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View Full Version : 'Iron Man' Game Screenshots

darth los
31-Oct-2007, 11:41 PM
Iron Man is not only one of the most hotly-anticipated films of the upcoming year, but there's also a videogame to go along with it that's going to be similarly anticipated. Well, our friends over at Crave Online have a couple of early screenshots of said game to make your mouth water and help you imagine what it will be like to inhabit Tony Stark's mech suit.

Why not go over there and check them out? What you'll notice right off the bat is that the graphics are good, and that the suit is the classic rust-and-gold combo that fans really love. But, don't take our word for it. Why not jet over to Crave Online and see?

The screenshots look sick. Hoever, I can't help but think back to the eternal question: Is it actually in game footage or a cgi sequence?


01-Nov-2007, 01:53 AM
It looks nice, lets hope that is real gameplay footage and not the cgi cut scenes.

Also, lets hope that the game is good and not another game made for a moive that is a bomb.

01-Nov-2007, 05:22 AM
Funny you should post this, I just unlocked him and Gene Simmons on THUG (best Tony Hawk game ever btw).

01-Nov-2007, 08:27 PM
Ohhh Marvels Iron Man :bored:

01-Nov-2007, 08:34 PM
Meh. Looks okay and all...but i'm more of a DC guy.

darth los
02-Nov-2007, 01:47 AM
Meh. Looks okay and all...but i'm more of a DC guy.

BLASPHEMY !! :stunned:

02-Nov-2007, 07:44 AM
Meh. Looks okay and all...but i'm more of a DC guy.

I like DC too, but Marvel has better story lines in my opinion. Everything in DC always has to be this epic event that "Will change the DC comics forever" and in the end, its not that big of an event and really didn't change much.

But I do have one question, where the hell is Ray Palmer!?

Yeah, I am a comic geek.

02-Nov-2007, 02:26 PM
I like DC too, but Marvel has better story lines in my opinion. Everything in DC always has to be this epic event that "Will change the DC comics forever" and in the end, its not that big of an event and really didn't change much.

But I do have one question, where the hell is Ray Palmer!?

Yeah, I am a comic geek.

I'm not really into comics all that much. I was a bit more into them when I was younger, but not anymore. I really just meant the characters. Batman, Superman, etc etc.

I've never really been able to get into Xmen, Spiderman, etc etc. Although I did enjoy the film adaptations. To me, there's more depth and meaning in the characters in the DC universe.

02-Nov-2007, 02:45 PM
im a longtime marvel fan, but every decent old school story like new x men or runaways you get this "collect 50 different comics to get the sotry, wich turns out to be a prequel to another story" crap.

as for dc ive been getting into that more, especially the sinestro corps war i the green lanterns (as i demonstrated when talking about a green lantern wearing a yellow condom in my last radio show:lol:) that said i hate how the characters dont mean **** anymore, the new flash wasnt shiftign comics, so do they stop printing?, no they kill him off after like a dozen issues and bring back the previous one, thats just more sale oreintated than actually keeping the comics going, though maybe im the only one who dug impulse as he new flash but hey. the point still stands.

02-Nov-2007, 02:50 PM
im a longtime marvel fan, but every decent old school story like new x men or runaways you get this "collect 50 different comics to get the sotry, wich turns out to be a prequel to another story" crap.

as for dc ive been getting into that more, especially the sinestro corps war i the green lanterns (as i demonstrated when talking about a green lantern wearing a yellow condom in my last radio show:lol:) that said i hate how the characters dont mean **** anymore, the new flash wasnt shiftign comics, so do they stop printing?, no they kill him off after like a dozen issues and bring back the previous one, thats just more sale oreintated than actually keeping the comics going, though maybe im the only one who dug impulse as he new flash but hey. the point still stands.

Have you heard about the Justice League film? I really wouldn't care, but they're fast tracking it to get it done before the strike in Hollywood, so this means there will be two different Batmans and Supermans at the same time.

If they let Nolan finish his Batman trilogy, I wouldn't care.....but they're just going to spoil it and confuse people. Anyway....my original point is that you'll see the Flash on the big screen for the first time. But it will probably suck.:rolleyes: