View Full Version : Happy Halloween from HPotD!

29-Oct-2007, 12:04 PM
Hope you guys like the new look :elol:

29-Oct-2007, 12:32 PM
i gotta listen to the misfits song now.:D

29-Oct-2007, 01:21 PM
Good stuff, I was hoping for a Halloween skin this year! Thanks for all the effort HPotD dudes :thumbsup:

29-Oct-2007, 02:06 PM
Despite me having nout to do with it, I'll take some credit regardless! :elol::lol::p:D

Oh okay, I won't then. :p

Regardless, happy halloween to one-and-all, particularly our American chums who know how to do the season justice.

I think I'll sit down and watch (without the commentary, this time) the European Cut of "Dawn of the Dead", which I've only seen once and that was with the commentary back when I first got the UE DVD of Dawn.

29-Oct-2007, 02:20 PM
I think I'll sit down and watch (without the commentary, this time) the European Cut of "Dawn of the Dead", which I've only seen once and that was with the commentary back when I first got the UE DVD of Dawn.

I still hate that they put the cast commentary over the Euro cut. They had never seen it before. It would have made more sence to put R. Rubinstein's on that disc, and put the cast commentary on the Extended.

29-Oct-2007, 03:28 PM
I still hate that they put the cast commentary over the Euro cut. They had never seen it before. It would have made more sence to put R. Rubinstein's on that disc, and put the cast commentary on the Extended.
Exactly my thoughts on the issue.

I won't listen to the Rubenstein commentary, the dude ripped off GAR and is all about cash rather than creativity. Plus I've heard he says nothing interesting anyway and just talks about business stuff - again confirming he's all about the dollah.

The cast commentary was bloody good though, as was the GAR & Co commentary. GAR commentaries are usually bloody good though.

29-Oct-2007, 03:50 PM
I won't listen to the Rubenstein commentary, the dude ripped off GAR and is all about cash rather than creativity. Plus I've heard he says nothing interesting anyway and just talks about business stuff - again confirming he's all about the dollah.
Unless you're interested in all the financial aspects of the movie then I'd stay away from Donald Duck's commentary. It's like paint drying, 'budgetary' this and 'box office' that. And the guy talks so slow, it's like he's on peyote or something. :bored:

Edit: Oh, and Happy Halloween!

29-Oct-2007, 04:06 PM
NIIIICE ANDY thanks for getting us in the mood!!
NOw I gotta get my zombie movies out and watch them all this week!!!

29-Oct-2007, 04:24 PM
I found the Richard Rubinstein commentary to be very interesting, and extremely informative. He reveals the actual budget for the film (625k) which has shrank significantly over the years.

30-Oct-2007, 11:09 AM
$625k?! That's a bit of a f*cking leap down from a cool million or 1.5 mil! :eek:

30-Oct-2007, 04:50 PM
To make things even better, Dethalbum just arrived. I must be the only person in Britain with the Deluxe Edition :)

31-Oct-2007, 11:45 AM
Blog-juiced my thoughts on the season...



You Americans always do it so much better than us...Halloween anyway. :p

31-Oct-2007, 02:02 PM
Happy Halloween Everyone.
Party till you puke. :barf:

Awesome Hally theme Andy.

darth los
31-Oct-2007, 04:01 PM
$625k?! That's a bit of a f*cking leap down from a cool million or 1.5 mil! :eek:

It's amazing what you can do with statistics. You really can make those numbers say anything you want them to. :rockbrow:

31-Oct-2007, 07:32 PM
Rubenstein is not fit to smell my $hit!

And thanks to HPOTD for the Halloween updates. As always, HPOTD rules!

triste realtà
02-Nov-2007, 06:11 AM
I jump on the Rubenstein commentary hating and Misfits Halloween I & II listening bandwagon. Actually, I was already there awhile ago.