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View Full Version : Dead grass = Ticket? WTF?

08-Nov-2007, 12:27 AM
So I'm reading my AARP newsletter... annnnd here's a story that made me sad ...

When a police officer came to Betty Perry's door this past July, the 70-year-old Orem, Utah, resident says, she didn't have a clue why. As it turned out, the problem lay right before Perry's eyes: her brown lawn. The unsightly grass violated the city's zoning ordinance, so the officer began writing her a ticket. Perry started to go back into her house. None too pleased that she refused to give her name and was attempting to leave, the officer handcuffed Perry and hauled her to jail. When the officers superiors learned of their new inmate, Perry was released after about an hour and was assured no charges would be filed. Months later, however, she is facing charges for failing to maintain her landscaping and resisting arrest, both misdemeanors. High-profile LA attorney Gloria Allred appeared with her when she entered her not guilty pleas. "You cannot arrest somebody because their grass is brown," Perry says. "Thats the most unconstitutional thing." Orem City Attorney Paul Johnson says Perry had spoken with an officer about her lawn last year and was aware of the landscaping ordinance. Johnson also insists Perrys lawn had nothing to do with her arrest. "When she's fighting with a police officer and wanting to get away from him, she's not going to get away with that," he says. A trial is set for Feb. 11, 2008.

Frankly in a time where the cost of living is rising faster than the minimum wage and when it takes social security disability benefits 3 years to be denied to a person who can't work anymore due to obvious disabilities how the hell dare we ticket someone for having a lawn they dont water? Dont we have bigger fish to fry? Maybe she can't afford water to water her lawn ... perhaps the city should set aside funds for low income families so they dont get ticketed for such things. I MEAN REALLY WTF?

08-Nov-2007, 01:08 AM
huh. thats really something you think "nuh-uh" when you first hear it.

really?, arrests for brown grass?, the irony of the phrase "home of the free" must be lost on some people.

08-Nov-2007, 02:27 AM
Well it makes sense that she was arrested after refusing to give her name (though IMHO out of line in terms of the police officer... considering i'm sure he has access to a system that would enable him to lookup her name by her address) ... but for him to say a 70 year old woman resisted arrest? You've got to be kidding me. I'm typically a big defender of the police whether they're ticketing someone or whatever but I can honestly see how this cop may well have lied about her resistance and I sincerely doubt he *had* to arrest her. The guy was being a dill hole. I mean what? Do they troll the streets looking for dead grass so they can ticket homeowners? Isn't that what HOAs are for? To tell people what's visually appealing and to appropriately ticket those who agree to such a rule and then break it? Its kinda riddick that you'd even have to follow any city zoning rule on appearances since odds are you didn't vote for it if you're violating it.