View Full Version : parents tkae kids ps3, he hires a hitman

06-Nov-2007, 09:24 AM

:lol: ,bloody hell fire kids nowadays have problems.

06-Nov-2007, 01:04 PM
:eek: Wow. That kid has got some serious issues and needs to be sentenced to a psych home for at least a little bit, so his brain can be probed.

07-Nov-2007, 02:31 PM
indeed, the kid needs therapy to say the least....

I was reading on the halo forum that a kid hit his mother and locked himself in his room because she wanted him to turn off Halo 3....the parents ended up calling the cops!!

^^ which has already been posted here, I see.

07-Nov-2007, 06:03 PM
He needs the sh!t kicked out of him.

07-Nov-2007, 06:29 PM
No, he's just a kid...he doesn't deserve that.

What he DOES deserve was parents who'd teach him morals, ethics and most of all respect - then this situation wouldn't be happening. Its ALWAYS the parents.....same with the Halo 3 kid.

07-Nov-2007, 09:31 PM
the kid had misbehaved, so they took the playstation off him as punishment for being bad, he then proceeded to try adn hire a hitman to kill them, how is it the parents fault for trying to discipline there child?:rockbrow:

07-Nov-2007, 10:18 PM

i agree...this kid should have his thumbs broken or something...what a stupid spoiled a$$hat.

08-Nov-2007, 09:42 AM
You think maybe there's been something wrong with the parenting at some point to produce a kid who'll hire Agent 47 to cap his folks over taking his console away. Be they sucky parents, or they spoiled him far too much and then never disciplined him, I duno...

But what is for definite, the kid is a nob'ed and deserves a public spanking...with a baseball bat.

08-Nov-2007, 11:42 AM
the kid had misbehaved, so they took the playstation off him as punishment for being bad, he then proceeded to try adn hire a hitman to kill them, how is it the parents fault for trying to discipline there child?

-- -----------

sorry reply with quote is bjorrrrrrked

Look what I'm saying is, if the parents had raised a kid who responded well to such small discipline, they wouldn't be having this problem. The kid has learnt this behaviour from somewhere, he's learnt to not respect his parents or their rules, the house he lives in...in fact they must've done a LOT more than this for him to hate them so much, because even though I don't have such a great relationship with my parents, I've never thought about hiring a hitman. this stuff has come from somewhere, and I'd put all my money on it being the parents..

the kid had misbehaved, so they took the playstation off him as punishment for being bad, he then proceeded to try adn hire a hitman to kill them, how is it the parents fault for trying to discipline there child?:rockbrow:

You think maybe there's been something wrong with the parenting at some point to produce a kid who'll hire Agent 47 to cap his folks over taking his console away. Be they sucky parents, or they spoiled him far too much and then never disciplined him, I duno...

But what is for definite, the kid is a nob'ed and deserves a public spanking...with a baseball bat.

OH it works for your post!

haha...yeah I agree.

the kid needs real psychological help, he's just a kid....breaking his thumbs or causing him pain isn't going to cure his mental illness...I actualyl feel sorry for him because he's probably got ZERO opportunities now and its only going to create yet another monster in society.

08-Nov-2007, 12:43 PM

you can't lay all the blame on the parents, though. i'd be much more apt to place a bet on society as a whole as being the most responsible party.

08-Nov-2007, 01:36 PM
Interesting thing, I saw on the news last night a quote from that guy who shot up a school in Europe, Switzerland was it? Sweden? I duno, one beginning with "S".

Anyway, in his 'sign off' message or whatever, he owned up to it being purely him, don't blame his parents or friends - and here's the interesting bit - don't blame the games/music/movies he plays/listens to/watches.

I bet Jack Thompson will still make a bloody bru-ha-ha about it being down to videogames regardless. :rolleyes:

08-Nov-2007, 03:33 PM
it was finland....!

How very odd that he said that, I blame Romero!!


you can't lay all the blame on the parents, though. i'd be much more apt to place a bet on society as a whole as being the most responsible party.

One of the best and smartest things someone ever said to me, I was working a long ass shift in an edit suite doing a ****ty comp reel for a teleshopping channel and somehow we got onto a similar conversation...the editor at the time (I was producer, now I'm an editor myself lol) said to me: "when a child sees something, he sees it for the first time"

and that got me thinking - sure society does play a role, but at the end of the day the mechanisms the child has learnt to deal with the bad elements of society comes directly from the parents the moment he or she is born. For instance, teaching your kid not to hang out with the wrong crowd will prevent them from becoming part of a gang or group of undesireable people, the social influence you're talking about....similarly, teaching a kid not to respond negatively to the bad situations he or she may face will mean that kid grows up knowing the difference between seeing something, and copying/becoming something.

Every kid is exposed to bad and unfortuante thigns in their lives, but right from birth, that kid is given a direct influence from his parents and THAT is what determines whether that kid will go off the rails...

So I still say, its the parents fault...

08-Nov-2007, 06:16 PM
Whoops, oh yeah, Finland...duno why I had Switzerland on the brain...hmmm...


08-Nov-2007, 06:47 PM
Blame switzerland for everything!!

Except chocolate...

Oh and power metal....


08-Nov-2007, 10:15 PM
Ah mate, a mate of mine who lived in Switzerland for about a year brought back a bunch of Swiss chocolate for his chums (including me) and goddamn it was f*cking superb. :cool:

Comparing Swiss chocolate to the average British slab of Dairy Milk, is like comparing a classic sports car to a old VW Golf...both do the same job, but one is just so much more finessed.

08-Nov-2007, 10:55 PM
"Mr.M zombie: the jeremy clarkson of choclate":lol:

09-Nov-2007, 10:32 AM
"Mr.M zombie: the jeremy clarkson of choclate":lol:
*takes a breath* in the worrrrllllld... :D