View Full Version : They're remaking 'The Exorcist'!!!!

23-Oct-2007, 11:39 AM
Now this I can only see is a $$$$ exercise! They probably know they can produce a mediocre remake for say 10-20 million dollars but it will earn several tens of millions due to the fame of the original!


23-Oct-2007, 12:35 PM
People are gonna fvcking hit the roof!

*Straps self in, puts protective headgear on and waits for MZ and Hellsing to walk into the thread*

PS--This is bvllsh1t!

23-Oct-2007, 12:58 PM
didtn they remake this like 3 eyars ago?...im sure they did....:shifty:

23-Oct-2007, 01:28 PM
This is totally disgraceful. I will NOT see it out of respect for the original and I'm sure most Blatty fans feel the same, right Yojimbo?

didtn they remake this like 3 eyars ago?...im sure they did....:shifty:
Nah, it was a prequel.

23-Oct-2007, 01:31 PM
pfft, im officially boycotting remakes like this, the only thig remotley remake like im gonna see is i am legend since it actaully seems like a, yknow, GOOD movie.

23-Oct-2007, 01:35 PM
I've said it several times before and I'll say it again........

Why are you guys surprised?!?!? It's going to happen over and over again. One day it will be The Exorcist, the next it will be Citizen Kane, and then maybe the next it will be Jaws. You might as well accept the fact that most classic films will be remade for money.

23-Oct-2007, 01:43 PM
dude, noones suprised by this kind of news anymore, but we can still be pissed off at it.

23-Oct-2007, 01:44 PM
dude, noones suprised by this kind of news anymore, but we can still be pissed off at it.


What good will that do? You going to go to hollywood and stop it from being made? Jay and Bob style?

I say f*ck it. Let them make the crap remakes. I'm not giving them my money(not since Dawn04, anyway:barf:) and the originals will always be there.

23-Oct-2007, 01:48 PM

What good will that do? You going to go to hollywood and stop it from being made? Jay and Bob style?

*grabs his moobys hat and black overcoat and runs out the door and down the street to inspirational music.*