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View Full Version : Review: NOTLD 3D

18-Oct-2007, 12:21 PM
Wow...really not a good review. (http://www.filmthreat.com/index.php?section=reviews&Id=10342) and thought I haven't seen the movie, I agree with the opening remake. We Dead fans have had to eat a lot of sh*t over the last 15 years.

19-Oct-2007, 02:29 AM
I saw it. It was a complete crap movie, but it might have been ok in 3D. I saw the 2D version, which was pretty pointless. Might be worth a look in 3D, simply for the novelty. All in all, it was a crap movie. But. . at this point. . I don't think I really care anymore. 90% of zombie movies are crap. I still love 'em, but they are mostly crap. We, as fans, are used to it. This movie is no different than those, better than some, much worse than the best. :bored: ahh well.