View Full Version : My Low/No Budget Feature

29-Oct-2007, 12:41 AM
Well, I'm about four months into the shooting of my no/low budget feature, "Dark Souls". It's a supernatural thriller, not actually a zombie flick, but it does feature some zombie-esque characters in the final scenes.

You can check out our progress at


Just click on "Current Production" to check out stills and production diaries. Not a lot of the gorier stuff there yet, as most of that will be shot in the next few weeks. :)

Edit to add:

I've put up a couple more diary entries with stills and frame grabs from the last couple of weekends of filming. There's also a quick look at some digital make-up effects I'm experimenting with.



We've started playing with knives :-)


18-Dec-2007, 11:26 PM
Finished principal photography on my low/no budget feature "Dark Souls". As I mentioned before, although it's not actually a zombie movie, it does feature some zombi-esque characters, and I now have some pics of those characters up. First two show the make-up, third one shows me with the characters in a publicity still.




I've also been experimenting with "digital make-up" for the look of characters in the film who get possessed. Here's a test frame from that:


And for reference, here's what she looked like before the "make-up" was applied:


Enjoy :-)


19-Dec-2007, 12:37 PM
The digital stuff looks fantastic. Congrats and Kudo's.

22-Dec-2007, 05:27 PM
hey that aint bad. that digital one looks as good as the vampires in 30 days of night. no, really, not a compliment, a fact.;)

24-Dec-2007, 01:46 PM
If you need an editor....

23-Jan-2008, 06:43 PM
Awesome work for being low/no budget. Good job!

17-Feb-2008, 12:08 AM
You got some dramatic lighting there.
Nice to see.
What are you working with as far as lighting goes?
I actually like lighting best.
I always saw it as being the most important part, aside from good concept.
I thought it was hard when trying to do location lighting and started to fear it a bit, but set lighting was alot better.

Are you doing the digital stuff yourself?
Looks good.
You can digitally adjust the lighting too, that really comes in handy.
Looks like your good on the lighting, I don't mean it needs it.
Just if you want it, it's there.
The digital makeup is probably more difficult than adjusting the lighting digitally, so it wouldn't be an obstacle for you.
One thing I learned though is that it's better to have underexposed shots than overexposed.
Even slight overexposure can cause problems in post when doing what seem like small things.
Like subtle photo filters or selective color FX.
In fact, if you know the shots are gonna be adjusted in post a certain way, it's better to shoot underexposed by a couple EV's.

What are you using for the makeup BTW?
Photoshop? After Effects?
Do you just have concept stills with digitally enhanced makeup, or do you actually have footage edited?

17-Feb-2008, 12:17 PM
You got some dramatic lighting there.
Nice to see.
What are you working with as far as lighting goes?
I actually like lighting best.
I always saw it as being the most important part, aside from good concept.
I thought it was hard when trying to do location lighting and started to fear it a bit, but set lighting was alot better.

oh aye, lighting can make or break something, i helped a dude film his own short batman film and in regular light it looke terrible, but when i got some proper lighting set up it looked damn realistic, a lot of people dont take lighting into accoutn and focus more on sound and are then surprised when the lighting on film has ruined it.

17-Feb-2008, 01:41 PM
The movie looks great, when is it expected to be released on DVD.:D