View Full Version : The hottest Ghostbusters costume ever!

26-Oct-2007, 11:30 PM

Clicky clicky, you know you want to!

26-Oct-2007, 11:56 PM
Is it odd that the first word that came to mind was...'mommy' when I looked at that picture??? :sneaky:

27-Oct-2007, 12:00 AM
She can help me "bust" any day. :elol::lol:

27-Oct-2007, 02:33 AM
Is it odd that the first word that came to mind was...'mommy' when I looked at that picture??? :sneaky:

Nah, you just wanted to feed on some milk jugs.

27-Oct-2007, 02:54 AM
as hot as that is, how can she expect to bust any ghosts in that outfit? I think she should just take it off;)

27-Oct-2007, 04:22 AM
I love that its only available in sizes 2-6 so if you're overweight its not meant to be worn by you... now if only Lane Bryant would stop selling plus sized bikinis...

27-Oct-2007, 05:39 AM
As a HUGE Ghostbuster fan.....I can tell you that this suit is crap.

While it may look good for males....it is the most thin and cheap material available. You're better off making the suit yourself....

27-Oct-2007, 05:59 AM
While it may look good for males....it is the most thin and cheap material available. You're better off making the suit yourself....

creepy voice o' experience there.:p

27-Oct-2007, 06:12 AM
creepy voice o' experience there.:p

I would call it the voice of Ghostbuster fan experience...but that's just me.:p

27-Oct-2007, 10:51 AM
Still though, there's gotta be a porn movie in there something.

Cockbusters or something like that...

Nutbusters :D


Ghostbusters: With Chicks Shagging Each Other All Sexy Like


27-Oct-2007, 11:22 AM
As a HUGE Ghostbuster fan.....I can tell you that this suit is crap.
I agree, just looks like an excuse for some tart to get her pins out. Besides, wouldn't a Ghostbustette (is this the correct term? :D) get the same suit as the others?

Saying that, Venkman's a pervert so the answer is probably no.

27-Oct-2007, 11:29 AM
She'd get a birthday suit and a sticker to slap on her butt cheek or something...oh Venkman, what will we ever do with you?...:lol:

27-Oct-2007, 12:19 PM

And slimer would be white instead of green (jizz obviously) :lol:

27-Oct-2007, 01:32 PM

And slimer would be white instead of green (jizz obviously) :lol:
Glorious. :)

27-Oct-2007, 01:47 PM
"The ectoplasm will flow as you protect the city from paranormal activity in this Sexy Ghostbusters Costume"


27-Oct-2007, 06:57 PM
"The ectoplasm will flow as you protect the city from paranormal activity in this Sexy Ghostbusters Costume"


heh, that means smeg, lulz were had.

29-Oct-2007, 02:40 PM
I still say that this is the sexiest ghostbuster....



29-Oct-2007, 03:29 PM
Oh yeah baby, work dat ass. :lo:;):p

*slips a doller in bassman's ghost trap*


ewww dude...:lol:

29-Oct-2007, 05:37 PM
I think you need a different belt but that is a damn good costume!

29-Oct-2007, 06:18 PM
I think you need a different belt but that is a damn good costume!

Thanks, but that's the correct belt. It's the same one that they used in the film. It's the exact same flightsuit, as well....

darth los
29-Oct-2007, 06:21 PM

Clicky clicky, you know you want to!

And i'm glad i did. lol.

Is it odd that the first word that came to mind was...'mommy' when I looked at that picture??? :sneaky:

Maybe it was those milk bottles spilling out of her costume.?

She can help me "bust" any day. :elol::lol:

i'd buy that for a dollar !! :D

29-Oct-2007, 06:28 PM
Really? That's odd... it just looks like a belt that doesn't go ... hm... meh i'm jealous either way!

29-Oct-2007, 08:03 PM
Really? That's odd... it just looks like a belt that doesn't go ... hm... meh i'm jealous either way!

