, 08:48 PM
october 16th?, i swear i heard abotu duchovney dropping the bombshell on this one a good month or so ago *wonders off pondering*:confused:

17-Oct-2007, 09:00 PM
october 16th?, i swear i heard abotu duchovney dropping the bombshell on this one a good month or so ago *wonders off pondering*:confused:

Yeah, you're right. Duchovney and Carter have been mentioning a sequel for years now. At least now it seems like they mean it.

I loved the X-Files, so bring it on.

17-Oct-2007, 10:06 PM
i didnt watch it much, a bit beofre my time, but even though i never seem to sit down to watch rereuns the first few seasons especially were fantastic.
a better pilot ep than many scifi shows out today.

18-Oct-2007, 10:07 AM
I was there from the beginning and it was a great show, occasionally had its wobbles, but all shows do. The movie was good, so I'd definitely be up for a second.

One of these days I'll have to get all the box sets and have an uber-marathon.

18-Oct-2007, 11:04 AM
The first few seasons were fantastic...it tailed off towards the end though and I lost interest.

I hear that the movie is going to be "supernatural" in theme...no ET's, abductions, plans for ID4 style take overs etc. :bored:

18-Oct-2007, 11:55 AM
I hear that the movie is going to be "supernatural" in theme...no ET's, abductions, plans for ID4 style take overs etc. :bored:

Well...that was done with the first movie. They would just be repeating themselves to do it again. Not to mention that the alien conspiracy was 90% of the show.

18-Oct-2007, 12:01 PM
The whole alien conspiracy thing taking over at times during the show was a bit of a turn off, nothing seemed to happen much or resolve, got kind of boring and samey, I enjoyed the stuff where it was 'one off' episodes, like that family of absolute freaks living in the mountains, damn that was messed up - what episode was that, anyone know?

The alien conspiracy stuff was good, but there was a bit too much of it perhaps, but then again there were a boatload of episodes, so it's bound to happen.

18-Oct-2007, 12:25 PM
David Duchovny was once interviewed about the alien conspiracy and he commented that people would be really mad if they knew how little went into it. The mythos of the show was wrapped around the idea of what in the heck is going on? Then, of course, the writers didn't know. By the time they'd realized what they'd done, they were in a tight corner that was making too much money to stop. So, they threw more things at it until it became totally unwieldy.

In other words, they did what I REALLY REALLY hope the Lost people aren't doing.

18-Oct-2007, 05:30 PM
Nah I think there's more thought going into the whole Lost thing, especially with the last 3 seasons, they have a definite point of closure they're working towards, and also with the depth they go into, as well as the cultural clues (sure fire sign that the writers are well-read and intelligent folks).

Lost gets a lot of dismissive crap thrown it's way, just because it's popular, or other silly reasons...it's like the term "torture porn" leveled at certain horror films, it's childish, dismissive and a pain in my ass.

18-Oct-2007, 06:10 PM
oooh, listen to the burn of that raw nerve:p:lol:

18-Oct-2007, 07:42 PM
Well...that was done with the first movie. They would just be repeating themselves to do it again. Not to mention that the alien conspiracy was 90% of the show.

um..........yea......... they dealt with "unexplained" cases....so why wouldnt aliens be almost all of the show?

18-Oct-2007, 07:49 PM
um..........yea......... they dealt with "unexplained" cases....so why wouldnt aliens be almost all of the show?

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I was referring to the normal movie-going audience that aren't fans of the show. That's one thing that was great with "fight the future".....it was also enjoyable to people that weren't already fans. To do that over again might seem unenjoyable to audiences, ya know? And....the movie wrapped up the conspiracy quite well. With exception of the cornfields in the end, that is.

I know most of the show was about the alien conspiracy, but to be honest, my favorite episodes were the ones about random sh*t.

18-Oct-2007, 08:05 PM
oooh, listen to the burn of that raw nerve:p:lol:
Sick burn maybe, but it's the sick burn of truth my friend. :D

18-Oct-2007, 08:22 PM
Aliens were the core of the show...spooky supernatural stuff could be done by anybody.

I did like some of the "random" non-alien stories....like those little bugs in the forest that were cocooning folks, or one of the first shows with "Stanley Toomes" (mutant bloke who could squeeze through bars and stuff).

18-Oct-2007, 08:23 PM
I did like some of the "random" non-alien stories....like those little bugs in the forest that were cocooning folks, or one of the first shows with "Stanley Toomes" (mutant bloke who could squeeze through bars and stuff).

