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View Full Version : Just saw the movie. what I think. (spoilers)

12-Apr-2006, 02:38 AM
Well in the begining credits I think they copied from house on haunted hill and the whole idea of that black zombie (not to be racist) was rediculas how the hell do zombies get there fking brains back, there dead an ROTTING GAR reall fked up by letting them be smart. OH and that leguizama (sp) guy how the hell does he get smart being a zombie when ur supposed to hunt for any kinda flesh not just a certain persons

12-Apr-2006, 08:14 AM
Whiiiiirrrrrrr, Clunnk, Click, Zzzzzzzumcerchuck ....

Warning : Blunt Filter Will Self Activate in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Activated ... Beep, Beep, Beep ...

*Puts fingers in ears* ... La La Laaaaa La La Laaaaaaaaaa :lol:

12-Apr-2006, 09:20 AM
Sometimes it's just too easy.

12-Apr-2006, 10:14 AM
Well Mortis,

You share the exact same feelings that most LOTD viewers have. The camp on this film is probably 50/50 and by your comments we know exactly what side of the camp you fall on. Welcome to the void.

I think it is safe to say... Big Daddy is the Jar Jar of the Living Dead series.

12-Apr-2006, 10:36 AM
*ahem ... stands on the pro-Land side o' the line*



12-Apr-2006, 11:19 AM
I love Land, but it's not without its faults. Big Daddy's acting is questionable a lot of the time, but the overall movie is great. What's the issue with a black zombie? We had Ben, Peter and Flyboy, so why not a zombie this time around?

Well Mortis,

You share the exact same feelings that most LOTD viewers have. The camp on this film is probably 50/50 and by your comments we know exactly what side of the camp you fall on. Welcome to the void.

I think it is safe to say... Big Daddy is the Jar Jar of the Living Dead series.

12-Apr-2006, 11:20 AM
Damn right MZ, he the MAN!:cool:

And what's more, he pities the fool!

12-Apr-2006, 12:36 PM
Well if he pities the fool, shouldn't he be Mr. T Big Daddy Zombie or something?

12-Apr-2006, 03:00 PM
*Puts fingers in ears* ... La La Laaaaa La La Laaaaaaaaaa

Spoken like a true GAR fanboy.:rolleyes:

12-Apr-2006, 03:36 PM
Spoken like a true GAR fanboy.:rolleyes:

Spoken like a true as$hole ... the same "cryboy" as$hole you always was :rolleyes:

What's the issue with a black zombie? We had Ben, Peter and Flyboy, so why not a zombie this time around?

Just to clarify ... Flyboy was white, with a bit of red later on ;)

12-Apr-2006, 04:34 PM
Mr. T is just friggin' great - could you imagine a cross between B.A. Baracus and a zombie? "I pity the fool who don't eat brains!", "I ain't gettin' on no zombie plane, sucka!" ... etc. :D

12-Apr-2006, 05:21 PM

I think Mortis was referring to the Flyboy from Day of the Dead. John was called Flyboy by Capt. Rhodes.

12-Apr-2006, 05:27 PM
Yeah, that's who I meant.


I think Mortis was referring to the Flyboy from Day of the Dead. John was called Flyboy by Capt. Rhodes.

13-Apr-2006, 03:22 AM
Spoken like a true as$hole ... the same "cryboy" as$hole you always was

Overall, that was about as weak as the rest of the Alpha Dog saga, but that's besides the point.:D

13-Apr-2006, 04:59 AM
Well in the begining credits I think they copied from house on haunted hill and the whole idea of that black zombie (not to be racist) was rediculas how the hell do zombies get there fking brains back, there dead an ROTTING GAR reall fked up by letting them be smart. OH and that leguizama (sp) guy how the hell does he get smart being a zombie when ur supposed to hunt for any kinda flesh not just a certain persons

Intelegence, seemingly little to no reasoning power, but basic skills remain and more remembered behaviour from normal life... there are reports of these creatures using tools, but even these actions are the most pimitive, the use of external articals such as bludgeons and so fourth, i may point out to you even animals would adopt the basic use of tools in this manner. these creatures are nothing but pure, motorized instinct.

Dr Millard Rouch - Dawn of the Dead

The behaviour of zombies is mainly remembered from their lives and instinct. there's examples of this all throughout the trilogy.. mainly from bub. if their taught properly they can learn. but the interesting thing is, bub learnt from imitating logan and i always thought without logan (ie after day finished) bub would of forgotten what he learnt and returned to a more normal state for a zombie.

so i do think zombies could be conditioned to be inteligent but only with constant help (like bub and logan) so i agree with you that there's no way "big daddy" could of learnt by himself out there and GAR did make abit of a cock up there.. but i also disagree with your statement that "there dead an ROTTING GAR reall fked up by letting them be smart."