I think that may have been before I dyed it to the darker color that it's supposed to be. It also doesn't have the proper hooks, walkie talkie, and what not.

Thanks, though.

29-Oct-2007, 11:45 PM
I love that its only available in sizes 2-6 so if you're overweight its not meant to be worn by you... now if only Lane Bryant would stop selling plus sized bikinis...

Hey now, some of us want a woman to have enough a$$ to grab onto...:D

darth los
30-Oct-2007, 01:26 AM
I'm all for curves as well, but i have to go with mj on this one. There are just some garments that shouldn't be worn if you're past a certain size.

30-Oct-2007, 02:26 AM
Now the real test will be Bassman not soiling his outfit after catching a glimpse of a real ghostie. :D

30-Oct-2007, 03:59 AM
Its cool vern i'm not a size 6 and couldn't wear the costume so I was a little pist off... i'm an 8 so by todays standards i'm fat... but I at least fill out my swimsuits unlike so many unsurgically enhanced females. But I do think that there's just a certain size height and weight ratio that shouldn't be permitted to wear skimpy outfits in public. Of course the argument could equally be made that if they dont feel bad about themselves (and i'm not saying they should) while wearing that then why should we feel bad seeing them wearing those outfits? What's visually appealing to one isn't to all. But like I said... I wuz a little bitter that a)the costume wouldn't fit me and that b)I saw the thread so late I couldn't wear it if I wanted it'd never get here in time... i'm forced to settle for the same o same ol...

30-Oct-2007, 07:17 AM
Its cool vern i'm not a size 6 and couldn't wear the costume so I was a little pist off... i'm an 8 so by todays standards i'm fat... but I at least fill out my swimsuits unlike so many unsurgically enhanced females. But I do think that there's just a certain size height and weight ratio that shouldn't be permitted to wear skimpy outfits in public. Of course the argument could equally be made that if they dont feel bad about themselves (and i'm not saying they should) while wearing that then why should we feel bad seeing them wearing those outfits? What's visually appealing to one isn't to all. But like I said... I wuz a little bitter that a)the costume wouldn't fit me and that b)I saw the thread so late I couldn't wear it if I wanted it'd never get here in time... i'm forced to settle for the same o same ol...

Screw todays standards, your not fat.

30-Oct-2007, 07:35 AM
ugh dont get me started, i was in boots being dragged around by my mom as she needed someone to tell her which shade of the exact same hair colour matched heres (:rolleyes:) and i spied a chart about wieght and im around 5.5 maybe taller, maybe shorter im just guessing here, but average or a little below and at 12 stone im apparrently "boarderline obese", now im not the skinniest chicken in the coop but i really would like to know were this info comes from as it said nowere on the chart were thoguh it also said if you were 2 foot tall and 50 stone you were obese so the general incline for the "red zone" was a bit odd, apparently your only underweight at 5.5 if you wiegh 4 stone ,5 to 7 and your "healthy", that aint healthy aint dont care what chart tells you that, 5 stone at ,according to teh chart, 6 foot isnt "optimum wieght" its warning signs for a liver problem.:rolleyes:

and i am not suprised that in this predominantly girly store that this is put right next to the health foods whch costs thrice as much as a sandwich or pasty from greggs and have way more crap in them.:dead:

darth los
30-Oct-2007, 01:09 PM
AWESOME !! Now if i only knew what a stone was i'd be all set !! Just kidding i know that it's how you guys measure wieght. We measure it by the pound, or your money so to speak, so i'm not sure of the exchange rate. lol

30-Oct-2007, 01:31 PM
i'm an 8 so by todays standards i'm fat... but I at least fill out my swimsuits unlike so many unsurgically enhanced females.

An 8 is just great in my book!

That was a poem for you, MissJ. Wait...I don't think single stanza poems exist in anything other than the barest of pretenses. Maybe it will look better with a title...

