View Full Version : My new blog for ranting about indie films

30-Oct-2007, 12:31 PM
I started a new blog this morning for indie filmmaking. Now before you go running off to click the link please beware the first post is a rant, but as the blog progresses I will post what has successfully worked for me on both Deadlands and Trapped, hopefully what we tried and accomplished will work for other indie filmmakers as well.

So without further blabbering...


30-Oct-2007, 02:22 PM
Everyone's gone Blog loopy! :eek::D

30-Oct-2007, 05:05 PM
i know, its friggin' catching huh?:D

30-Oct-2007, 06:32 PM
i know, its friggin' catching huh?:D
*American teen mode on* Uh-yeaaah.


I got covered in blog juice and got infected by it...now I'm a blogging blogger for blog's sake! :lol:

31-Oct-2007, 01:42 AM
In the immortal words of Mr. Yosemite Sam. . "Ahhh Hates Blogs!!"

31-Oct-2007, 12:45 PM
for nwo you might, but one day, some day soon, youll be bored and will skim over the blogger site, and think "maybe ill see what the deal is" and the next thing you know your doign it too.

its inevitable really, joooin ussssss......:lol:

31-Oct-2007, 12:58 PM
I don't see the point of it, really. Especially if a link will be posted to the blog on a perfectly good message board. Why not just say what you want right here?

31-Oct-2007, 01:04 PM
becuase theres no mods to answer to?, i dunno.

-really its jsut for people to bitch abotu each other behind there backs, but keep it shufty *taps nose*

31-Oct-2007, 02:11 PM
I set up my blog to go hand-in-hand with my website.

I update things regarding my work and filmmaking there, an easier way and place to do it than on my website, which is for long-standing information, rather than 'as it progresses' information on the blog.

It's also a way to collect my rants, raves, musings and so forth in one place to keep track of them.

That's why I started my blog.

31-Oct-2007, 02:30 PM
i started mine as i hadnt filme danything worthwhile, in my opinion, and still havent, to put on my own website, so rather than get back to actually working on that i figured this was easier for now.

plus ive been doing mine since january with about 75 posts, so its cool to look back and see how my attitude might have changed over the year adn stuff.