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View Full Version : Jericho: Survival Horror on the next gen

03-Nov-2007, 03:45 PM
I bought this game yesterday after downloading the demo and playing it numerous times, this game looked sh*t hot to me. The graphics were good some truly epic moments in the game but it was the gameplay that made this game so good.

For those of you who dont know what the game is about heres the rundown:
"It turns out God dabbled in creation before he unveiled mankind, but didn’t like His handywork. The Firstborn was too grotesquely powerful, so God banished it to the abyss and created the much more acceptable human race. This didn’t sit well with the fledgling being, and it’s been attempting to destroy Earth ever since. Your task as a special forces “warrior magician” is to stop God’s original mistake once and for all using your occult powers and an arsenal of modern weaponry"

It has got mixed reviews so far with the clot being a bit too cheesy for some and the graphics not being world breakingly great. Dont get me wrong they are beautiful and to be flung away by a demon and land in a puddle having the droplets cover youre characters is a nifty little feature.

Seven members of Jericho each with their own magical powers and of course firearms against a horde and I do mean HORDE of undead and other ghouls. You can change from member throughout the game so if you want to mow down the dead with a minigun feel free but if you want the speed then switch to the sword wielding beauty. You need to keep youre team alive, if they fall you can ressurrect them but the fact that they are constantly yelling that so and so is fu**ed up and Dont die on me! It sounds corny but when youre being over run by rotting hell lurkers and youre suited and booted elite team is being torn apart it fits perfectly.

One thing I liked about this game was the fact that it felt brutish, what I mean by this is that in for example halo you can bounce and yeah you can melee but you dont feel like its that neccessary. In this game even with the machineguns and magic you will need to do some serious damage with youre fists to survive. You see the faint figures hissing in the distance, you take up positions and open fire dropping a few but soon they are on you hissing and clawing and Black is down, Jenkins is down, youre out of ammo, you slam the butt of youre gun into the side of the head of one of the monsterous things with a thick blood spurt. You can ressurect team mates and even though there are seven of them and they are trained and armed its still a pretty wild ride. I know what youre thinking zombies vs machineguns and magic no worries, many times Ive found myself falling backwards with one other member while the other lies on their side yelling for help. A fist to the face is followed by rifle fire as the remainder of the team tries to fall back to the ruins.

Ive said enough already but one last thing is the button bashing, in this game events will occur where you will quickly need to hit buttons to survive. You miss one button and youre utterly screwballed. An example of this is after an explosion one of the jericho squad wakes up ontop of a rotting corpse, its eyes shoot open screams " we will have youre face in time" and tries to gore youre eyes out. You hit the right button you can knock her arm away, right again stop her spewing acid on you, the right button you can stop her strangling you and finally you can headbutt her and so on. These are not always fights but its always good to be kept on the edge of youre seat and this does that, it may be annoying at times but the game is a rush.

The story is intresting, the graphics are good, the AI is good, the horror is beautiful in a biblical way, the controlls are simple, the replayability is defintly there. The downside is its one player and no network play. If youre looking to seriously get into a game and its story try Jericho you wont be disapointed.


03-Nov-2007, 04:18 PM
ive played it and all in all i find it to be a midocre fps game that tries, and fails, to do too much with to little, but too little would have been prefferable, there are too many characters which have unbalanced powers and levels must be replayed multiple times becuase of the terrible a.i of the characters when your not in control killing themselves, so you spend most of the game healing them instead of actually shooting yourself.
level wise it looked cool but still, take away the textures and you have a pretty run of the mill level set up. all in all its not very good, could have been much better and id stick with half life 2 myself.

03-Nov-2007, 05:10 PM
Gah I hated half life two..Bah.

03-Nov-2007, 05:11 PM
really?, even the "we dont go to ravenholm" level?, that was a slice of horror at its finest.

03-Nov-2007, 05:16 PM
Alright youve got me with the Ravenholm bit but apart from that I felt like the game was just an average fps..Oh yeah some big walkers but really nothing special.The dislike turned to hate thanks to alot of my friends worshipping the game. Horror at its finest? Ill take the intestine covered floors of Jericho over a few zombies..They werent zombies just hosts to the crabs. Bah.

Its funny you think Jericho is an average fps and I think Half life 2 is. Whats next are you going to tell me devil may cry is a dull piece of tedium filled childrens game? :rockbrow: