View Full Version : a little how to from the blogcast.

20-Oct-2007, 11:10 AM
*stolen from my blog so its probably more illegible than usual*

Blogcast 2 coming...today, kinda- maybe....

So the first was good, some laughed, some cried, mostly mark becuase he couldnt beat monkey wrench on hard (i could) on guitar hero 2. There first whent more smoothley than i would have expected so , in response to two emails from readers/ listeners , heres how i did it, and it only cost me, and will have ever cost me, 2 pounds.

STEP 1: go on eBay and purchase a typical call centre ehadset for a pound adn 99p p and p.

STEP 2: download the programs audacity and goldwave of the net, there free and only 4 mb's each so any computer with any net connection can do this.

STEP 3: plug the headset in and go into the pcs settings (windows this is mind you) and ramp em up to above the usual maximum, ill have to ask mark the specifics as he did it.

STEP 4: grab some freinds round and have a natter, whilst recording it in audacity.

STEP 5: when its finished recording (the usual podcast legnth is 55 minutes average but our first was 35 just to test out the pilot) save the file and export it into goldwave to change it to a smaller mp3. file and if you wish add music in, though im currently exprimenting with new ways to put music in.

STEP 6: Go to mediafire.com (i think its a .com) and set up a free account to host them and upload your finished podcast for the people of the world who have so much time to waste, to download it and hopefully get a chuckle, or a sense of outrage from your egotisical opinion and world view.

-and thats how fer' now.

-im guessing only mr. M. Zombie got that reference.

So thats how to do your own should the mood strike you, cus in my mind there nothing better than free entertainement right folks?
So anyway, i should be recording Blogcast 2 with my co host Mr. B later today after watching two flicks we'll be raving and bitching about for the first ten mintues of the show: Superbad (were going to see it again!) and the independant flick Deadlands: The rising.
-and of course the usual crap that has no relavance to anything ever.
-and im still going to go all interventionist on marks ass (eww) about his fascination with the 2nd black ranger.

Confused?, you damn well better be. all will be revealed tonight...maybe around 12am, who knows.

20-Oct-2007, 05:34 PM
Ah mate, will have to doonlood this tomorrow or whatever then. I'll be too busy watching my new Bam's Unholy Union DVD at midnight, either that or splurged out on my bed watching random crap on my freeview box I rigged up, hehe.

How fer now, hehe, classic. It was actually an awesome show that "How 2".

Just don't drop any Superbad spoilers or I'll have to get superbad on your asses ... and that's not gay innuendo ... *The Todd mode on* In-YOUR-endo - HIGH FIVE! *bosh!* :lol:

20-Oct-2007, 06:00 PM
jeezus, it's spreading.

me and my co host have been doing "the todd" thing all week.:lol:

*text five! -whu-snap!*

21-Oct-2007, 11:11 AM
I'm getting feverish for more blogcast, you're like my crack dealer ... just with more teeth. :lol: