View Full Version : My latest movie viewings & thoughts...

30-Oct-2007, 07:09 PM
Ratatouille, Wrong Turn 2, Pleasantville:




Yep, I've been busy. :lol:

*sarcasm detector machine explodes* :p

30-Oct-2007, 07:44 PM
This was a good round. I'm oddly happy that you enjoyed Pleasantville and I haven't gotten to see Ratatouille, so I appreciate an even-handed approach.

As far as Wrong Turn 2 is concerned I don't know if I'll ever see it, so I will take your word for it. The only thing I find myself wondering is if there are any cute girls in it. Why? I don't know why I should care (the advent of mass media making cute girl images available everywhere), but the first one had, I think, two very cute girls and that's all that I carried away from that film...well, that and this image of huuuuuuuge (I mean ewok huge) trees that somehow must have been introduced to the Appalachians behind the back of the general dendrological community.

Anyway, keep a' bloggin'.

31-Oct-2007, 12:40 AM
I agree with your thoughts on Michael Moore but I think a lot of his popularity stems from his endless barrage of Bush-hate speech ... not to say that everyone who hates him becomes famous but it doesn't hurt! Controversy sells. I thought Bowling for Columbine was a good film but it dragged on and on and I felt a lot of it could've been done better.

If you ever have the time check out 'Maxed out' and 'Wal Mart, the High Cost of Low Prices' they're two of my fav docus...

Sorry to see you didn't care for WT2... I'm still waiting to see it... its somewhere between Mr Brooks and Candy on my Netflix...

31-Oct-2007, 11:44 AM
I've seen the Wal*Mart doc, pretty good, kinda rough around the edges, but some of the practices of the company are well dodgy.

Wrong Turn 2 - there's one chick in it who gets her kit off briefly, then there's a nice looking chick, but she's a total bitch for the first half all self-preservation-society type. Then there's an average looking chick who's just dull-as-a-baseball, a skanky looking chick at the start who doesn't last long (of course, lol) ... and then there's a couple of fit-as-fook inbred hillbillies ... *sarcasm machine dissolves with the sheer force of the sarcasm* :lol:

If you fancy watching two inbred hillbilly freak siblings shagging each other, then this is your movie. :lol:

It was complete pish.

Pleasantville on the other hand, was a joy to watch. :)

31-Oct-2007, 06:38 PM
I thought the Wal Mart pic was brutal... I mean they actually have vans at every store to spy on employees? WTF? They're as sick as the Barnum & Bailey circus that spied on a reporter who gave them a bad review for like 30 years.

Maxed Out is awesome because it shows how companies literally conspire to put you in debt up to your eyeballs. And they also show the ruthless tactics collection companies utilize to get you to pay your bill and whats so repulsive to me is that its legal for them to call your friends and neighbors and family and priest and tell them you owe money and to fork up the dough. In the end they get dramatic and show how many people kill themselves every year due to debt and the humiliation of being in debt and the general feeling like you may never live to see the day where you are out of debt. And its no wonder why most people never get out from under debt... especially when the credit card companies who you owe 50k to and kinda make you want to kill yourself send you more pre-approved applications and credit cards in the mail 3 months after you were last seen alive and two days after the police find your car and lifeless body in the local river.

I feel like sin city isn't Vegas anymore its just the entire country. You get card after card in the mail tempting you to lose everything but with the possibility of having it all and its too great for people to handle.