View Full Version : The end of the UK..

20-Oct-2007, 03:33 PM
So fellow Brits,what thoughts are on your minds now that that unelected pillock of a prime minister has given this once great nation away on a plate to the EU?I have to say im extremely angry about it,and cannot believe the arrogance of the man (in the loosest term,he's not a man he's a yellow streaked two faced coward) who is supposedly meant to serve the public.He's made a mockery of democracy by refusing our right to have a say on the matter,and he's taken a giant dump on the graves of everyone throughout history who has fought & died to keep this country free from invading foreign powers.We can now look forward to further tax rises to prop up the poorer EU countries,further prying & nannying into our lives,as many immigrants as the EU says so,more unopposed power grabs,a frosty political relationship with the US & a whole load of other rules & regulations that they are yet to unleash on us & we are now almost powerless to stop!
I can only hope parliament,the euro sceptics from all parties & the public themselves can manage to stop this treaty being forced through by darth brown.If not il be seriously starting to look at leaving this country & getting as far away from the EU as i can!

20-Oct-2007, 03:58 PM
Don't worry Trick, he'll get his bullet...

20-Oct-2007, 04:02 PM
I dont know about the political scene in england
but I know that any country that doesnt fight for its
soverienty is doomed

we in the us have to worry about the great idea of the north american union
they want to make canada, the US and mexico basically one union
they want to introduce the americo their version of the euro

as a US citizen I cant imagine open borders all over the place
canada isnt a problem cuz for the longest time you could cross over
to there and back with no problems
I wouldnt even say that mexico is bad, but in a way it is, but the problem is
opening those borders would allow any south american nation to ship things right thru the mexican border by getting the right mexican paperwork

so if you guys in england can stay free of this then do it
you will lose all your history and heritage
that is saying a lot as the US doesnt have the long history
that England does, yet I still dont want to give up what history as a
nation we do have.

you are a more political person than I am rich
but there are some things that are just plain dangerous

20-Oct-2007, 04:05 PM
we in the us have to worry about the great idea of the north american union
they want to make canada, the US and mexico basically one union
they want to introduce the americo their version of the euro
The Amero, huh? Apparently they started making prototype Amero coins this August. Unfortunately, these decisions are made by the 'higher authority' and there's not a single thing anyone can do about it. Asia will be next.

20-Oct-2007, 05:46 PM
Ug, I hate that douchebag Darth Brown, a complete bully & wanker to boot.

The fact that Labour promised a referendum should mean they must uphold their end of the deal, it's so flat-out specific that they can't hide from it, but they're chock-full of bare-faced cheek and just barge anyway saying it's "totally different" and "red line this and that", meanwhile a bunch of people who are total EU nerds involved in the process (forget the names) saying it's over 90% (up to 98%) the same as the one before, jesus pogo-hopping-on-my-sack christ! :rolleyes:

A massive over 80% of the UK wants a referendum, something other countries were afforded, and yet we get stuffed. It's got such a major importance to our country, and we don't get the vote we were promised...mind you, a Labour promise is about as robust as a toothpick chair holding up a fat hooker chowing down on three dudes.

I honestly don't trust a single thing Brown or any of his cronies say, I can't trust a damn thing of it, all these retarded gimmicks, tricks, smoke & mirrors (obesity chit-chat put out to distract from the shockingly deadly hospitals we have in this country, for example), that god-awful mewing-cat bare-faced-cheek-grin of Brown's during that f*cking pathetic pre-budget report, that once again f*cks over middle england with more taxes, as well as completely f*cks over small businesses and gets shot of taper relief - something which is very important to those who are eligible for it.

If I was anywhere near Brown, I'd be forced by my own disgust to smack him in the face and call him out for fisty cuffs in front of the cameras...oh we can all dream.

Regardless, if you attack the bully, the bully runs away - something Brown is amazingly deft at. If the sh*t is flowing away from him, he comes out and accepts the congratulations when he did squat (all those things like floods and terrorist attacks have pre-planned plans that flow into action thanks to the people on the front line, it's not a bunch of idiots dribbling until Brown guides them like the Messiah for cripe's sake!) ... then when sh*t comes his way, he runs away and cries until Andrew Marr comes for a one-on-one that's so soft and weak it's no wonder he was chosen.

Brown versus Jeremy Paxman - now that's something I'd love to see.

Ug, I'm absolutely disgusting by this gubment, and especially Brown, an affront to everything/body Scottish, or flat-out breathing for that fact.


Oh that's so much better...that's my rant for today folks...ahhhh...it's like having a monster sh*t, you feel so good afterwards...there's a spring in my step, nice. :)

20-Oct-2007, 06:14 PM
We used to hang traitors...now we allow them to run the damn country. :mad::mad::mad:

I'll be voting for the Tories next election, anything is better than the current shower of incompetent, corrupt and downright treacherous bastards.