A Thin Poem

An 8 is just great in my book!

PS--Yes, I'm in a wacky mood today, I s'ppose.

darth los
30-Oct-2007, 01:40 PM
As roger would say, "Perfect baby, Perfect". :)

30-Oct-2007, 01:49 PM
Ugh, I bet that was a BMI or Body Mass Index chart wasn't it?

Apparently those things are next-to-useless because they don't really measure things properly, nor do they take many things - if any beyond it's simple calculation - for example, using BMI most rugby players are clinically obese - but they're incredibly fit, have a lot of muscle and so on.

I'm certainly not slim, but I'm not getting "flee, fatass, flee!" yelped at me either (l'il Jay & Bob reference fer ya there considering your sig gif). I mean, I'm well built, could do with losing a bit, but I'm not huffing out of an oxygen mask, I don't struggle to move, I've always had 'the legs of a rugby player', broad shoulders and so on.

Really, I'm just working off a bit of a beer gut at the moment...workin' off my uni days so-to-speak. :)

Anyway, the BMI is retarded.

And I feel sorry for you there, getting dragged around Boots with your Mum, been there and bought the t-shirt, my friend. :D

30-Oct-2007, 02:25 PM
AWESOME !! Now if i only knew what a stone was i'd be all set !! Just kidding i know that it's how you guys measure wieght. We measure it by the pound, or your money so to speak, so i'm not sure of the exchange rate. lol

As Pooh said of Tigger: "Whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, or ounces, he always seemed bigger because of his bounces."

31-Oct-2007, 12:16 AM
As Pooh said of Tigger: "Whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, or ounces, he always seemed bigger because of his bounces."

LMAO... I was never a fan of Winnie the Pooh as a kid I was a Berensteins Bear kinda gal... but thats funny... you guys are weird! In the best way of course. Its just weird for me as a female because there's literally stores that only sell clothes to girls who are a size six or below... and then there's stores like Hollister that sell clothes that while have sizes other stores have when you put on their clothes what once was your size is no longer... but I hop into the Gap and i'm back to normal sizes... I'm beginning to wonder if stores are in cohootz with diet companies and ad campaigns and they try to make you feel fat in order to get you to buy Xenadrine and smaller clothes? I think they may also be 'in' with personal trainers who measure BMI... and all that crap...

darth los
31-Oct-2007, 02:37 AM
LMAO... I was never a fan of Winnie the Pooh as a kid I was a Berensteins Bear kinda gal... but thats funny... you guys are weird! In the best way of course. Its just weird for me as a female because there's literally stores that only sell clothes to girls who are a size six or below... and then there's stores like Hollister that sell clothes that while have sizes other stores have when you put on their clothes what once was your size is no longer... but I hop into the Gap and i'm back to normal sizes... I'm beginning to wonder if stores are in cohootz with diet companies and ad campaigns and they try to make you feel fat in order to get you to buy Xenadrine and smaller clothes? I think they may also be 'in' with personal trainers who measure BMI... and all that crap...

You're definitely on to something there. Unfortunately, we are bombarded by the media on a daily basis on what the "ideal" female form is. I like your conspiracy theory as well. Keep churning them out. They all can't be wrong. Can they? :confused:

31-Oct-2007, 02:40 AM
Its just TOO coincidental for it to be a mere cowinkidink... they all have to be in on it...

as always for these and other crazy conspiracy theories stay tuned to aynsie... coming up with crazy since 1983

darth los
31-Oct-2007, 02:44 AM
coming up with crazy since 1983

You're preaching to the choir on that one honey.lol :p We know your m.o. already. It's cool though. That's what makes you so endearing. In a freddy kruger/michael myers sort of way of course.

31-Oct-2007, 02:47 AM
Speaking of... HAPPY HALLOWEEN ME MATEYS! And I'm kinda going for that Jason masked killer appeal... I think masks and big machetes are dead sexy!