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View Full Version : How come dogs noses always appear to be wet?

19-Oct-2007, 06:06 PM
i thought i'd post this in general, but then i saw this:

"Have a question for any HPotD Staff Member(s)? Post them here."

so i figured i'd publically ask this question and hope that someone, anyone in the staff could answer it for me. (open to all staffers)

thanks in advance,


20-Oct-2007, 06:21 PM
i thought i'd post this in general, but then i saw this:

"Have a question for any HPotD Staff Member(s)? Post them here."

so i figured i'd publically ask this question and hope that someone, anyone in the staff could answer it for me. (open to all staffers)

thanks in advance,


Dogs noses are naturally lubricated in order to keep the thousands of smell glands open on the noses. WIth the glands filled with liquid they are upto 1000 times more receptive than the similar human receptors. With them dry they are almost useless...

This is why tracker dogs regularly have vaseline rubbed on their noses before tracking, in order to ensure their noses do not 'dry out'...

22-Oct-2007, 11:22 PM
Moved to the The Lounge where this belongs, The "Ask Staff" forum is for technical problems and issues with the site, community and forums in general.

Kindly dont clogg it up with spam.

23-Oct-2007, 12:11 AM
be more specific then just "ask staff questions" as the forum description then please.

23-Oct-2007, 07:54 PM
be more specific then just "ask staff questions" as the forum description then please.


Anyway.....I've always heard the myth that if a dog is sick with some sort of cold, their nose will become dry and that's how you can tell they're sick.

Anyone ever heard that and if so is it true? My dog has never been sick, so I wouldn't know.