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05-Nov-2007, 01:31 PM
Has anyone else dealt with this? Normally, stuff I don't let stuff like this get under my skin, but after getting several claims that I was ripping off Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead' with my story "Getto Halocaust", I'm pretty mad. I just wish that some people would have been a little more considerate to ask me what my aims were with the story before making such claims.
Not one of them bothered to ask me just how much effort I put into making that tribute story as close to the movie as possible. I doubt that they are aware that I repeatedly watched those scenes from that portion of the film, sometimes more than a dozen times, over the course of several hours while writing, just to get everything, even the small movements of characters that only had few seconds screen time, as right on as possible.
Sorry for the rant, but those comments caught me at a really bad time.

05-Nov-2007, 02:17 PM
lol, nothing in this world will be well recieved with everyone, thats just the nature of ,well any creative medium. you cant really get pissed becuase someone said that, does it take away from your work in any way?

06-Nov-2007, 09:17 PM
For what it is worth, I read and enjoyed it. No one is going to like everything, and some folks have no idea how to offer constructive complaints.

10-Nov-2007, 10:35 PM
Well, I thank you both for your words. Actually, I felt very bad about even posting this, as I was over the whole incident an hour later. Normally, I never let anything someone says about my work or myself get to me, but like I said, that person just picked the worst possible day to send me an 'insult mail'.

11-Nov-2007, 01:06 AM
Well, I thank you both for your words. Actually, I felt very bad about even posting this, as I was over the whole incident an hour later. Normally, I never let anything someone says about my work or myself get to me, but like I said, that person just picked the worst possible day to send me an 'insult mail'.

If I don't like a story, I simply give it a low score, I have emailed one or two writers here (a couple of years ago) because I really enjoyed what they were writing.

But as the old saying goes "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" - So, don't let the bastards get you down, I bet the folks who wrote you the hate mail never actually bother to write nice emails to the writers of stories they enjoyed.

16-Nov-2007, 03:26 AM
I enjoyed your story, too. I gave it a high rating and you're one of my favorite authors to read on the fiction forum. I had something similar happen to me recently. Well, not somebody accusing me of plagerism, but I did have one fellow say that one of my stories was implausible because I had zombies shooting guns. Now, on a technical level I guess I can see what the chap is talking about. But -- c'mon, you gotta sometimes disbelieve reality when you read fiction stories in the first place. I mean, if we're gonna question zombies pulling triggers, we might as question why the dead is up from the ground in hordes and killing people in the first place.

Anyway, just put the negative comments behind you and keep on keepin' on.

19-Nov-2007, 12:40 AM
It doesn't bother me much. I got a few negative comments for my story Deadrise, but most of those were respectful and I chalk them up to constructive criticism.

19-Nov-2007, 03:46 AM
Agreed. Even the criticisms are good, because it helps you fill holes that a writer is naturally blind to, no matter how many times he or she reads through copy with an editing pen. It's one of the reasons I post certain stories on here. The feedback (and lesser extent, the rating) is crucial. Then I rewrite them, and send them out for publication.

19-Nov-2007, 04:29 AM
That is so very true. And another thing about critisim is that it helps us as writers to discover our particular flaws and improve on them. I still feel bad about getting so rilled up about the one jerk that started this thread. But aside from him, most other critisims have been very helpful.
And relic, don't feel so bad about the 'improbable' scenario of zombies using guns. I wrote one about a religious cult of smart zombies that believed eating a virgin girl on the night of a full moon would make them human again. As writers, if we feel that the concept of the story, no matter what it is, is good, then it doesn't matter what others think about it.

19-Nov-2007, 08:06 AM
i dont ever send out negative comments
and i dont rate the story low either

i just rate it a 5 so my rating doesnt
bring the overall rating up or down

i rate it so i know i read it already
not to slam it

i will send out positive comments if i like something
and will rate it high to the overall rating up

no reason to be mean to others
if you didnt shoot my dog. rape my wife, and molest my kids
then i dont see any reason to be cruel about something so petty

20-Nov-2007, 01:25 AM
I wrote one about a religious cult of smart zombies that believed eating a virgin girl on the night of a full moon would make them human again.

What was the name of that one? Sounds interesting.

20-Nov-2007, 04:12 AM
Job Offer. Not one of my favorites, but hey, have at it.

20-Nov-2007, 05:54 AM
no reason to be mean to others
if you didnt shoot my dog. rape my wife, and molest my kids
then i dont see any reason to be cruel about something so petty

so to clrify, if someone DID all that stuff it'd go down like this

"oho, sire i have just shot your dog,
raped your wife,
and molested your kids!
*que high pitched titter*"

"well that may be,
but you sir are a mediocre writer of fiction in the zombie horror subgenre!"

"how dare you!"

"dare i do!"

"nooooo!, my one weakness, criticism of my fan fiction!"

*molester man, who i imagine wears a monocledisaapears with a pop adn a whiff of smoke*


20-Nov-2007, 01:29 PM

Add some zombies to that, and you've got a good story brewing there! ;)

22-Nov-2007, 12:09 AM
Yeah Hellsing

it usually goes something like that

when i come home and find the dog dead
and the kids and wife are not around
then its "not again...."

22-Nov-2007, 01:59 AM
do you happen to live in kazakhstan near boltov the rapist by any chance?:lol:

22-Nov-2007, 09:18 PM
He was a nice boy
He used to cut my lawn