Down with Brown and down with th EU Super-Reich. A pox on them all.:mad::mad::mad:

(Sorry for the harsh language folks, I feel strongly about the selling of my country to Brussels Eurocrats, our grand parents and their generation sacrificed so much for this country, they and we have all been betrayed).

20-Oct-2007, 06:24 PM
We used to hang traitors...now we allow them to run the damn country. :mad::mad::mad:

I'll be voting for the Tories next election, anything is better than the current shower of incompetent, corrupt and downright treacherous bastards.

Down with Brown and down with th EU Super-Reich. A pox on them all.:mad::mad::mad:

(Sorry for the harsh language folks, I feel strongly about the selling of my country to Brussels Eurocrats, our grand parents and their generation sacrificed so much for this country, they and we have all been betrayed).

Unfortunately there might not even be an election again,the next one is a few years down the line now,& seen as we've been signed away to europe they'll be running the show next time,& i imagine britain & other countries will be put under an authority of their choosing.If europe is in charge i cant see them allowing any opposition that could rival them or shock,horror,screw their treaties & constitutions up & throw them in their face.Maybe this whole thing is the cuddly,warm community they peddle it as,but i just dont buy it :(

20-Oct-2007, 06:35 PM
We'll get an election Tricky, don't worry about it...even this government isn't that dumb.

BTW, like yourself (and most others), I'm not convinced that the EU is some happy clappy friendly gathering of kindered spirits...I don't think the citizens of several other EU countries are convinced of this either...something is rotten in Brussels (and the minds of those who are forcing this upon us).

20-Oct-2007, 07:28 PM
On its own, is any European country self-sufficient? Could any one of them stand alone, without any foreign goods?

All of them have always been inter-dependent. The "Union" has every country there by the balls. "Join us, or we'll cut you off".

They may not announce that pubicly, but I'll bet it comes down to that.

20-Oct-2007, 07:41 PM
England is self sufficient,and thats all that matters to me,i have no problems with us trading with europe,but that is completely different to having one government,one army & one flag.I dont know about other european countries though,maybe they arent self sufficient,and maybe thats why the majority of them collaborated with hitlers dream of a united europe until it became clear that germany (or in fact europe,seen as the wehrmacht was made up of divisions from all over europe,single euro army anyone?) was losing its war in russia,then they all turned tail & swopped sides...

21-Oct-2007, 11:16 AM
Europe is made up of so many different countries with so many ways of doing things and so many different attitudes. You just can't mix that together under 'one way', it's retarded and impractical.

There's nout wrong with international trading, but that's a million miles away from this shiite being pushed through. Typical Labour & Brown, the public don't agree with them on the issue, so they just ignore us instead.

Oh there'll be an election alright, and I think we all know which way I'm voting (and incidentally, have voted in the past). At least my local ward is now Tory, it was previously Liberal and they did a rubbish job.

21-Oct-2007, 01:20 PM
i saw this weeks issue of the enw scientist today, and how ironic is it that the topic on the front page is about how in the future due to continental drift the americas and europe will join up as a supercontinent, and all the while youve got people saying ,which i agree with, "england shouldnt join with europe", give it a million yeasr and we wont have a choice. :lol:

21-Oct-2007, 02:14 PM
So fellow Brits,what thoughts are on your minds now that that unelected pillock of a prime minister has given this once great nation away on a plate to the EU?I have to say im extremely angry about it,and cannot believe the arrogance of the man (in the loosest term,he's not a man he's a yellow streaked two faced coward) who is supposedly meant to serve the public.He's made a mockery of democracy by refusing our right to have a say on the matter,and he's taken a giant dump on the graves of everyone throughout history who has fought & died to keep this country free from invading foreign powers.We can now look forward to further tax rises to prop up the poorer EU countries,further prying & nannying into our lives,as many immigrants as the EU says so,more unopposed power grabs,a frosty political relationship with the US & a whole load of other rules & regulations that they are yet to unleash on us & we are now almost powerless to stop!
I can only hope parliament,the euro sceptics from all parties & the public themselves can manage to stop this treaty being forced through by darth brown.If not il be seriously starting to look at leaving this country & getting as far away from the EU as i can!

i totally agree,brown is a yellow belly back stabber.c***.

21-Oct-2007, 04:44 PM
Although ironically, many-a-year ago this island we call home used to be connected by land to France until a massive flood saw it otherwise.

But that was friggin' AGES ago.

So with futureworld having a massive AmeriEU, will China be the new Billy-No-Mates? :lol:

21-Oct-2007, 06:50 PM
Although ironically, many-a-year ago this island we call home used to be connected by land to France until a massive flood saw it otherwise.

But that was friggin' AGES ago.

So with futureworld having a massive AmeriEU, will China be the new Billy-No-Mates? :lol:

No, having already added Tibet and Hong Kong, they'll add Formosa and whatever else they want and call it "China":D
