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View Full Version : 'Next' - Interesting!

26-Oct-2007, 10:17 AM
Anyone else seen 'Next' with Nicolas Cage?

Absolutely fabulous premis, but unfortunately done in a mediocre fashion.

Worth watching as a simple pop-corn flick, and DEFINATELY helps if you know NOTHING about it!!!

26-Oct-2007, 11:51 AM
DEFINATELY helps if you know NOTHING about it!!!

Good enough for me...I won't be stopin back in this thread till I've seen it (thanks for the warning) :)

26-Oct-2007, 02:37 PM
dude i got all that form the trailer, just like rat-a-friggin-tooie, i dont care how could it could be, the trailer gives away the entire plot so when someone asked me "oh that looks good, want to go adn see it?" i jsut go "im not paying 7 quid to spend 2 hours of my life watching something that i jsut saw for free in 30 seconds"

yeah you can call me jaded nick but my point stands, trailers should show as little speaking as possible, just raise a question in the audiences head and leave it at that.