13-Apr-2006, 05:19 AM
Well in the begining credits I think they copied from house on haunted hill and the whole idea of that black zombie (not to be racist) was rediculas how the hell do zombies get there fking brains back, there dead an ROTTING GAR reall fked up by letting them be smart. OH and that leguizama (sp) guy how the hell does he get smart being a zombie when ur supposed to hunt for any kinda flesh not just a certain persons

I agree it is kinda stupid to have zombies get smart. What i would have liked to see in the movie is Big daddy ((or what ever the main zombies name was))) should have looked more decomposed. he looked like a new zombie. I saw no wounds on him or blood, just a somewhat rotted looking face. I would also liked him to feast on a body. After all thats what zombies do best!:D :p

13-Apr-2006, 02:13 PM
I agree it is kinda stupid to have zombies get smart.
why is that a "stupid" idea? It makes perfect sense. Have you watched all 4 movies?

14-Apr-2006, 02:31 PM
Overall, that was about as weak as the rest of the Alpha Dog saga, but that's besides the point.:D

And that was about as weak and predictable as the rest of your childish bait posts, but that just goes to show :lol:

14-Apr-2006, 02:52 PM
What I find interesting is how most of the GAR die-hards have major problems with the relatively fresh corpses of the Dawn remake running "like track stars"...and yet they have no problem with a brain that's been rotting for months (or even years) getting smarter over time.:rolleyes:

Blatant continuation of bait post edited by Mod. 5 warning points and a two day ban.

14-Apr-2006, 02:54 PM
What I find interesting is how most of the GAR die-hards have major problems with the relatively fresh corpses of the Dawn remake running "like track stars"...and yet they have no problem with a brain that's been rotting for months (or even years) getting smarter over time.:rolleyes:
It's never the ones that fit in the "with a brain that's been rotting for months (or even years)" catagory that "gets smarter"

Harold W Brown
16-Apr-2006, 12:49 AM
What I find interesting is how most of the GAR die-hards have major problems with the relatively fresh corpses of the Dawn remake running "like track stars"...

Diehard here...I never had a problem with the LOGIC of fresh corpses running. I just dislike its tonal, narrative, and aesthetic value. I don't think it's stupid or silly (it's walking corpses, c'mon!), I just don't prefer it to the shambling yet relentless onslaught of a good two or three hundred corpses. (And more importantly, the choices humans make when faced with that seemingly conquerable phenom. Who has time to think when your deceased loved one is tearing ass after you down the street?)

If we're talking what's more "scary", I haven't been scared by a zombie movie since NOTLD. When I was 9...

16-Apr-2006, 01:02 AM
i just saw land also and i enjoyed it on the whole but thats prolly because i dont feel the need to be so harsh on judging a movie. was i bored No i wasent,
was i scared no not really, did i care i wasent scared ...no not really.

i watched a movie i didnt read an essay on social commentary and sit there pondering why they use money or why/how/if big daddy should be smart. So i think thats why i enjoyed it i didnt let all the small things take the fun of walking corpses eating people away.

im not gonna fight with anyone or nuthin i just wanted to get that out there.
Im also not saying you arnt allowed to judge the movie or whatever just that i didnt.

16-Apr-2006, 02:35 PM
The core is the last thing to be hit by the decay, as Dr. Logan said. For all we know, the brain of the zombies may not be rotting after all! If that was the case, most zombies would have been reduced to bones by the time Land of the Dead takes place, but it is not so. We can assume that zombies do not decay in the same way regular corpses do, if for no other reason than to explain why the zombies are still walking three years after the "curse" first started!

Basic intelligence is inevidable for a creature with two gripping hands. I agree that without their memories, the zombies would never have had the time to evolve: They would have died out before they got past the "use hammer to smash in skull" stadium. But using tools in such ways most likely brings back memories. Seeing things would bring back memories. Eventually, these memories start to dominate more and more. I mean, even the simplest zombies in Land showed some kind of intelligence. The butcher, the teenage couple etc. etc. Not just Big Daddy.

16-Apr-2006, 10:51 PM
i liked Land

big daddy was a little bit of a stretch
i understand what GAR was trying to do but
i think he took it a little too far

and yes i found it odd that big daddy never
took a bite out of anyone

Spider Rico
17-Apr-2006, 03:02 AM
Big Daddy died quietly in his garage due to lack of insulin. He was a diabetic.:D

17-Apr-2006, 06:07 AM
To quote a famous resident of Los Angeles, "Can't we all just get along?"