View Full Version : Zombie Attack - short amateur zombie flick

Mister Chrome
30-Oct-2007, 12:30 AM
I like to enjoy the Halloween season by checking out zombie flicks. I found this one while scouring the web for zombie movies and shorts. Zombie Attack is a short movie produced by a high school student.

It has the usual mediocre acting associated with amateur zombie flicks, and some of the camera work is reminiscent of "The Blair Witch Project", but for something produced by a high school kid, it is better than a lot of things with an actual budget and so-called professional actors.

Check it out:


30-Oct-2007, 03:11 AM
The first 3:00 mins were gold.;)

03-Nov-2007, 02:25 AM
Not bad, and in fact better than some of that cheese for sale at Best Buy that is made by adults. It kicked Contagium's ass for sure.

03-Nov-2007, 02:50 AM
I like this one...


03-Nov-2007, 01:11 PM
Yeah, this was cute, for what it was. A nice effort.

03-Nov-2007, 04:41 PM

just thought id embed it for ya'

it wasnt particuarly good, but nice to see people having fun with something like that, like jhon carpenter says, and i agree, "you can make a horror film scary, but odds are when making it, your gonna laugh", 'sides the reason i chose film making over games design is the fact that the process of going out at all hours with a camera is a great way to make a living and have a blast at the same time. cus no matter how crap your film may be the fun you have in the process of makign it is "radass".