View Full Version : Help make The Walking Dead a TV series!

30-Oct-2007, 03:15 AM
Hey guys,

I love The Walking Dead comics just as much as anyone else and I know there are plenty of people who like to see it turned into a TV series. So, I decided to make a petition for it. If you all could help pass this around it would be awesome. I don't know if it would actually make a difference but we won't know unless we try. Here is the link.



03-Nov-2007, 01:39 AM
Dude, I will sign this one on principal, but does anyone know if it actually makes any sort of difference to those who would actually make this film in a manner which would be worth our time?

03-Nov-2007, 01:57 AM
yeah, I'd love to see that happen. Great series. Dunno how much good the petition will do, but my name's on it.

03-Nov-2007, 02:15 AM
You know, I went to sign this thing and was asked to make a paypal donation. What a scam!

I'd rather not part with even $1 (though their minimum "donation" is $2, the system is defaulted to a $10 "donation" -- can you believe that?) and line the pockets of some dude for the privilege of signing a petition which, for all intents and purposes, comes off as a major scam.

BTW: I mean no disrespect to JPhil, who's intentions I am certain are pure and fan based and I appreciate his effort in supporting the idea of this venture.

JPhil, I too would like this film to be made and if I could I would donate the $10.00 instead directly to a film maker so that they could put this on the screen rather than to some website that, at least as far as I can see, takes advantage of honest fans in such a predatory fashion. Peace to you brother, my quarrel is not with you.

03-Nov-2007, 04:35 PM
those kind of things re too dodgy for me to risk, plus they wouldnt make a bit of difference since the people behind the book have said in the letters section there not interested in a movie or series when its still so early in the story.

04-Nov-2007, 01:00 AM
I was all for signing the petition until I was told I had to donate. What utter BS! Every petition i've ever signed not only was free for me to sign but typically the people who got my signature were paid a dollar or more for each signature! So screw that. Wanna make a walking dead series for the internet? If you have the time and the knowledge of the series we can get together and film something. This on the other hand seems like a worthless effort since they're expecting money.

04-Nov-2007, 02:20 AM
I was all for signing the petition until I was told I had to donate. What utter BS! Every petition i've ever signed not only was free for me to sign but typically the people who got my signature were paid a dollar or more for each signature! So screw that. This on the other hand seems like a worthless effort since they're expecting money.


04-Nov-2007, 02:58 AM
Actually the petition was sent, then it routes you to the donate screen, not neccissary, i don't believe.

04-Nov-2007, 06:31 PM
Yeah I got an email that said they appreciated my participation but still... the mere fact that they're asking for donations? Its sketch.

If you wanna get something done do it yourself... errr... if you want something done RIGHT do it yourself...