Damn it's weird you mention that. I was thinking about that exact episode just a minute ago....

18-Oct-2007, 08:26 PM
Damn it's weird you mention that. I was thinking about that exact episode just a minute ago....

*X-Files theme kicks in*

18-Oct-2007, 08:40 PM
I heard once that there are actually lyrics to that song??

That would be interesting to hear.:|

19-Oct-2007, 10:05 AM
"It's a spoooooky, spoooooky show,
about some aaaaaliennnnns,
and Mulder chases them,

Scully follows sciiience,
sexual tension is riiiiiiife..."

Something like that I bet, sorry but I suck at song writing. :D But just 'doodly-doo' the themetune along to that. :p

12-Dec-2007, 08:38 PM
Wow.....after all this time it really is happening. No more "It is", "It isn't", "It is!", "Maybe it is?!?". Here's the first undisputable evidence that X-Files 2 is coming next year....


Yeah, that's the chick from Saving Silverman. There's also some more around the net. Including some of....*gulp* Xzibit. Apparently he's going to pimp Mulder's ride or something.:rolleyes:

16-Apr-2008, 05:55 PM
The title of the film is "The X-Files: I Want To Believe".:|



Not giving much away about the plot, are they?:p

16-Apr-2008, 06:23 PM
i wonder if it really will turn out that there multiple personas of the same person like its been rumoured to be.

16-Apr-2008, 06:45 PM
The first few seasons were fantastic...it tailed off towards the end though and I lost interest.

I hear that the movie is going to be "supernatural" in theme...no ET's, abductions, plans for ID4 style take overs etc. :bored:

word to the first - i loved the first 4 seasons of the x-files. after that my interest in it gradually declined. the seasons with reyes and doggett are, in my opinion, total crap.

i hope it does have a supernatural theme. the horror stories (or scifi/horror) they did on that show were head and shoulders above the "mythology" (supresses a shudder) stories. a few of those eps like "kaddish", "shapes", and "die hand, die verletzt" are some of the best horror themed tv ever - at least i think so.

16-Apr-2008, 07:27 PM
That's the title? Where'd you hear that? Sounds like bollocks to me. :D

16-Apr-2008, 08:09 PM
That's the title? Where'd you hear that? Sounds like bollocks to me. :D

Apparently Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz have had that title in mind ever since writing the story but the studio didn't want it. Somehow, they talked the studio into it and they signed the agreement earlier this week.

SOURCE (http://joblo.com/x-files-title-is)

16-Apr-2008, 09:32 PM
I loved the show and the first movie.I can't wait this one.

05-Jun-2008, 01:15 PM
NEW TRAILER (http://joblo.com/new-x-files-trailer)

I'm there, man.:hyper:

05-Jun-2008, 07:20 PM
The black ooze in the eyes again? I thought they'd done that already?

I'm not popping a raging boner, but I'm deffo up for watching it.

05-Jun-2008, 09:09 PM
The black ooze in the eyes again? I thought they'd done that already?

I'm not popping a raging boner, but I'm deffo up for watching it.

I believe it was blood. And the alien goo didn't leak out of characters' eyes like that. This film is not supposed to have anything to do with the x-files alien mythology. Unless.......they told everyone that so they could throw us off.:shifty:

I'm onto you, chris carter...

05-Jun-2008, 09:24 PM
Aliens were the core of the show...spooky supernatural stuff could be done by anybody.

I did like some of the "random" non-alien stories....like those little bugs in the forest that were cocooning folks, or one of the first shows with "Stanley Toomes" (mutant bloke who could squeeze through bars and stuff).

actually its Eugene Victor Tooms

05-Jun-2008, 09:25 PM
Somehow I've completely missed this thread up until now. :confused:

I'm not a dedicated fan of the show, but I will occasionally watch it. However, I absolutely love the first film, and this looks pretty good, so I'll definitely see it.

