View Full Version : I just think this is funny...

31-Oct-2007, 12:27 AM

Makings of a good B list movie right there... ooo or a straight to dvd joy ride 2

darth los
31-Oct-2007, 02:42 AM

Makings of a good B list movie right there... ooo or a straight to dvd joy ride 2

So that's where the source material for the movie 8 heads in a duffel bag came from. This guy must be assigned to the x files or something. He has a list of wierd things that he's encountered comparable to this incident. I'd like to hear what they were actually. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE !!:confused:

31-Oct-2007, 02:44 AM
I'm just wondering what the hell were the heads in? Clear plastic ziploc bags? Were they freezer bags? Didn't they smell? Did they leak any fluids? Were they on ice? Did the cop just happen to see them or did he smell something and feel he could then search the cab? Or maybe they were like in the foot well of the truck... and if so what kinda sickie driver likes to have an audience when he does his job? I'm just wondering... we as 'the people' must have answers! I demand to know! My body being donated to zombification research depends on it!

darth los
31-Oct-2007, 02:51 AM
My body being donated to zombification research depends on it!

So you'd like to see how the other half lives? I see that's a page from cholo's school of thought. If i were you i'd stick to cryogenics. It just seems like a sounder theory. If eternal life is what you're looking for. On the other hand if your goal is to slowly rot, be able to withstand a couple dozen desert eagle slugs in your belly and faithfully reenact dialouge like "hello aunt alicia", then it sounds as if zombification is right up your alley my friend.

31-Oct-2007, 02:54 AM
I just wanna live forever... in infamy just isn't gonna happen so ...zombification it is... i've got a relative who did the cryogenic path but that creeps me out I feel like i'll end up an ice cube in some sickies scotch on the rocks... and if its not Revelstone then I dont want it!

01-Nov-2007, 03:20 PM
The heads were specimens used in medical training in Fort Worth and were headed back to a company in Little Rock, Royse City police Lt. Jim Baker said.

Wasn't there another Jim Baker who had a problem concerning heads... or head maybe?:p

"There is more regulation about shipping a head of lettuce out of California than shipping a human head," said Dr. Todd R. Olson, director of the Anatomical Donation Program at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

I should hope so, since I EAT lettuce and DO NOT eat human heads...