05-Jun-2008, 09:28 PM
word to the first - i loved the first 4 seasons of the x-files. after that my interest in it gradually declined. the seasons with reyes and doggett are, in my opinion, total crap.

i hope it does have a supernatural theme. the horror stories (or scifi/horror) they did on that show were head and shoulders above the "mythology" (supresses a shudder) stories. a few of those eps like "kaddish", "shapes", and "die hand, die verletzt" are some of the best horror themed tv ever - at least i think so.

is it just me, or was skinner getting his ass kicked all througout season 3? he was beaten up,tossed down stairs, almost shot and wrestled X in mulder's hallway

05-Jun-2008, 10:34 PM
is it just me, or was skinner getting his ass kicked all througout season 3? he was beaten up,tossed down stairs, almost shot and wrestled X in mulder's hallway

All of that sounds familiar, but it seems crazy that it might have all happened in one season :stunned:

05-Jun-2008, 10:53 PM
All of that sounds familiar, but it seems crazy that it might have all happened in one season :stunned:

at like season 5,i reflected back and was like "wow" cuz skinner had also been nearly offed by krycek.

13-Oct-2008, 02:59 AM
My girlfriend and I have become completely hooked on the X-Files series. The question I'm asking is should I finish watching all of the seasons before checking this movie out? Or does it not have many ties to old things that I'll need to reference?

13-Oct-2008, 06:23 AM
Bet few have noticed this but Scully is immortal.
In season 3 'Clyde Bruckmans Final Repose' she asks him (the psychic) how she dies and he smiles and says "you dont die." then in season 6 an immortal photographer chasing death takes her death, at the end it's noted she's healed faster.

13-Oct-2008, 09:51 AM
My girlfriend and I have become completely hooked on the X-Files series. The question I'm asking is should I finish watching all of the seasons before checking this movie out? Or does it not have many ties to old things that I'll need to reference?
You must watch the entire show before seeing "I Want To Believe" I say, that way the movie works MUCH better and you get the MOST out of it. References to prior events will then make sense, and mean more too.

I've been whoring up the entire X-Files saga recently too. As I'd said earlier in this thread, I was there from the beginning, so when this second X-Files movie came out I watched it straight away (as I'd already seen the entire series and the first movie), and that's what spurred me on to get into the show again and I've been infatuated with it for the past two months as a result (now mid-way through season 8, just ordered season 9).

I'm watching it all in chronological order, so it goes:

1) Seasons 1 through 5
2) The X-Files: Fight the Future (the first movie)
3) Seasons 6 through 8
4) The Lone Gunmen (single season spin off)
5) Season 9
6) The X-Files: I Want To Believe (second movie)

I might have to do The Lone Gunmen out of order as it's tough to find a copy that's in stock and priced fairly.

I've got the second move pre-ordered as well, the fancy-pants special edition. :)

Rottedfreak - aye, I noticed those things too. I guess they're there for the hardcore fans, or for people with attention to detail, and not overtly important enough so that the average viewer has to know about that stuff.


It's funny reading my posts from last year, saying 'I must get all the box sets and have a marathon' - and here I am one year later doing just that. Also, I guess as I was watching the show when I was much younger, my memory retention wasn't as good - as well as watching it 'as it aired' - I didn't get the continuity as much.

Now though, watching it all back-to-back, when I want and how many episodes a day I want, it's WICKED-COOL! The alien conspiracy stuff is far better than my scattered memories suggested, a lot more compelling - but then again, I'm a decade older now, so I've definitely been appreciating the show on a far higher level than I was when I was originally watching it as a teenager.

F*ck I love this show!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

And that good people, was my 12,000th post. :sneaky::cool:

14-Oct-2008, 02:14 PM
Looks like I won't be seeing this movie for quite some time, then. We're still on season one!

darth los
14-Oct-2008, 03:16 PM
Looks like I won't be seeing this movie for quite some time, then. We're still on season one!

It depends on what your watching style is. If you like to watch an episode and then meditate on it, which is totally legitimate considering the profoundness of each individual episode, then yeah, it might take a while. But if that's not your thing you can rip through it in like 3 months.


14-Oct-2008, 04:43 PM
I've been utterly barging The X-Files for the past two months, which has mostly replaced my entire TV viewing schedule (bar the odd thing). Mind you, it has made me procrastinate on a few things I'd have otherwise been getting on with, lol ... but the show's so damn awesome!

It's definitely far far far better to watch it chronologically, otherwise the meaning and impact of I Want To Believe will be completely and utterly wasted, as well as dishing out spoilers for episodes you haven't seen yet.

Trust me, watch it chronologically - do it right. :)

24-Nov-2008, 08:48 PM
Saw it, what a disappointment, I know it's the first X Files anything in six years but we have DVDs and reruns featuring episodes of superior quality, this wasn't even a monster of the week style one, more a human phenomenon episode like Roland or Aubrey, with themes about stem cells and head transplants.

*edited by MZ to hide a plot spoiler*